1. What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
My name is Jonas Samuelle. I don’t recall where I was born, personally, but I suspect I hatched from a black egg somewhere in the Mojave Desert, where I continue to live now.
2. What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarise it in less than 20 words what would you say?
My latest novel is called Ghosts of a Tired Universe. It’s a contemporary fantasy wherein a sculptor tries to unmake the universe. Neil Gaiman fans in particular seem to enjoy it.
3. Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
I’ve since released a book of short stories, called Tele-Peri-Kaleido-Scope. I’m currently working on a paranormal western/satire series called The Holliday Chronicles: A Trilogy of Eulogies.
4. Who or what inspired you to write?
My inspiration comes largely from bouts of insomnia and binge drinking. Sun-induced hallucinations have proven helpful as well.
5. Do you gift books to readers to do reviews?
I do.
6. How do you come up with the Title and Cover Designs for your books? Who designed the Cover of your books?
I was fortunate to have some familiarity with the world-renown artist, Vasily Kafanov, who very kindly provided the gorgeous cover for “Ghosts.” Most know him from his artwork on the Smashing Pumpkins’ album, Machina: The Machines of God.
7. Have you ever based characters on people you know or based events on things that have happened to you?
Every writer does, to some extent.
8. Is there a certain Author that influenced you in writing?
Too many to name. In looking back through literary history, I can’t help but see the echoes and traces of those that came before, and I’m honored that there seems to be a place for my work in this great lineage.
9. Which format of book do you prefer, ebook,hardback, or paperback?
It’s a happy luxury that we can now carry libraries with us, and reserve our physical shelves for only those works which have touched us most deeply.
10. What are you currently reading?
I’m in the midst of Douglas Adams’s “trilogy,” and revisiting Plato.
11. Is there a book you know you will never read? Or one you tried to read but just couldn't finish?
There are several. Celebrity memoirs and sparkly vampires are the least likely candidates for my shelf.
12. Are there any New Authors you are interested in for us to watch out for?
Richard Rogers has caught my eye as having potential. I look forward to his fantasies, once he hits his stride.
13. Is there anything in your books you would change now if you could and what would it be?
Any lessons I’ve learned from the first few would be best reflected in my future works.
14. What piece of advice would you give to a new writer?
The American comedian Bill Hicks gave the best advice.
“We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.”
“We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.”
Where can readers follow you?
Your blog details? Your web site?
JonasSamuelle.com,for all three above.
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