What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
Dina Silver, born in Chicago,
Illinois, currently live in Glenview, Illinois
Do you have a
favourite character from your books? and why are they your favourite?
I would say, Ethan, from One Pink Line. I wanted him to be
masculine, yet very romantic.
Where do you
get your book plot ideas from?What/Who is your inspiration?
Both of my books are inspired
by real-life situations and people.
Do you have a
certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain
I usually write the best in
the morning after I put my son on the school bus. If I haven’t written anything
by 10:00am, then I probably won’t be very productive that day.
Do you have
anybody read your books and give you reviews before you officially release
them?ie. Your partner, children, friends, reviewers you know?
My mom, and a few select
friends are amongst my fabulous beat readers.
Do you gift
books to readers to do reviews?
You bet!
Do you read all
the reviews of your book/books?
I do, I must admit. And while
the few bad ones I’ve had have been heartbreaking and hard to read, the
glowing, wonderful ones more than make up for it. I try not to take negative
reviews personally because I know that I can’t please everyone.
What was the
toughest/best review you have ever had?
The toughest review was when
someone just wrote really nasty stuff about the book without providing any
intelligent reasons for why they disliked it. The best…well, I’ve had so many
amazingly wonderful heartfelt reviews, I can’t choose one. But there is nothing
than reading a review written by someone who was truly touched by my book. I
can’t describe what a fantastic feeling it is.
Would you ever
ask a reviewer to change their review if it was not all positive about your
I would love to, but no, I
would never ask.
How do you come
up with the Title and Cover Designs for your book/books?Who designed the Cover
of your books?
I love this question, because
I love my covers! They were a collaboration between me and a designer, and I
told her I wanted something simplistic and contemporary. The cover for One Pink
Line even won the Eric Hoffer Da Vinci Eye award this year for outstanding
cover art.
How do you come
up with characters names and place names in your books?
I mostly pull from friends
and family. Even from kids in my son’s class. I’ve been known you use other
author’s last names too.
Have you ever
based characters on people you know or based events on things that have
happened to you?
Yes, in fact my second book, Kat Fight,
is based on how I met my husband.
Do you think
books transfer to movies well? Which is you favourite/worst book to movie
Two of the worst transfer’s
for me were Memoirs of a Geisha and Sarah’s Key. Probably two of my all-time
favorite books, and I was so disappointed by the movie adaptation.
Do you think
ebooks will ever totally replace printed books?
That’s a tough question. I
hope not entirely, but eBooks are certainly becoming a reader’s first choice.
Did you have a
favourite author as a child?
Judy Blume, for sure!
What piece of
advice would you give to a new writer?
If you have a story milling
around in your head, then you should write it. Make the time. We can all find
time for the things we need and love to do.
Do you or would
you ever use a pen name?
I’m way too vain for that!
Thank you for having me!!
Thank you for taking the time to do this Interview. I will definitely be putting Kat Fight on my to read wishlist!
Also don't forget that for the whole month of October Dina is donating $1 from every sale of One Pink Line to the NFF (Noreen Fraser Foundation)
Also don't forget that for the whole month of October Dina is donating $1 from every sale of One Pink Line to the NFF (Noreen Fraser Foundation)
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