Copyright © STACEY
All Rights Reserved,
Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.
icy wisp of air swept in behind me, causing my heel to twist as I stumbled. To
the other pedestrians striding along the downtown Memphis street, the sensation
would be brushed off as a cold breeze.
were wrong. A spirit lingered here.
you hear me?”
the intrigue rolling in his voice, he hadn’t expected me to acknowledge
him. Shit! I’d already given myself away. A mistake I’d
hesitation, I righted my stance and strode forward with purpose, forcing myself
to remain deaf to the voice. If I ignored ghosts long enough, they moved on and
searched out someone else who held the same irritating ability, whom I had yet
to meet.
to my annoyance, the ghost stayed right on my heels and his presence remained
strong behind me. The cold air at my back remained a contrast to the warm
morning air in front of me. Every hair on my neck stood up and goose bumps
pimpled a trail along my skin. If only I could rub them away, but I didn’t
dare. Ignoring him would make him go away.
can hear me, can’t you?” the ghost asked again.
were typically harmless, but annoying. I’m dead, what’s going on, why
am I a ghost—yada, yada, yada. I quickened my steps and made my way
down Peabody Place in hopes he’d leave me alone.
sounded desperate, which meant a big headache for me. If I hadn’t worn my damn
slingbacks, I would’ve tried to run and hide. But the three-inch Manolos and
the tight, tailored gray skirt restrained my movements.
passed Miss Polly’s Soul Food Café, and the delicious aroma of bacon and eggs
drifted along the air. My empty stomach complained. My only thought after I
woke had been caffeine. Now I wished I’d grabbed a muffin with my latté at
Starbucks. With ten minutes to get to my desk, I couldn’t worry about such
boss, Event Manager Dylan Cobb, would hand me my ass if I stepped into the
office a minute late. Sadly, there’d never been a day I didn’t cater to his
every need.
approached Beale Street and sighed in relief, relishing the warmth surrounding
me. Not only from the sun above—the spirit’s cold presence at my back had
vanished. Pleased my dodge of him had worked, I took a sip of my energy in a
cup and smiled. Coffee’s fantastic, the ghost is gone—life is good.
block passed under my heels before I reached the historical red-brick building.
Randall Marketing, written in black block letters, decorated the striped
green-and-white awning.
opened the door to the office and strode in, greeted by a bubbly voice. “Good
morning, Tess.”
me a moment here.” Doris shuffled paperwork around her desk, her auburn curls
bouncing on her shoulders. The receptionist had always been messy, yet somehow
organized. “There were a few messages on the voicemail for you.” She raised her
head and held out the pink slips of paper. “A lovely day today, is it not?”
is.” So I lied. The ghost hadn’t kicked off my day on a high note. Not as if
I’d tell her about my interaction with spirits. My ability to converse with
spirits remained on a need-to-know basis, and as far as it concerned me, no one
needed to know. I grabbed the messages from her hand. “Did your weekend treat
you good?”
spent the entire weekend knee-deep in my garden.” Her cocoa-colored eyes lit
up. “My best year ever, I’m hoping. You’ll have to come out and have a
love to.” Doris treasured her gardens, so I tried to appear interested, even
though my green thumb looked black.
smile brightened, but when the phone rang, she waved a goodbye and answered the
call. “It’s another beautiful day here at Randall Marketing, how may I direct
your call?”
her behind, I strode down the hall toward my office and sipped my coffee. The
warmth slid down my throat and provided an immediate rush to my energy levels.
At the third door on the right, I entered my bleak workspace with its pale-blue
walls, closed the door behind me and approached the desk. I dropped down into
the black leather chair and flipped through the messages. None were urgent
enough to worry about now.
powered up my computer, but a knock at the door had me glancing up. Before I
got a word out, the door swished open and I cringed, fully aware of the looming
the officer manager and my best friend since the age of four, looked like a
typical Barbie. Perfect skin, long flowing blonde hair and a body men drooled
over. I might have been jealous of her perfection since I couldn’t pull off her
looks even with a makeover—so maybe a little envious—but her appearance had
always been a front. She was the devil in disguise.
scowled, shutting the door behind her with a slam. “Do you mind explaining
where you were all weekend?”
home.” I batted my lashes. “Why? Did you try to call me?”
pointed her finger, narrowing her eyes at me. “Don’t you try that shit on me. I
called you all weekend and your phone went straight to voicemail.”
I pretended to ponder. “The battery must have died.” She had enough gall to
just come over, but the little hint had been a subtle way of telling Caley to
leave me alone.
She plopped down in the seat across from my desk. “Where were you? I wanted to
go out.”
Honestly, I vegged on the couch.”
snorted. “You lead such an exciting life.”
mouth parted to offer a snappy retort, but a cold wisp of air brushed across my
skin, causing my lips to snap shut. Damn! I thought I’d got rid of him.
Caley snapped her fingers in front of my face. “Leave the aliens behind and
return to Mother Earth.”
blinked, trying to force my attention back to her, yet failing. The ghost knelt
right beside Caley—not kneeling, of course; more like floating, since ghosts
were never able to obtain physical contact with the world around them—and my
focus held strong on him, unable to stop myself from ogling. He stared
intently, with one crystal-blue eye, while the other was a chocolate color. His
strong jaw, the muscles clenching along his cheeks, all spoke of power. But as
he ran his hand through his untidy sandy-colored hair, his expression showed
playfulness. His black tank top left his arms exposed and muscles upon muscles
layered those arms.
she said, dragging my gaze back to her. “I had to go out with Susanne because
you left me high and dry.”
laughed. Caley’s horny, twenty-year-old stepsister had the body that men chased
after. “You did have the option to stay home, you know.”
eyes widened. “On a Saturday night?”
you know, get some popcorn, watch a movie and relax.”
frowned. “If you don’t stop your grandma behavior, your va-jay-jay is going to
shrivel up and die.”
ghost chuckled.
smooth laugh hit me like a cup of warm cocoa, causing my insides to melt.
Nothing amused me. First off, Caley had been so wrong—maybe a little right—but
I’d never admit to her accuracy aloud. Second, reacting in such a heated way to
a ghost definitely didn’t hit my to-do list today.
me.” I spoke not only to Caley, but also to the irritating ghost. “My
va-jay-jay is just fine.”
I’m glad to hear you’ve still got some spunk.” She stood and placed her hands
on her hips. “Because we’ve got a double date tonight.”
what?” Dear God!
grinned from ear to ear. “Yes, my dearest Grammy, we’re going out.”
guys I met on Saturday night. You’re coming with me, either willingly or
unwillingly, so suck up your hesitations, babe, because saying no isn’t an
it’s a Monday night.” Not saying a date didn’t sound like fun. A month had
passed since my last attempt at dating—which failed miserably—but a man Caley
chose while drunk? No thanks. My sex life might have been as dead as the sexy
ghost in front of me, but I’d still search for a way out. “I have to work
wagged her finger in classic Caley fashion. “You’re a grandma.”
times, I respected her persistent personality. She never backed down, always
dreamed big and went for the gold, but her grit hadn’t been all rays of
sunshine. Her determination made her annoyingly tenacious. I had to agree or
she’d never give up, and getting her out of my office sounded all too good.
“Fine. I’ll go with you.”
stop looking so pissy. We’ll have fun. Promise. I’ll come to your place at
eight.” She opened the door, glanced over her shoulder and winked. “Leave the
granny panties at home.”
* * * * *
day came and went. My head pounded, not because my boss had been as demanding
as any two-year-old, which he did often, but because the ghost hadn’t shut up.
The past hours, even after I returned home to get ready for tonight,he’d tried
his best to gain my attention. Good thing I’m great at tuning
people—ghosts—out, or I would’ve caved after hour two.
not leaving until you admit you can hear me,” the ghost said.
a flick of my shag-cut brown hair—that actually didn’t give me any trouble
tonight—to dismiss him, I strode next to Caley, heading back toward the
downtown core. Dressed in my low-riding, dark wash jeans and blue plaid
three-quarter-length-sleeve top, tied to leave my midriff exposed, at least I
looked half decent while I suffered through the embarrassing blind date.
ghost’s tone came a little louder and more abrupt. “Dammit, woman! Will you
stop ignoring me? It’s annoying.”
I’m annoying him? I nearly laughed at the ridiculous notion, but did not
intend to give myself away. I’d held strong for nine hours. Soon, he’d catch
the drift and piss off.
knocked my arm. “Will you stop looking so tight assed?”
glanced away from the sidewalk and smiled at her. “My ass is tight.” Okay, not eighteen-year-old
tight, but only twenty-five now, I worked hard to keep things tight.
chuckled. “You’re…”
right, you do, sweet cheeks,” the ghost said.
stopped dead in her tracks, which caused me to stumble. “What’s got you
righted my stance, raised my hand to my face and, to my horror, my cheeks were
warm. “I’m not blushing. I‑I‑I’m hot.”
you somehow turned into a lesbian and have fallen for your best friend,you’re
acting weird.”
do love you.” At her widened eyes, I laughed. “But I don’t want you in the
sack. Seriously, I’m just hot.”
ghost’s voice deepened. “Ah, a way to grab your attention, I see.”
little purr hanging off his tone made my stomach flip-flop. Clearly, I craved
some attention and needed to get some in a bad way if I reacted in such a
heated way to a non-living person.
shoved the ridiculous reaction away and focused back on Caley, falling into
stride with her. “Who’s the guy I’m hooking up with tonight?”
just your type.” She wiggled her brows. “You’re going to thank me later.”
do you mean my type?” I liked men, all types of them, and I’d never confine my
options into a little box. Caley had apparently taped the box shut and shipped
the package.
a pro baseball player and is home visiting his family for a couple days.”
pro, huh?” Maybe I had fooled myself into believing I didn’t have a type,
because hearing baseball player made my interest rise. Images of skintight
white pants and a scrumptious ass filled my mind.
he’s got the looks too.” She nudged her shoulder into mine. “And the money.”
the ghost muttered.
ignored the ghost like the ghost he was, turned onto Beale Street and Coyote
Ugly Saloon appeared. A line of people outside meant an hour of waiting. Not as
if I thought we’d have to wait. I had Caley with me, after all.
snatched up my hand, yanking me forward, and hurried her steps. “Brandon,” she
called out.
men turned toward her, and evidently, Caley knew my type better than I did,
since either of the men would have fallen into the fantasy category.
so glad y’all came,” Brandon said.
gave one of her pageant smiles. “We’re glad you asked us to come.”
must be Tess.”
glanced toward hunk number two. He held the typical all-American look—brown
hair, blue-eyed, charming smile, and with his dimple, I suspected he could woo
his way into anyone’s bed. Maybe even mine if he played his cards right
to meet you.” I ogled his trim body and handsome face and caught sight of the
big white D on his navy-blue hat. “You play for Detroit?”
nodded. “Both Brandon and I do. We were lucky enough to get a little time off
to see the family.”
Detroit sucks,” the ghost said.
smiled, keeping my focus on Trent, ignoring the annoyingly sexy voice by my
on, let’s go get a drink.” Caley wrapped her arm in Brandon’s and approached
the bouncer. If one good thing came from her charismatic pushy attitude, she’d
always been quite the social butterfly. No one, including me, ever said no to
you grow up here in Memphis?” I asked Trent.
and raised.”
as if he wanted to say more, but Caley interrupted with her typical impatient
yell. “Come on, y’all.”
glanced over my shoulder to find her waving her hands. “We’ve been summoned.”
strode past the irritated crowd, who didn’t have a Caley in their group to push
their way through. Entering the bar, loud country music, accompanied by hoots
and hollers, rang out around me. The stench of sweat made my nose crinkle.
Caley pointed to a table across the way and I maneuvered through the
partygoers, following her.
the table, Trent held out a stool and gestured for me to sit. He sure played
his cards right to a royal flush. I slid onto the stool, and he asked, “What’s
your drink?”
cold beer sounds great.”
winked. “My kind of lady.”
boys headed to the bar. I glanced over at Caley, who bounced up and down on her
seat in excitement. “I did good, right?”
nodded, not at all ashamed to give her props for her choice. “He’s not only
sexy as sin, but a gentleman too. You did great.”
ghost snorted.
forgotten all about him and had hoped he wouldn’t follow me into the bar.
Nothing would ruin my excitement now. A long time had passed since I’d met
anyone worth meeting. The ghost wouldn’t put a damper on my fun.
minutes, Trent and Brandon returned to the table with four beers in hand. I
claimed a bottle, took a long sip and sighed in happiness. After the day I had,
the beer comforted me. The alcohol refreshed the senses, revived the mood and
removed the tension sitting heavy on my shoulders.
grinned. “Looks like you needed a drink.”
licked the dribble of beer from my lips. “I’ve been craving a beer all day
long.” I set the bottle onto the table. “So, tell me, what’s it like to play
baseball as a pro?”
never regretted saying words more in my life. One question led to a
twenty-minute conversation I wished I’d never instigated. Caley, the traitor,
had vanished onto the dance floor with Brandon, which left me with the pompous
grown as a player…” Trent went on.
guy is a fucking joke,” the ghost said.
almost turned my head to nod, but of course refrained. I continued to listen to
Trent’s words without truly hearing what he had to say. I merely muttered
“yeah” or “cool” when appropriate.
I were him, I would’ve skipped the conversation all together and had you back
in my bed the moment I laid eyes on you.”
He did not just say that! My stomach leapt up into my throat and my
body warmed in places that shouldn’t from a ghost. He’d only said words—not
used soft touches to entice me—but the way his voice carried into my soul, the
effect had been similar to sweet caresses. “The coach has been pleased…”
ghost’s tone dropped an octave. “I wouldn’t have wasted the time with small
talk. I would’ve used my mouth to learn my way around your luscious curves and
used your responses to tell me about the woman you are.”
squirmed on the stool in an attempt to ignore the soft purr of his voice
sending shivers down my spine. I even leaned in further toward Trent and tried
to concentrate on his boring conversation.
I tasted your sweet skin and saw your desperation for more, I would kiss your
mouth until your lips were rosy and swollen. I’d deepen the kiss by tangling my
fingers through your hair and holding you close to feel all of me.”
gulped, crossed my legs and squeezed them tight. He’s a ghost! Nothing that
involved him should arouse me. But the pulse between my thighs declared he held
the power to make me undone.
kiss my way along your jaw while I lowered my hand to trail along your stomach.
Then I would seek to discover all those little places that make you squirm.”
ran his finger from below my ear all the way to my nape. His touch forced my
eyes closed. A cold shiver danced along my skin to leave goose bumps in its
wake. Wild sensations stole my logical mind. My will to ignore him plummeted.
Caley shouted.
opened my eyes, and after taking a moment to focus, I discovered not only Caley
staring at me, but Trent and Brandon too.
frowned. “What’s wrong with you?”
shook my head and released the breath stuck in my throat, which came out in a
slow wisp of air. “Nothing—I’m fine.”
lower myself between those luscious legs of yours, tempting you and teasing
you. I’d stare into those pretty green eyes of yours until they widened in
not fine,” Caley retorted. “Your face is bright red.”
wait until your hips arched toward me and begged me to take you. Then, and only
then, would I give you what you desire.”
grabbed my beer, took a big swig and a couple more. All eyes stared at me with
blatant confusion. Part of me wanted to move away, while the other needed to
hear more.
Tess,” Caley whispered. “Seriously, are you okay?”
paid my obvious inappropriate behavior no attention. The fantasy the ghost
built in my mind needed to have a conclusion. “Yes. Yes. I’m good.”
would thrust against you, demanding you react to my intentions. You’d scream
out and I would echo the sound with a moan of my own, as I used all my strength
to satisfy you.”
chuckled nervously.
gripped the edge of the table in front of me and held on tight.
come into your orgasm because I’d leave you with no other choice. But I
wouldn’t stop there.” He ran his finger along my exposed lower back and the
coldness against my hot skin made me shiver. “Without giving you the chance to
recover, I’d flip you over on your knees,” his tone dipped lower, “and fuck you
shot up from my seat, which caused the stool to slam back into the person
behind me, who swore in return. “I have to go.”
nodded. “Ah yeah, I think you do.”
another word—or a goodbye to the living men or the dead one who had got me all
hot and bothered—I bolted from the bar and ran so hard my calves burned,
reminding me of the three-inch heels strapped to my feet.
ghost didn’t follow me and nothing pleased me more. I needed some space, time
to return to reality or to pleasure the need out of me—either would do.
only a few minutes, I arrived at my condominium, which appeared more like an
old textile factory, but inside were renovated modern apartments. The arousal
burning inside me hadn’t vanished. The wetness between my thighs was a constant
reminder of the ghost’s words.
ran up the stairs while I took my keys out from my back pocket. At the thick
mahogany wooden door, I raised my key pass to the scanner, grabbed the chrome
door handle and swung it open.
three doors down, I opened the door to my condo before slamming it closed
behind me. I didn’t bother to lock the door and did the only thing I thought of
now. I sprinted to the bedroom, stripped out of my clothes and finished the
fantasy the ghost had built in my mind.

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