Saturday 28 June 2014


Have you ever been in the supermarket, shops or even a park and seen a young child "being naught" being "extra boisterous" or just plain "acting out"?
I bet you've probably thought to yourself "For goodness sake can't the parents control that child!"
Or maybe you've smiled and spoken to a young child who has not answered and then started misbehaving, and then thought can't his/her parent teach him/her some manners?
Or maybe you walk past some children playing and notice one child playing alone but close to the children and wonder why that child doesn't join in with the other children?

Well I know I have thought these things on more than one occasion! After reading the book featured in this post I know I will not jump to such quick and perhaps harsh conclusions.

The book I'm talking about is. . . . . 

Title: Can I Tell You About Autism
Series: Can I Tell You About . . .Series
Author: Jude Welton
Illustrator: Jane Telford
Release Date: 21st April 2014

BLURB from Goodreads
Meet Tom - a young boy with autism. Tom invites readers to learn about autism from his perspective, helping them to understand what it is and explaining the challenges he faces with issues such as social communication, sensory overload and changes in his routine. Tom tells readers about all the ways he can be helped and supported by those around him. This beautifully-illustrated book is ideally suited for readers aged 7 and upwards, and will be an excellent way to increase understanding about autism, in the classroom or at home. It also includes clear, useful information for parents and professionals.

So what am I expecting from this book? I think it will be telling me what Autism is and how children that have autism react to social situations, and things like going to school.

I came across this e-galley one day whilst browsing on Netgalley. As I have a friend whose youngest son has Autism. I wanted to read the book to understand what my friend and her son were going through. Perhaps I could be more supportive to her after reading this book. Luckily I was accepted for an e-galley.
The book is presented in two parts. The first part is told from the point of view of Tom. Tom is a young boy who has autism and through the first half of the book he tells us, how autism affects him and his daily life. Tom tells us, the reader how he copes with Autism, and how he feels in certain situations. 
This first section of the book is supposed to be aimed at children but to be honest I felt I learnt a lot from being told through the point of view of a child with Autism. 
The second half of the book is aimed at carers, parents and professionals. So it suggests ways to cope and prevent outbursts/tantrums with forward planning and preparation.
There are also address and links for various organisations that give help and advice.
This Can I Tell You About Autism is from the Can I Tell You About . . . . Series and they have other titles available too for conditions such as dementia and Aspergers.
I think this book series should be in schools to help children (and the adults) to understand the different conditions and how to help people with them.
This book explains Autism really well in a friendly sort of way,that is non preachy that is jargon free. It simplifies a complex condition so the reader can understand what and how they can help.

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