Title: The Donor (the full novella)
Author: Nikki Rae
Release Date: 30th October 2014
BLURB from Goodreads
Part One:
Casey Williams and her family are poor. Her parents work non-stop and so does she, just so they can keep the trailer roof from leaking.
They’re getting by fine enough when the headaches start. Then there’s the nosebleeds. And the inevitable doctor’s bills.
Fortunately for Casey, there’s MyTrueMatch.com: an exclusive, quick, and almost easy way to pay it all back before her parents even have to know.
All she has to do is give a man she’s never met whatever he wants from her body.
Inside or out.
Part Two:
When Casey joined MYTrueMatch.com, she never imagined she would meet a man who not only helps her pay the bills, but has been nothing but a gentleman.
Casey Williams and her family are poor. Her parents work non-stop and so does she, just so they can keep the trailer roof from leaking.
They’re getting by fine enough when the headaches start. Then there’s the nosebleeds. And the inevitable doctor’s bills.
Fortunately for Casey, there’s MyTrueMatch.com: an exclusive, quick, and almost easy way to pay it all back before her parents even have to know.
All she has to do is give a man she’s never met whatever he wants from her body.
Inside or out.
Part Two:
When Casey joined MYTrueMatch.com, she never imagined she would meet a man who not only helps her pay the bills, but has been nothing but a gentleman.
As the nose bleeds make way for worse symptoms, Casey can’t help the feelings she has for Jonah, despite how he may never return them. And he’s been keeping things from her. Big things. How does he make his money, and who is that girl in the picture?
With the clock ticking, can she find the answers she’s looking for?
Part Three:
Casey may have not known what was in store for her when she met Jonah Black on MyTrueMatch.com, but now that she’s with him, life has become even more unexpected. She's discovered someone else in the picture and now she cannot figure out how she fits into the puzzle.
Convinced that he doesn’t need her, Casey is torn between giving up and doing whatever it takes to help her family. But Jonah, it turns out, needs her more than she knows.
Time is something neither of them have.
Can they hold each other together as the clock runs out?
Below are the covers of the individual parts of the full novella.

Below is the cover of all three parts together in the full novella
Which do you prefer?
Being totally truthful I think all the covers fit the parts of the novella and the complete full novella very well.
The first part of the novella cover, features a fob watch, an old fashioned time piece, which really fits the first novella as that part is about "time" and the main female character finding out that her time is much more limited than she had thought it was.
The second part of the novella cover, features a sea horse which is a poignant aspect talked about within this part of the novella.
The third and final part of the novella has a bag of blood and IV on it, which though this cover would be appropriate for the whole novella, is still a fitting cover.
The whole, three parts of the novella cover has a female present on it. I'd assume is a great depiction of the woman who is called Casey holding her case, on her way to Jonah.
As I've already stated I think all the covers fir the parts of the novella they are matched to as well as the novella as a whole too. Which do you prefer?
Title: The Donor (the full novella)Author: Nikki Rae
Release Date: 30th October 2014
BLURB from Goodreads
Part One:
Casey Williams and her family are poor. Her parents work non-stop and so does she, just so they can keep the trailer roof from leaking.
They’re getting by fine enough when the headaches start. Then there’s the nosebleeds. And the inevitable doctor’s bills.
Fortunately for Casey, there’s MyTrueMatch.com: an exclusive, quick, and almost easy way to pay it all back before her parents even have to know.
All she has to do is give a man she’s never met whatever he wants from her body.
Inside or out.
Part Two:
When Casey joined MYTrueMatch.com, she never imagined she would meet a man who not only helps her pay the bills, but has been nothing but a gentleman.
Casey Williams and her family are poor. Her parents work non-stop and so does she, just so they can keep the trailer roof from leaking.
They’re getting by fine enough when the headaches start. Then there’s the nosebleeds. And the inevitable doctor’s bills.
Fortunately for Casey, there’s MyTrueMatch.com: an exclusive, quick, and almost easy way to pay it all back before her parents even have to know.
All she has to do is give a man she’s never met whatever he wants from her body.
Inside or out.
Part Two:
When Casey joined MYTrueMatch.com, she never imagined she would meet a man who not only helps her pay the bills, but has been nothing but a gentleman.
As the nose bleeds make way for worse symptoms, Casey can’t help the feelings she has for Jonah, despite how he may never return them. And he’s been keeping things from her. Big things. How does he make his money, and who is that girl in the picture?
With the clock ticking, can she find the answers she’s looking for?
Part Three:
Casey may have not known what was in store for her when she met Jonah Black on MyTrueMatch.com, but now that she’s with him, life has become even more unexpected. She's discovered someone else in the picture and now she cannot figure out how she fits into the puzzle.
Convinced that he doesn’t need her, Casey is torn between giving up and doing whatever it takes to help her family. But Jonah, it turns out, needs her more than she knows.
Time is something neither of them have.
Can they hold each other together as the clock runs out?
I thought this book would be quite short, and felt like a quicker read. the female pictured on the cover of the whole novella and the covers of the individual parts of the novella made me want to know more about the girl/woman, the relevance of a fob watch, a sea horse and the bag of blood and iv. I was intrigued to find out more, that was even before I got around to reading the blurb. Upon reading the blurb I became even more interested and the blurb hints of many things, drawing you in, yet keeping that little edge of mystery and the big secret to be discovered.
I downloaded an e-copy of this three part novella from Amazon UK. The whole, three parts of the novella cover has a female present on it. I'd assume is a great depiction of the woman who is called Casey holding her case, on her way to Jonah. When you look at Casey on the cover her face seems pale hinting at illness, yet the way she holds her suitcase says that she is a strong person.
Would the cover make me pick this book up in a book store? Yes, being totally honest here any of the covers for this group of novella's would have drawn my eye enough for me to pick up the book to read the blurb.
The main female character is Casey. Casey is a young strong willed young woman always being practical, with a suggestion that she has had to grow up quickly and shoulder a large chunk of the responsibility for providing for herself and her family. Her family consist of her mother and father. Her father has been injured, and has had to have back surgery so is not only not working therefore not earning money, he is rapidly building up expensive medical bills.
Casey is also worried about her own health, though she tries to push it to the back of her mind and the bottom of her to do list for as long as possible. Once she can no longer hide away from the stark truth about her own health she decides she needs to earn as much money as she can to help her parents.
Casey hears about MyTrueMatch.com, which she manages to wrangle an invitation to from her friend at work. That is how she connects with Jonah. Jonah is the main male character in the novella's. Compared to Casey, Jonah is quite a lot older, 21 years older to be exact. Age doesn't matter to Casey, as long as Jonah can pay she is prepared to go as far as is needed to earn money for her parents. Maybe the money could help her out with her own health problems too.
Casey goes to meet Jonah, and that's when her job/new way of making money begins. What starts out as a business transaction, slips easily into a friendship. they both try to hold back from each other but they soon reveal secrets to each other that they feel they cannot share with anyone else.
Towards the end of the tale, Jonah meets Casey's parents, and take a sentimental, poignant trip to the aquarium with Casey, something she has done so alone for many years. Casey loves showing Jonah the sea horses at the aquarium as Jonah has some himself in a tank in his home.
This tale is told in both the past and present tense which does sometimes make it feel like it jumps about just when you want to know more which obviously builds the tension and intrigue more. The very ending is sort of left in the air a little, things could play out in a few different ways, and after an initial feeling of abandonment/disapointment I grew to appreciate how the author has left the very ending up to the imagination of the reader. With this review I have purposely left out any major spoilers as well as some finer detailing too.
Did I enjoy the full novella? Yes, I did enjoy reading the novella. I found the tale takes you through a tide of different emotions as it progresses. Would I recommend the book? I would, though I'd say read the novella with an open mind, as your opinion may change as the novella progresses. You will probably jump to certain conclusions about Casey, but then find you were wrong, and to be honest the character of Casey must be commended for her thoughts of providing for her parents when she could have easily wallowed in self pity and sat back. What she did do was to think of others and put them and their feeling and emotions above hers. Would I want to read anymore about the characters featured in this novella? Yes, I would read more about the characters within this book, or perhaps other characters using the MyTrueMatch.com company.
Would I read other books by this Author? Yes, I have been checking out Nikki Rae on Goodreads and Amazon UK and I really like the sound and look of her Sunshine Series too!
Nikki Rae is an independent author who lives in New Jersey. She explores human nature through fiction, concentrating on making the imaginary as real as possible. Her genres of choice are mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people. Closely.
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