Publisher: Worthy Publishing
Pages: 176
Formats Available: Kindle, Hardcover
BLURB from Goodreads
More than 20 of today's Christian authors, speakers, and entertainers relay their joys and fears, their triumphs and failures-and the advice that got them through-in this inspiring collection from Focus on the Family and Worthy Publishing. The names of these husbands and wives, like their experiences, will be familiar to anyone who's ever said 'I do.' But the transforming advice these couples received when they needed it most is what will motivate newlyweds as well as golden-years couples to strengthen their ties and keep their lifelong bond growing.
I received this book along with another from PRByTheBook in exchange for my honest review. The book is a lovely small sized hardback, an ideal gift book. I love the cover, the play on the "bicycle made for two". The book has a lot of religious references and content. I even learnt the actual source of the one piece of advice my grandparents always gave when anyone married in our family. They always said "Never go to bed on an argument" I didn't realise that the saying was actually derived from something in the bible.
You do learn a lot from this book and I can imagine it being a great tool for couples. One of the most important points given in the book is that you both have to want a marriage to work and you have to work on it together too. For example there is no point at all going to marriage counselling if you aren't both committed to working through your problems.
There are plenty of stories from individual couples on how they found answers to their own marriage problems and relationship issues.
I can certainly say that after reading the book I can see clearly that my marriage would have never worked as I was the only one committed to working on it. A marriage has to be give and take of both parties.
I think this book would be very useful for both male and females to read whilst under going marriage counselling. I think it's also the type of book that could be given to newlyweds as a book to read and go through together and perhaps when problems arise be a book they get out and read again together to overcome their difficulties.
Available from Amazon.co.uk
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