What is your name, Where were you born, and Where do you live now?
My name is Cathering Stovall. I was born in Orlando, Florida and I have lived in many places. I currently call Southeast Missouri my home.
What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?
Stolen: Book One of the Requiem of Humanity series. Releasing at the end of 2011.
Summary: Not your typical teen vampire story, Stolen brings the bite back to YA. Even tender moments are fraught with danger.
Do you have plans for a new book? Is it part of a series?
Book two of the series, Reborn, is complete and Book three, Requiem is nearing completion. I am also working on two other novels. The first is about a teen girl who discovers she is part Fairy and is taken to the Underworld to help cure a deadly curse. The second is about a young woman who discovers she is the ancestor of a Wiccan Goddess and must fight to reclaim her world. I am sort of an ADD writer. I bounce back an forth between them as the inspiration takes me.
How long have you been writing? Who or What inspired you to write?
I have been writing short stories and poetry since I was eleven. Stolen is my first novel and I wrote it last year at the age of 29. I am inspired by every part of life, good,or bad. Music and my family tend to lend me the most inspiration.
Do you gift books to readers?
Because Stolen hasn't been released yet I have not done so yet, but it is something I plan to do.
How do you come up with the title and cover designs for your book/books?
The titles and cover art ideas just come as part of the writing process. Usually they present themselves early on.
Who designed the covers of your book/books?
Christy Webber , and amazing talented artist and my sister, created the cover for The Requiem Of Humanity Series from my crazy ramblings.You can view her other works at her website www.christyweber.webs.com
Have you ever based characters on people that you know or based events on things that have happened to you?
I often use the first names of people that I know but the characters are one hundred percent different. Though the events of Stolen did not happen to me there is quite a bit of real events wrapped up in the story to lend it believability.
Is there an author that influenced you in writing?
Anne Rice is a huge inspiration for me. Her characters are incredibly three-dimensional.
What format of book do you prefer(ebook,paperback of hardcover)?
I will always love the feel and comfort of a floppy old paperback or the smell of an old hardback but, ebooks are definitely more convenient and affordable. I don'y think I could choose between the three.
Do you think that books transfer to movies well? and which is your favourite/worst book to movie transfer?
I think that most book to movie transfers lose many of the important details. I think they did a great job with The Road by Cormac McCarthy. The worst is hands down The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice.
What are you currently reading? are you enjoying it?and what format is it?
Volume Four of The Sweep Series by Cate Tiernan. Its a wonderful read, and its paperback.
Is there anything in your book/books you would change now if you could and what would it be?
There is nothing i would change about Stolen. It was so much fun to write and the finished project is exactly how I dreamed it would be.
What do you think about book trailers?
I think they are a creative way to promote books. In today's age of technology, book trailers can help an author reach the younger high-tech generation.
What piece of advice would you give to a new writer?
Keep your faith and promote yourself. You will near "no" a lot more than "yes" but the one "yes" is all it takes.
Where can readers follow you?
Your web site ? www.catherinestovall.webs.com
Your facebook page? The Official Catherine Stovall Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001365572089#!/groups/133686233308403/
Your Twitter details? @CathStovall
Your facebook page? The Official Catherine Stovall Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001365572089#!/groups/133686233308403/
Your Twitter details? @CathStovall
Thankyou for taking the time out from your schedule to take part in this interview and by doing so giving us all a glimpse into your world of writing.
Great interview! I think you chose questions that really let the author give some great insights. : )
ReplyDeleteMy style of read! I'm going to start with Stolen. There was a divine guided path to my phone call, and I thought it was about WiFi, LOL. Thank you, you have given me some new inspiration and insight.