What is your
name, where were you born and where do you live now?
Kaiya Hart, Central Illinois, England
Did you always
want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
I've run through a lot of obsessions in my life,
but writing is the only thing that ever stuck.
When did you
first consider yourself as a "writer"?
About ten years ago, when I started my trilogy.
Did it take a
long time to get your first book published?
Actually, I hadn't been trying real hard to get
published; I just wrote for myself. Then another author suggested that I
self-publish and, when I saw how many people would have access to my book
immediately, I decided it was a wonderful opportunity. In all I spent a couple
months cleaning up Getting Thin, which was a few years old at that point, and
then I published it.
What is the
name of your latest book, and if you had to summarise it in less than 20 words
what would you say?
The Broken Tomb will be out within the next month.
It is the second book in my trilogy, 'The War For Inisfail'. It is a
continuation of the adventure of a group of friends as they try to rescue their
world from enslavement and domination by an evil Halfling.
Who is your
publisher? or do you self publish?
I self-publish.
How long does
it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing
writing it?
Well, so far I've only been publishing books that
I'd already written, so I don't have a true timeline. I know a rough draft can
take anywhere from a month and a half to three months, depending on the length
and depth of the story. Research can take me another month. Then the rewrites
can take another three months. I'd say, if I was to really focus on a new story
it would probably be anywhere between seven and twelve months from the first
word written to the last edit. I know it sounds like a lot. I believe every
story is worth a lot of work. I don't just want to put out a book. I want it to
look as professional as anything you might find on the shelves at Barnes and
Which of your
books were easier/harder to write than the others?

What can we
expect from you in the future?ie More books of the same genre? Books of a
different genre?
I'm all over the place. There is more epic fantasy,
a dark fantasy that will come out a few months after The Broken Tomb, and a
rough draft I am working on at the moment that is something of a steampunk
fairytale. I also have a horror novel planned, but it is still only in the idea
stages. Writing is something I live my life around. It keeps me sane. And I
have a lot of stories to tell.
Do you have
plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
I always have plans for a new book. I have to be
working. I'm not happy if there isn't some story going on in my head.
Do you have a
favourite out of the books you have written? If so why is it your favourite?
I don't choose favorites. Each one is an individual
to me and worthy of its own spot in my heart.
Do you have a
favourite character from your books? and why are they your favourite?
The answer usually surprises people; they always
assume it's Eva, from Getting Thin or Shea from the trilogy or even Galen, my
elf. The truth is, Mithala is my favorite character and always has been. She is
so fun to write. She isn't complicated or moody. She is just going along,
killing anything that gets in her way, and having a grand time doing it. When I
was younger, she was always the kind of character I was most drawn to. She is
just happy, even if her job is a bloody one, and I like happy people.
If you had to
choose to be one of your characters in your book/books which would you be? and
I'd either choose Mithala or Shea. I have always
liked swords, fighting, and horses. If I had a choice, I'd live in a place and
time where magic is real and every problem can be solved, so long as the
determination is there. Sometimes, our world just feels too complicated and
full of injustice. Sometimes I think what the world needs is an honest to
goodness superhero and I'd love to live in a world where that was possible.
How long have
you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write?
I was eighteen when I started. So that's a long
time. We won't talk about how long. My best friend was the person who put the
pen in my hand. My dad had been saying for years that I ought to be a writer,
though. I never listened to him; what teenager listens to their parents? Now, I
look back and see he planted that seed, my best friend watered it, and I'm
extremely grateful to them both.
Do you have a
certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain
Each book has its own soundtrack. I tend to pick
the songs out as I go along. Whenever I get really stumped, I start searching
through my music, which I have a lot of, looking for a song that fits the mood
of the book. It isn't always what I expect it to be. For Getting Thin I had
everything from 30 Seconds to Mars to Phantom of The Opera sung by Sarah
I don't tend to sit in one particular spot, but I
do write in the mornings. I'm not a morning person, but, for some reason, when
I am writing something new or editing, that is the time of day when I get the
most work done. If I don't get up and get to work before eight, then I know I
won't get anything done at all.
Do you gift
books to readers to do reviews?
Sometimes I do. My husband is in charge of that
part. Recently, he's started looking for people on Goodreads that review a lot
and offering them books. He tells them they don't have to review it, but an
honest opinion is appreciated.
Do you read
all the reviews of your book/books?
Not when I'm working. Even the best reviews have a
tendency to leave me unable to write. I don't really know why. My husband is
great. He reads them and tells me when to go look. I appreciate every single
person that reads my books and takes time to comment on them. I'd love to thank
them all personally. One of these days, when I am not working, maybe I will
spend a day doing just that.
Would you ever
ask a reviewer to change their review if it was not all positive about your
No. I believe everyone is entitled to their
opinion and the chance to let everyone else see what they thought, even if
they hated it. Criticism is always there. I'm okay with that. I'm confident in
myself and my books. Even negative reviews are welcome; it would be a pretty
boring world if everyone liked the same things.
Both. Sometimes, like with Getting Thin, I know the
title before I know the story. Other times, the title is a struggle for me.
Sometimes, the story is done and I have to sit around running through ideas for
the name. Some of my short stories are still untitled because I just can't find
one that fits.
Do you decide
on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book
or as you go along?
My characters have a habit of popping up inside my
head already whole. I don't get a lot of say in how they are. Some of the
secondary characters I do get to choose, though. I always make sure they play
with the story before I put them in. Usually, if I'm creating a character from
scratch, I write a couple short stories about them just so I have a grip on
what they are like. An example of this is 'The Red Cloak', a short story you
can find on my live journal blog.
What do you do
to unwind and relax? Do you have a hobby?
I have a horse. I've always had horses. I don't
really know how to live without them. When I am really stressed out, I find
going for a nice, long ride cures it. I don't know if hobbies are supposed to
be so much work, though. I think it is more like a lifestyle. I also draw. I'm
not very good at it, but I like to do it.
Have you ever
based characters on people you know or based events on things that have
happened to you?
Of course. By the time I'm finished with the book
or story, though, no-one recognizes themselves or the events that led up to it.
I think there always has to be a shred of truth in a book, if it is going to be
any good.
Is there a
certain Author that influenced you in writing?
Many. Peter S. Beagle, Stephen King, Ray Bradbury,
and Anne Rice are the first ones that jump to mind. There are so many that have
paved the road for me, I could be naming for days and never find the end, but
I'll keep trying because I feel like I owe each of them something.
What is your
favourite book and Why? Have you read it more than once?
Tamsin, by Peter S. Beagle. I love the way Beagle
writes. He has such a wonderful, lyrical style. I've read it too many times to
Do you think
ebooks will ever totally replace printed books?
I hope not. I love my kindle, but I still love real
books too. I like the smell and weight of them. These days, I tend to buy the
e-book and, if the book really strikes me as special, I go buy a really nice
hard copy. I had to start doing it this way; I have three large bookshelves and
they are packed to capacity. We are military and we move a lot. Moving my books
has become an issue because I'm so picky about how they are handled. I have to
say, I love bookstores. I love wandering up and down the aisles, picking up
books I might never look twice at or find in an electronic store. I've found a
lot of great authors doing that. For that reason alone, I hope that we never
see e-books completely take over.
If yes, what is it?
Of course. Anne of Green Gables was my favourite
book. I actually read the cover off it. There were a few others, like Little
House on the Prairie, but Anne was the character I always connected with best.
Is there a book you know you will never read? Or one you tried to read
but just couldn't finish?
There is no book I will not try. There are many
I've never finished, but I won't turn anything away until I've given it a fair
Are there any New Authors you are interested in for us to watch out for? and Why should we watch out for them?
Patrick Rothfuss is fairly new. If you like fantasy, you should definitely check him out. I've been reading 'The Name of the Wind' and it is full of wonderful characters and good writing.
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