Sunday 31 January 2016


Title: The Unmumsy Mums
Author: The Unmumsy Mum
Publisher: Transworld Digital
Genre: Humour, Anecdotes
Release Date: 14th January 2016

BLURB from Goodreads
Whenever the Unmumsy Mum shares a story about life with her two young boys, she is inundated with anecdotes from other mums who have had similar experiences. As she herself puts it: 'I have spent many an evening over the past year absolutely howling with laughter at all the comments and messages received via my blog and social media pages. The Facebook page, in particular, has become a place for mums and dads to share their hilarious stories about the reality of life with children. I was confident that there would be further undiscovered gems out there - hysterical things that children have said, embarrassing things that they have done - so I invited my followers to send their own tales to me. This is a collection of the best of those stories - enjoy!'

This short book was FREE at the time of this Review
This free ebook collection is released to celebrate publication 
of The Unmumsy Mum's book on 11th February 2016 and includes 
an exclusive preview of The Unmumsy Mum.

Title: The Unmumsy Mums
Author: The Unmumsy Mum
Publisher: Transworld Digital
Genre: Humour, Anecdotes
Release Date: 11th February 2016

BLURB from Goodreads

The Unmumsy Mum writes candidly about motherhood like it really is: the messy, maddening, hilarious reality, how there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach and how it is sometimes absolutely fine to not know what you are doing. The lessons she's learnt while grappling with two small boys – from birth to teething, 3am night feeds to toddler tantrums, soft play to toilet training – will have you roaring with laughter and taking great comfort in the fact that it's definitely not just you...

Goodreads Link

Amazon US
(link not yet available)

The Unmumsy Mum aka Sarah Turner lives in Devon with her husband and their two boys. She started writing as The Unmumsy Mum after become disillusioned with the other parenting literature she had read online. Everybody seemed to be coping so well. Where were the tales of mums tearing their hair out after yet another sleepless night and endless re-runs of Peppa Pig? She made a vow then and there to document the reality of parenting, and her blog page ( and subsequent Facebook page ( were born. You can follow Sarah's everyday parenting grumbles on Twitter @theunmumsymum.

Title: The Unmumsy Mums
Author: The Unmumsy Mum
Publisher: Transworld Digital
Genre: Humour, Anecdotes
Release Date: 14th January 2016

BLURB from Goodreads
Whenever the Unmumsy Mum shares a story about life with her two young boys, she is inundated with anecdotes from other mums who have had similar experiences. As she herself puts it: 'I have spent many an evening over the past year absolutely howling with laughter at all the comments and messages received via my blog and social media pages. The Facebook page, in particular, has become a place for mums and dads to share their hilarious stories about the reality of life with children. I was confident that there would be further undiscovered gems out there - hysterical things that children have said, embarrassing things that they have done - so I invited my followers to send their own tales to me. This is a collection of the best of those stories - enjoy!'

Goodreads Link

This short book was FREE at the time of this Review

I fancied a light fun read and this one looked like it would fit the bill nicely! Also it was FREE! yes FREE! (OMG I sound like Martin Lewis, Moneysaver Expert lol) to download.

I downloaded this one FREE from Amazon UK. As it says on the cover this is a collection of hysterical stories about parenting! The cover features a breakfast cereal splat on the cover along with a spoon and a fork that appear to have been launched after the cereal too! 
Would this book cover make me pick up this book from a bookstore shelf? Yes, its a quite amusing scene, and one a few parents will have been through at some point during their parenthood journey. The cover sets the amusing tone of the book.
The book begins with a letter from the Author saying she has spent many an evening on her blog, and other social media sites quite literally howling at some of the stories of cringeworthy, laugh out loud, incidents that she has been sent. Unmumsy Mum has included some of the stories she has been sent in her book that is due out in February and then because she had so many, she decided to collect a few of them and made this free novella length edition for us, the reader, to have a taster of the forthcoming book.
A lady called Lauren, sent her incident . . . .her daughter was enjoying "dress up" and "role play" time at school and was talking excitedly about it at home. When daddy thinking it was funny and being witty chipped in with a comment saying her mummy likes to do "role play and dress-up too". They then thought no more about it until later when the little girl promptly asked her young male teacher if mummy could come in and join in "role play" and then turned to her mummy and asked her which outfit she wanted to wear!! 
There are quite a few more where that one came from, in fact, they rang amusing, outrageous and some a little scandalous too!
So Did I enjoy this book? As a taster of a coming soon larger edition, this was a perfect lunchtime, or bus journey read. Just remember where you are when reading and prepare to get strange looks when you spontaneously burst out with a giggle, chuckle and roar of laughter too. Would I recommend this book? As it was a freebie I'd have to say it's an absolutely brilliant book! How much would I have been comfortable paying for it? About 99p or £1.50 as it is quite short, though packed with laughs! Ideal book to read for that half hour, when you've just put the little darlings to bed, or dropped them off at school on time! and you finally have time for a cuppa and a biscuit. Would I want to read more of this type of genre? I do enjoy real life anecdotes and funny story collections, from things like this to the professional "Confessions" books like Air Hostess, Teacher, Policeman, Firemen, Male Nurses, Nurses to Cashiers. I keep searching for a hairdressing one and another cashier/checkout one because I have had both careers! Would I want to read more from the Unmumsy Mum? Well, the book this collection is a taster of has gone straight onto my Want To Read Wishlist!

Brilliant, amusing stories that will have you "bent over double in laughter" with tears streaming down your face! This great collection of hilarious stories/anecdotes from parents (not the spick and span ones with a house without a thing out of place, and the perfect angelic children) but those who are down to earth and "normal" like the rest of us! The ones that struggle to get the children to school on time whilst wearing the school uniform with matching socks and shoes and having had their hair brushed too lol! This book has you in tears with laughter and if this is only a small taster what will the book be like?!

So good only negative was I wanted more! . . . .much more! ....I did not want it to end!

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