BLURB from Goodreads
Tiara is an action-packed, historical fiction, romantic thriller centering around the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ire-land in 1998. The main female protagonist is Princess Jennifer of Edinburgh, a civil rights activist involved in the negotiations between the British government and the coalition groups in Ulster. She becomes an object of fascination to Berlin Mansfield, an international terrorist of Irish descent who is equally intent on attending the historic event as it transpires. The two eventually cross paths in a tale of intrigue and suspense with the future of a nation at stake.
Do you have a favourite
character from your books? and why are they your favourite?
Berlin Mansfield and Princess Jennifer in Tiara are at the top of the list, which
makes them my favorite couple by default. Mansfield is a consummate anti-hero.
He comes from nobility though carrying the stigma of being an illegitimate
child. He enters the world of terrorism to avenge his father’s death and gets
trapped there through his genius as a chemical engineer. The more outrageous
his fees, the more he is paid to stay in the game. He is fascinated by Jennifer
and sets out on a vision quest to rescue her from kidnappers. Like Berlin, she
has been constrained by her position of nobility. She has devoted her life to
philanthropic causes and never had time for herself. When they meet, they discover
their true selves and fall into a relationship that is doomed to failure.
Who is your publisher?
or do you self publish?
Right now I’m at a crossroads as my publishers are doing
little or nothing to promote the books despite the fact they are of the best
quality on their shelves. I self-published The
Bat and Tiara – 10th Anniversary Edition and
am waiting to see how they do on Amazon. Right now there’s a stigma around
self-publishing as the majority is produced by those who can’t write well
enough to get a contract. I’ve got deals with eight different publishers, so
I’ve earned my credentials. Whether an agent, a major label or a movie producer
takes me to the next level remains to be seen.
How do you come up with
characters names and place names in your books?
Lots of times I will research the names of cities and towns
in the character’s country of ethnic origin for a cool-sounding surname. I’ll
pull up boys and girls names within their ethnicity for a proper name. Pedigree
is important to me, so my characters will sound very Irish, very German, very
Serbian, and so on. In the case of Berlin Mansfield, that was a keeper. I
wanted a name that sounded dark, exotic and very German…why not Berlin? I also
wanted it to be a sexy name…can you think of anything hotter than Jayne
Do you basic plot/plan
for your book, before you actually begin writing it out? Or do you let the
writing flow and see where it takes the story?
For my new novel, Nightcrawler
II, I decided Sabrina Brooks was going to go head to head with Chechen
terrorists in NYC amidst their feud with the Russian Mob. I next decided on
twins playing both sides of the fence, reflecting Sabrina assuming an alter
ego. From there we had the standard crime elements of drug trafficking and
action/adventure terror threats. As you can see, you keep adding to the
structure until you’ve got a blueprint for your dream home.
How do you
market/promote your books?
In this day and age, it’s all Internet until someone shows
me otherwise. I avail myself of wonderful bloggers such as yourself, book
review sites, and exchange reviews regularly with other writers. It’s all a
question of getting your work into the right hands. A good agent, a major
publisher or a Hollywood producer can change your life in a heartbeat. Everyone
on this planet knows someone who knows a celebrity. You just have to get your
book in their hands so they can pass it to the Dream Maker.
Are there any hidden
messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables
type of "The moral of this story is..")
The Bat is subtitled
An Existential Fable. One of the
subplots is NYC losing its religion and turning to philosophy for answers. Existentialism’s
basic principle is what you see is what you get. Things are exactly what they
seem, and when we start reading our own meaning into what we see, we fall
victim to stereotyping and our own prejudices. The irony in the story is that
most of the characters are engaged in deception, both of self and those around.
The bottom line is, no matter how noble your own core values may be, they may
not coincide with the world you live in. Contrary to public opinion, sometimes
you can’t make a difference. The Bat features some people who die
Is there a certain
Author that influenced you in writing?
Franz Kafka has had the most profound effect on my writing
in this century. His postmodernist technique is reflected in many of my recent
works. We find extraordinary people with ordinary values placed in absurd
situations beyond their control. They exceed expectations in overachieving
their goal and greatly impacting their world, but often at great personal cost.
Do you think books
transfer to movies well? Which is you favourite/worst book to movie
I think any of my books would make great movies, and when it
happens it will be the crowning achievement in my life’s work. I can’t imagine
anything comparing to Joseph Conrad’s Heart
of Darkness being translated into Apocalypse
Now. The absolute worst was Stephen King’s horror classic Pet Semetary getting grated into the
cheesy movie version.
Are there any New
Authors you are interested in for us to watch out for? and Why should we watch
out for them?
Elle Klass is an upcoming author whose debut novel, As Snow Falls, was one of the most
uniquely-stylish pieces of work I’ve seen. Her first-person narrative through
the voice of an anonymous character written without dialogue lines gave it an
intensely intimate, almost haunting ambiance. I do dozens of reviews on new
authors and hers really stood out. This is really a book
worth reading for fans and writers alike.
If you could invite
three favourite writers to dinner, who would you invite and enjoy chatting
I would want to spend a morning at the lake with Paul of
Tarsus, an afternoon in the mountains with Carl Jung, and a night on the
streets of Paris with Franz Kafka. They would be in perfect communion with
their environment which would stimulate conversation that would change my
universe forever.
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And any other
information you wish to supply?

Photojournalist Steve Lurgan returns from the War in Kosovo under an ancient curse and falls in love with a Serbian national in modern-day NYC. Jana Dragana’s career is being compromised by her drug addiction, but her exploiters end up as victims of a mysterious attack dog. NYPD detective, Darko Lucic suspects the murders are part of a larger conspiracy. It is the presence of Serbian Army Captain, Bojan Evilenko in NYC that makes him believe the answers lie in an underground network of human organ traffickers in this unique tale of intrigue and supernatural horror.
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