Title: Diary Of A Single Mom
Author: Elizabeth Ann Trigg
Series: Diary Of A Single Mom
Publisher: Navarone Books
Release Date: 2nd January 2012
BLURB from Goodreads
16 year old Emma's life comes to a screeching halt when she discovers she's pregnant. Her mother practically disowns her and ships her off to have the baby far away where the event will have no negative impact on her social standing. When Emma finally declares she's keeping the baby and returns home, she must face her mother's resentment, alienation from her friends and the most tragic experience ever--her boyfriend, Ethan, refuses to accept that the baby is his. Emma struggles to stand on her own two feet and discovers love right next door. But will her new love still want her when he discovers her true age?
Book 1 covers Emma's experience from discovering she's pregnant until the baby is six months old.
Book 1 covers Emma's experience from discovering she's pregnant until the baby is six months old.

Title: Would the Real Mr Right Please Stand Up
Author: Elizabeth Ann Trigg
Series: Diary Of A Single Mom
Publisher: Navarone Books
Release Date: 3rd January 2013
BLURB from Goodreads
Emma is ready to make a fresh start with a new school year. With her mother getting more difficult and her father dragging Ethan to court for child support, things are about to get messy! The hot new teacher gives Emma something to dream about when a new student from California enters the picture and steals her heart. Emma can't figure out if her new boyfriend can handle the news that she has a baby, or if Ethan is serious about wanting her back. Book 2 sees Emma finding exactly who Mr. Right really is!

Title: A Real Family
Author: Elizabeth Ann Trigg
Series: Diary Of A Single Mom
Publisher: Navarone Books
Release Date: 9th July 2013
BLURB from Goodreads
Emma longs for a real family, a husband, and a father for Paris. When she finds out she's pregnant with another child, will the father step up and become the husband she wants? Book 3 in this series sees Emma wondering if there really is such a thing as fate, especially when things seem to fall right into place!

Title: The Wedding Belle
Author: Elizabeth Ann Trigg
Series: Diary Of A Single Mom
Publisher: Navarone Books
Release Date: 17th July 2013
BLURB from Goodreads
In book 4 of the series, Emma must choose whether to marry for convenience or hold out for true love. What is better for herself and Paris? What is better for everyone? Will she even ever find someone that makes her feel head-over-heels, crazy in love? Maybe dreams really do come true!

Title: Wedded Bliss
Author: Elizabeth Ann Trigg
Series: Diary Of A Single Mom
Publisher: Navarone Books
Release Date: 30th August 2013
BLURB from Goodreads
Emma settles into married life with Tank. She's madly in love with him, yet when she finds out Ethan is going to get married, she feels jealous. When her arch enemy Felicity is hired by Tank to babysit, Emma wonders if Felicity can pose a threat to her wedded bliss. Garrett's news for her will affect Houston's life forever.

Title: A Star Is Born
Author: Elizabeth Ann Trigg
Series: Diary Of A Single Mom
Publisher: Navarone Books
Release Date: 19th September 2013
BLURB from Goodreads
In book 6 of the DOTM series, Paris turns two and Emma isn't sure that she approves of Ethan and Marley getting her involved in show business. Marley is so excited about her own pregnancy that she insists Emma gets pregnant again as well!
Emma is troubled when she first hears Shane Farrell's hit song and begins dwelling on memories of their time together (in book 1), but how will she handle it when she comes face to face with him? Emma finds herself somewhat pushed into show business, and while she finds it exciting, how is that going to impact her 'real' life?
My name is Elizabeth Ann Trigg. I was born in
a very small town in Nova Scotia, Canada. I have temporarily lived in other
places, such as Texas and Ecuador, but am now nicely settled into a bigger
small town in Nova Scotia and I may just live here forever.
Did you always want to be a writer? If not
what did you want to be?
When I was very small I wanted to be a
secretary. I would set up a cardboard box upside down with my little plastic
phone on it (I was only about five) and would proceed to carry out my
pretend-secretarial duties which mostly included coloring and talking to the
president on the phone. LOL.
When I was older, around eleven or twelve, I
developed a passion for writing. About ten years ago, I was cleaning out my
father’s attic and found my first two ‘novels’. They were written, and
illustrated, on those doodle pads (drawing pad things with very cheap colored
paper). One was my own version of Across The Great Divide (a movie that I’d
watched at that time and figured I could do better. LOL), and the other was a
sad kind of tale of a girl that lived on a ranch and ended up in a wheelchair. Reading
them as an adult, I had a pretty good laugh because they both seemed so corny,
but I had all the plot elements in place even at that age.
When did you first consider yourself as a
I first considered myself a ‘real’ writer
when I got my first short story published by Highlights for Children Magazine
in April 1999. (Ben Gets To Help). Then that story was bought by CTB – McGraw
Hill from Highlights and then I sold another story to CTB – McGraw Hill and it
was at that point that I felt like a professional writer.
Did it take a long time to get your first
book published?
I got a few rejection letters under my belt
(which further made me feel like a ‘real’ writer) for my first ‘real’ young
adult novel called The Wishing Field. G.P. Putnam almost bought it (back before
they were Penguin Putnam) but in the end decided not to. It was shortly after
that that I discovered Lulu and realized that I could publish my own book so I
published that book independently and it sold quite well. I was surprised but
also I realized that the opinions of publishers is highly subjective.
Do you work another job as well as your
writing work?
I have worked several jobs while working on
my writing but now I write full time. I worked for 13 years monitoring news
stations (a job I could do from home) and then I worked for 5 years for a U.S.
publishing company as an acquisitions editor and then a marketing manager. The
main thing I learned is that publishing decisions are based on more than just
the quality of the story.
Since April 2013, I’ve been writing full
time. This has been my dream forever; to just write and not have to work at
another job.

My latest book is the 7th in the
series, Diary of A Teenage Mom. It is called Choices. In this book, the main
character of the series, Emma (who is also now pregnant with twins) has to make
a choice between pursuing a career or doing what her husband wants. (He doesn’t
want her to do it). She is still really discovering who she is as a person, as
well as a mother and wife. (If I put it in brackets it doesn’t count as part of
the 20 words, right?)
Who is your publisher? or do you self
My publisher is Navarone Books.
How long does it usually take you to write a
book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?
That depends. When I get a new exciting idea
for a book, sometimes I get the entire story in my head all at once. When that
happens, IF I’m not already in the middle of writing another book, I can write
the entire thing in a week (because I’m fortunate enough to be able to write full
time at this point). When I’m uninterrupted, I can actually write a 50,000 word
book in one week. (My goal is 10,000 words per day)
Which of your books were easier/harder to
write than the others?
The easiest ones for me to write so far were
The Wishing Field and The Writer’s House (to be published this year). Those are
books that came to me all at once.
The hardest book I’ve had to write is the 7th
book of the Diary of A Teenage Mom series. This particular book has taken me
about six months to write. During the writing of this I’ve been dealing with
health issues and going through the battle of my husband dealing with cancer.
Beyond that, the book has become much harder to write because if I don’t do it
all in one week, I lose the momentum that comes from the original idea for the
book. So, this book got started with that huge burst of energy that came from
the excitement of the plot, but then I got interrupted so many times during the
writing of this book that it has been harder and harder to get into that same
head space that I was in when I developed the plot. I suppose it would be the
equivalent of someone starting to watch a movie six months ago, then trying to
come back and pick up exactly where they left off and watch another ten minutes
of the movie, and do that numerous times over a six month period. It makes it
very, very difficult to maintain the plot.
What can we expect from you in the future?
ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?
There will be more books in the Diary of A
Teenage Mom series but not until next year. Probably January. Between now and
then (ie the spring and summer of 2014), I will be writing the first book in a
series for 10, 11, and 12 year olds called World Gurl. It is about an 11 year
old girl named Charla Maine who is homeschooled and travels with her father
(who is a travel writer).
This spring and summer I will have out a
romance called NY Writer Gurl, a book about a 20-something part-time writer,
part-time office assistant, and part-time girlfriend that has to make some
choices about what she wants to do with her life and how she really has to
learn to stand up for herself and what she wants.
I will also be doing a sequel to the Wishing
Field called Angels, and then I really, REALLY, want to write some science
fiction books involving time travel and romance. I’m fascinated with time
travel and love science fiction. I may even throw in some aliens,too!
Do you have a favourite out of the books you
have written? If so why is it your favourite?
My favorites are The Wishing Field and Benny
J. And The Broken Bicycle Gang. Those are my favorites because they turned out
exactly the way I wanted them to. They were easy and fun to write.
Do you have a favourite character from your
books? and why are they your favourite?
I don’t really have a specific favorite. My
favorite is the main character of the book that I’m writing at the time.
Usually. If I had to pick one, it would be Delaney Page (from Delaney Page
& The Secret of Everything) because she’s hilarious and always makes really
hilarious mistakes.
If you had to choose to be one of your
characters in your book/books which would you be? and why?
That’s easy. I would prefer to be Corrie Shannon
from The Diary of A Teenage Millionaire! She wins $50,000,000 in the lottery.
So yeah, it would be cool to be her.
How long have you been writing?, and who or
what inspired you to write?
I have been writing since I was eleven or
twelve. I always kept a diary – I even STILL keep a diary, just not as often.
Danielle Steel was a major inspiration to me. Once I wrote her an email and she
answered back. She was surprised that I still had one of her first books and
wished me the best on my own writing career. At that point, that was just after
I’d been published in Highlights I think, that meant so much to me. I printed
her email out and posted it on my office wall for a long time.
I read a biography of hers and found great
comfort that she did a lot of the same things I do, like keep numerous lists of
everything! I do that! It made me realize that 90% of my personality that I
thought was ‘weird’ was really just because I’m a writer.
The book ‘On Being A Writer’ by Dorothea
Brand did wonders for me, as well. Again, all the quirks that I’d been
self-conscious about all my life were written about in Dorothea Brand’s book
and I realized that I’m not weird, I’m a writer! It was a real eye-opening experience
and it really helped me accept that I’m an introvert and there’s nothing wrong
with that.
Where do you get your book plot ideas
from?What/Who is your inspiration?
My book ideas seem to just pop into my head.
I can be watching a movie, any kind of movie, and it could be one tiny sentence
that someone says that gives me an idea to build an entire book around that
concept. Sometimes my family probably finds it difficult to watch movies with
me because I always end up going, right in the middle of some random scene, “I
have an idea for a book!” and then I spend the next commercial break telling
them my entire idea for the plot.
Do you have a certain routine you have for
writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?
Most of my books have been written from the
comfort of my bed on my laptop. I can isolate myself there and completely
immerse myself in this other world that I’m creating. I don’t listen to music,
it is too distracting. I need absolute silence and isolation for writing. So,
when I’m working on a book, I’m in the bedroom for five days straight and only
come out to eat.
I find if I sit at my desk I feel too
business-like and feel like I should be doing a budget or working on some video
editing or something. If I sit in my comfy armchair in the living room, people
invariably travel through to go to the kitchen (we have an open concept
apartment so it’s all pretty open), or talk to each other, etc.
Do you have anybody read your books and give
you reviews before you officially release them?ie. Your partner, children,
friends, reviewers you know?
Not usually, but my sister has read some of
my stuff as I’m writing it. I generally don’t share it with my husband because
he has literally said, “I’m not interested in that.” One time when I tried to
force him to read one of my books I’d just written (The Wishing Field), he
literally fell asleep in the chair! I got seriously offended by that at the
time but I understand that most men are not in the least bit interested in
reading a book about a thirteen year old girl, so I forgave him. : )
Do you gift books to readers to do reviews?
I haven’t yet, but I’m not opposed to doing
Do you read all the reviews of your
Yes, I do. Mainly because so far they’ve been
mostly all good reviews. I think if I ever got a really bad review, I would
choose to not take the reviews so seriously.
What was the toughest/best review you have
ever had?
The worst review I had, I refuse to take to
heart. The person left a review on Amazon of the first book of Diary of A
Teenage Mom and stated – right at the beginning of her review! – that she
didn’t want to read the book but she did anyway. Then she left a review about
how much she disliked the book! I thought that was ridiculous. I mean, if I
don’t want to read a book because it isn’t something I would find interesting,
I’m not going to force myself to read it and then leave a review about how much
I disliked it! I simply don’t read books that I know I won’t like! LOL
I’ve had so many wonderful reviews on my
books though that it’s hard to pick a favorite. I think my favorite ones that
remind me how much a book can affect a person’s life. My reviews on my ADD book
(The To Do List Solution for Adult ADD’ers) really touch me because they let me
know that my book has helped them in their daily life.
But I love all my reviews. I’m very, very
grateful for the people that actually take the time to go back and leave a
review after reading a book. I know that this takes extra effort on the part of
the reader. So, it really means something to me that they actually take the
time to do this!
The readers that read my blog on my website
and comment on it mean so much to me. They keep me motivated and keep reminding
me who I write for.
Would you ever ask a reviewer to change their
review if it was not all positive about your book/books?
Not at all. Everyone is entitled to their own
opinions. I know that I’ve watched movies that 9 out of 10 people have said are
terrible. Because I know that I’m not like 9 out of 10 people. I know that I
have my own tastes and if the summary and cover image appeal to me, I’ll give
it a go anyway. I give readers enough credit to make their own decisions based
on the synopsis and cover and the readings samples available on Amazon.
If someone writes a negative review, a really
critical review (which hasn’t happened yet, and I actually hope it won’t
happen), I would analyze it to see if it’s malicious or genuinely helpful
criticism. Like a reviewer that liked my book and gave it 4 out of 5 stars said
that I tried to fit too much into one book (the first book in the DOTM series),
so I realized the reviewer was right in this case and I feel that it has
improved my writing. For THAT particular length of book. When I decide to write
a huge saga spanning several generations, I’ll be fitting a lot of stuff into
one book. : )
How do you come up with the Title and Cover
Designs for your book/books?Who designed the Cover of your books?
I generally design my own covers (I feel I’m
getting better at this the more books I write).
The titles come easy. I’m always thinking in titles. I think it comes
from writing songs.
Do you choose a title first, or write the
book then choose the title?
Sometimes I get hit with a ‘great title for a
book’. Then I immediately get the entire plot in my head just from the title.
Sometimes I just have the plot idea and then the title comes afterwards.
Sometimes I end up changing the title after the book is finished. Each book is
How do you come up with characters names and
place names in your books?
I love coming up with character names.
Although I have a baby name book at home, I rarely use it. I love quirky names
or unusual names.
I try to use fictional place names. Sometimes
I’ll combine the names of two real places to make a fictional name. Like
Plaster Rock (in New Brunswick) and Bay City became Plaster Bay. Sometimes I
will reverse a place name, like Clementsport became Port Clements.
I don’t like using real place names if I can
help it because I’m always worried that someone in those real towns will think
they’re in my book, or worse, will write to me and tell me how much I got wrong
about their town. LOL
Are character names and place names decided
after there creation? or do you pick a character/place name and then invent
I pick a character name when I start a book.
Sometimes, but very rarely, the name will change later. I get the name first
and then the book begins with the character’s general personality decided upon
but the character develops throughout the story, so sometimes even I’m
surprised by his/her actions.
The place names usually come on the spur of
the moment as I need them. When I wanted Emma and Tank to move to a new town in
the DOTM series, I had to stop in the middle of a paragraph and think up a name
that embodied what I wanted the town to be. That’s how I came up with
Summerside. I hope that the people that live in Summerside, P.E.I don’t tell me
I described their town wrong. Mine is a totally fictional Summerside.
Do you decide on character traits (ie shy,
quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?
I have their basic character traits decided
when I begin. The kind of plot is based on the kind of character I’ve created.
The solution always has to come from some aspect of the character. So, if she’s
shy, there has to be some resolution to that, either she’d become braver or
accept that shyness is not a handicap and it is okay to be shy. I’m more for
people accepting themselves for who they are instead of trying to change to fit
Do you basic plot/plan for your book, before
you actually begin writing it out? Or do you let the writing flow and see where
it takes the story?
I do a bit of both. I write out the general
plot and then let the characters ‘live their lives’. With a series, however, it is more
complicated. With book 7 in the DOTM series, I’ve had to plot out the entire
thing, step by step because I have so many characters now to keep track of, as
well as keep track of the weeks/months in her pregnancy, so I also use a little
calendar to plot the book out on so that I can always refer to it and know how
many weeks it’s been since something happened so when she refers to events,
I’ll know if she should say ‘last week’ or ‘it’s been three weeks since …”.
How do you market/promote your books?
Actually, I haven’t really. I think I have
one or two book trailers (for Thurber’s World and Delaney Page & The Secret
of Everything). I keep meaning to create a video for Diary of A Teenage Mom but
it is always on the back burner.
What do you think makes a book a really
good/bestseller ?
I think what makes a book a bestseller, other
than a really well-written book, is timing and public interest. If you write a
book about the law of attraction and it’s never been done before, it will be a
hard sell. If you write one after there is a lot interest in it, it should sell
well. If you write it after a million people have written a book about the law
of attraction, it gets lost in the sea of similar books. It’s all about timing
and public interest.
Have you ever suffered from a "writer's
block"? What did you do to get past the "block"?
I think that writer’s block is really mental
exhaustion. Writers have to put out so much stuff from their minds that without
a period of time for ‘intake’ (ie movies, reading, relaxing real world
experiences), the well is a little dry. Whenever a writer is having writer’s
block, the best fix is to relax. Take a break. Watch movies, go out with
friends. Live a little. Live a lot!
I used to experience ‘writer’s block’ when I
was much younger. I remember the feeling of fear that I would NEVER have
another good idea for a book again. It is a really scary thought. I learned
that I create in cycles. The best cure for a problem with ‘thinking’ is
something that involves ‘doing’. As soon as you spend enough time doing dishes
and sweeping floors, doing laundry, etc, good ideas just pop out of thin air!
What do you do to unwind and relax?Do you
have a hobby?
Well, I have several hobbies, but my nature
is to turn everything into a business. I make dolls (reborn dolls) and I’ve
turned it from a hobby into a business and I now have Film Babies. These are
realistic looking baby dolls that I rent out to TV production companies for use
on their shows. Four of my dolls recently filmed an episode of the sitcom SEED
(I’m not sure if that is on in the U.S.).
I like to read (sci fi, paranormal, etc) and
watch a little TV. I only really watch two shows a week – The Big Bang Theory
and The Middle. Other than that, science shows or documentaries.
I also sing, play guitar, write songs and am
starting an ‘internet band’ with my son, Jy Trigg.
AND I also make videos and I’m going to be working
on a webseries this spring called Miracles Happen. It will sort of be a little
like Weird or What with William Shatner but it will be about miracles in
people’s lives and will be hosted by Jy Trigg. If there is a big enough
following, we’ll be pitching it to networks.
Have you ever based characters on people you
know or based events on things that have happened to you?
My main characters always have a little bit
of me in them. Ivory’s mother in The Wishing Field is a bit like me. I think
the mothers of my characters are more like me than the main characters, to some
degree. Not EXACTLY like me.
I do draw on events from my life to write
some events in the books. Like Emma’s car accident was described from a car
accident I had over ten years ago.
Are there any hidden messages or morals
contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The
moral of this story is..")
I think my basic message in my books is to be
proud of who you are, not ashamed of who you are. I think – I hope – my message
to introverts is that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you. Being an
introvert is as normal as being an extrovert. The difference is that introverts
never make extroverts feel like they’re out of place or need to change.
Self-acceptance is the thing that will change the world.
Is there a certain Author that influenced you
in writing?
There are many. Judy Blume and Danielle Steel
I think were my main influences. But also Ray Bradbury. And Fannie Flagg. I
love Fannie Flagg! I love her humor.
Which format of book do you prefer,
ebook,hardback, or paperback?
I prefer paperback because I love the look
and feel of books. But I love eBooks as well because I’m impatient and if I
want to buy a book, I generally want it ‘right now’ and I can get that with
Kindle. So, I guess both. I do make it a point to spend most gift money
(birthday or Christmas from relatives) at my local bookstore!
I don’t like hardcovers as much because
they’re heavy and more expensive. I’ve never seen the point of spending twice
as much for a book that I could pay less for in paperback.
What is your favourite book and Why?
Have you read it more than once?
My favorite book is Power of Intention by
Wayne Dyer. I love it because it always reminds me that I can do whatever I put
my mind to. I can accomplish anything.
As far as writing goes, my favorite book
there is Being A Writer by Dorothea Brand. I also like On Writing by Stephen
King. I like reading books by authors because they ‘understand’ me.
Do you think books transfer to movies well?
Which is you favourite/worst book to movie transfer?
I think if J.J. Abrams handles it, anything
will translate well from books to movies.
The best book/movie transfer (in my humble
opinion) was The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I liked it that it was exactly like
the book. (I think the Harry Potter series translated well too).
I was disappointed with the movie Something
Borrowed, but that might have been because I’d pictured the characters so
differently from the actors that I couldn’t really get into that movie. Also
because I had just finished reading the book shortly before the movie came out
and the movie just didn’t seem as good as that book. But I watched the movie
again recently and as a movie on its own, it was pretty good. So, I think the
problem with my own interpretation of the characters.
What are you currently reading? Are you
enjoying it? What format is it?(ebook, hardback or paperback)
Currently I’m reading The Power of Focus by
Jack Canfield (and a couple other guys), The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven, and
Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer. They are all paperback. I usually read two or
three books at once because my mood changes.
Do you think ebooks will ever totally replace
printed books?
Maybe in a couple generations but not for a
long time, I think. I think there will always be people that want both. I don’t
think it’s the same as VCR/DVD transformation. I think it is more the same of
MTV and Radio transformation. There will always be a need for both. (I hope).
Do you think children at schools these days
are encouraged enough to read? and/or do Imaginative writing?
I think that children are not being
encouraged enough to read. I think that there’s a mass of introverts being
forced to go outside and play at recess when they would prefer to be in the
library reading. I remember spending all my lunch hours in the library reading
in elementary school and then reaching grade 7 and being forced outside at
lunch time. I hated it. I wanted to read. I think kids should be able to choose
between reading or going outside. They can go outside when they get home if
they like. I spent nearly all my time outside at home when I was a kid, but at
school I loved the library.
I think that proper manuscript formatting,
cover letters, and proper manuscript submission etiquette should be part of the
English curriculum at schools.
Did you read a lot at school and write lots
of stories or is being a writer something newer in your life?
I wrote a lot of stories when I was a kid,
but I realized early on that I could not write against deadlines or when
someone else told me to ‘write a story’. I spent as much time in the library as
I could! I think I decided that I wanted to be a writer when I was 9 and I read
The Secret Garden. I loved it. It was around that time that I discovered the
Little House on The Prairie books too.
Did you have a favourite author as a child?
Laura Ingalls Wilder and Lucy Maud Montgomery
were my favorite authors when I was a child. Then when I was a teenager I discovered Fannie
Flagg and she is my all-time favorite author.
Do you have a treasured book from your
childhood? If yes, what is it?
I still have a copy of Fannie Flagg’s Coming
Attractions (later titled Daisy Fae and the Miracle Man). That is the most
hilarious book I’ve ever read.
Do you have a favourite genre of book?
My favorites are science fiction, paranormal
(if I’m not home alone), and metaphysical.
Is there a book you know you will never read?
Or one you tried to read but just couldn't finish?
I can’t read horror books. I won’t even try.
Even if I see a commercial for a horror film I have to sleep with the hall
light on. So, no. No horror books!
Are there any New Authors you are interested
in for us to watch out for? and Why should we watch out for them?
I really like the author Chaz Young’s books.
She has this trilogy about a place in another dimension called Fahdamin-Ra and
these kids travel there and find out they are creators/gods there. It was a
really enjoyable read.
Also, the author of the books that we’re
basing our webseries, Miracles Happen, on (Cris Pfeil) is a new author that has
two books in her series (Outside The Box and Miracles Happen) that are
collections of stories of people who have seen angels or received messages from
deceased loved ones, etc.
Is there anything in your book/books you
would change now if you could and what would it be?
Yes, definitely. I would have created a
powerful antagonist for Thurber in Thurber’s World. That was a big mistake on
my part, even if it is for very young readers, I still would like to add a
human antagonist instead of just his fight against time, protecting the
scientist, and making it back to his own timeline on time, etc. I would have
liked to have sent someone that made his life difficult back with him.
Actually, THAT book was inspired by a dream that I had about a boy going back
in time to save the world.
What do you think about book trailers?
I love them. I create them for others (which
is probably why I never have time to create them for my own books) . I think
book trailers are great little glimpses into the story.
What piece of advice would you give to a new
If you feel like you’re withering and dying
if you do not write, then follow this passion with all your heart. Do not
listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t, or shouldn’t, do this. Do whatever
you can to carve out your writing career. Rent a room instead of an apartment
so that you don’t have to work as much at jobs you hate. Do it while you’re
young (a writer KNOWS they’re a writer at an early age), it is harder after you
get married and have kids – but not impossible. Eat macaroni and cheese, shop
at thrift shops and dollar stores, and remember that writers are born. It is
the only career that chooses you!
Do you or would you ever use a pen name?
Yes. I think that if you decide to write a
different genre of books, a pen name is a good idea to create and keep the kind
of following you want. I’m planning on writing my science fiction books under
the name Lizzie Timewarp : )
If you could invite three favourite writers
to dinner, who would you invite and enjoy chatting with?
I would invite Fannie Flagg, Danielle Steel,
and Stephen King. Even though I don’t read scary books, so I admit I haven’t
read Stephen King’s stuff, other than his book On Writing, I can so relate to
him as a writer and would love to sit and talk with him for hours.
Where can readers follow you?
Your Blog Details? http://www.elizabethanntrigg.ca/blog.html
Your Website ? http://www.elizabethanntrigg.ca
Your Blog Details? http://www.elizabethanntrigg.ca/blog.html
Your Website ? http://www.elizabethanntrigg.ca
Your Facebook Page? http://www.facebook.com/ElizabethAnnTrigg
Your Twitter Details? http://twitter.com/ElizabethATrigg
And any other information you wish to supply? Readers can always email me via my website and I always answer every letter.
Your Twitter Details? http://twitter.com/ElizabethATrigg
And any other information you wish to supply? Readers can always email me via my website and I always answer every letter.
Author: Elizabeth Ann Trigg
Series: Diary Of A Single Mom
Publisher: Navarone Books
Release Date: 2nd January 2012
BLURB from Goodreads
16 year old Emma's life comes to a screeching halt when she discovers she's pregnant. Her mother practically disowns her and ships her off to have the baby far away where the event will have no negative impact on her social standing. When Emma finally declares she's keeping the baby and returns home, she must face her mother's resentment, alienation from her friends and the most tragic experience ever--her boyfriend, Ethan, refuses to accept that the baby is his. Emma struggles to stand on her own two feet and discovers love right next door. But will her new love still want her when he discovers her true age?
Book 1 covers Emma's experience from discovering she's pregnant until the baby is six months old.
I have read quite a few "Diary Of . ..." books and usually really enjoy them. After a (Did Not Finish) DNF I wanted something lighter that I felt more confident I would enjoy.
I purchased this e-book for Amazon.co.uk for my kindle with the intention of reading and reviewing it for my blog. I suppose some would say "cover images" aren't as prominent in an e-book though I admit I do always look at a book cover and begin my judgement of the book and my likelihood of enjoying the book from the cover. This cover is somewhat basic, in that it appears to be a photograph of a notebook/journal with a photo of a pregnant teen on it.To be totally honest, yes, in my opinion it does have room for improvement but it suffices. It fits the book well.
Would the cover make me pick the book up in a bookstore? Truthfully, it would depend what it was on the shelf with. I couldn't honestly say that this cover would make the book jump out or stand out to me.
So Emily comes from a fairly normal, middle class family. Emily is an only child and has been dating her boyfriend Ethan for a while now. Ethan has a bit of a reputation of a "jack the lad" and is known for sleeping around and having more than one girlfriend at a time. Emily naively thinks she has changed him when he waits a while before they have sex.
Emily seems to come down with a flu like illness and when her mum insists she goes to the doctors and the doctor asks if Emily could be pregnant. Emily's mum really loses her temper with the Doctor being annoyed that it could be insinuated her teenaged daughter be pregnant. So tests are done and when the results are in, they cannot be argued with, Emily is pregnant.
The book goes on to tell how Emily's mum reacts to the news. Basically she sends Emily away to an old school friend, to disappear from view s everything is hushed up. Emily is given no say in the matter, she isn't even allowed to use her own name when she disappears. Emily's mother doesn't even tell Emily's father! Emily's mother makes up a cover story and forces Emily to stick to it. Which to an extent works whilst Emily's mother is there to keep the pressure on.
However things don't go to Emily's mothers plan when the more Emily see's of her mum's friend, the more she doesn't want her to be the new adopted mother of her baby.
Emily's father eventually finds out and it does cause a rift between him and his wife. He takes some control of the situation and brings Emily home. However Emily's mum is determined that Emily must learn the hard way what it means to be a pregnant teen and mother.
I admit to seriously wanting to get a hold of Emily's mum and to shale her and say look it's happened, deal with it! Emily's mum seems more interested in what the neighbour's think than how her daughter is feeling. Then again, in another scene Emily's mum throws a baby shower for her daughter! I' need to read more of this series to find out what Emily's mum is really going to be like, Is she going to support Emily to keep up appearances? Fully support Emily and the baby? Want to take over the baby care and tell Emily what to do? There's lots of ways this could all turn out. then there's also the question of Ethan the baby's father, though in this book when he is informed about the baby he insists he will not help with the upkeep of the baby, in fact he questions if the baby is his.
So did I enjoy the book? I did enjoy the book even though I felt like slapping one or two of the characters! Would I recommend the book? Yes, I think it would be a conversation starter to talk to teen girls and maybe even boys about sex and teenage pregnancy prevention. Would I want to read another book in this series? I would really love to read more of this series. Would I read other titles by this Author? I enjoyed the way Elizabeth writes so yes I'd like to read more by her.
Thank you so much for this review! I loved it!
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