Thursday, 31 December 2020



Title: Exile: Beyond The Thaw
Series: The Thaw Chronicles
Authors: Tamar Sloan & Heidi Catherine
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Climate Change
Release Date: 11th December 2020

BLURB from Goodreads
Only the chosen shall seek.

Sam, Hawk, Luca and Mercy.

Four teens no longer sure what they’re seeking. Four teens no longer sure whether it can be found.

They were supposed to be building a new world. One where the Earth is respected as much as the people who depend on it for survival. One where the benefits of Askala could be shared by all.

Except instead of bringing people together, Sam, Hawk, Luca and Mercy are more divided than ever. Sam has returned to Askala, learning exactly how vulnerable her home is. Hawk is trapped, forced to fight for his life to save those around him. Luca has returned to the Outlands to right his wrongs. Mercy is determined to find out the truth at any cost.

In the struggle to repair the world from the ravages of global warming, the fight to reunite is going to be their greatest battle yet. Because no matter where they are, treachery is far closer than they ever realized.

Living has never been more deadly.


The series cover theme continues with this book, having a bird on it. I really like how all the books set in and around the world of Askala and its people all have a common denominator on the covers tying them together. I bet they will look amazing on a book shelf together. I’d love to see them all standing on a book store shelf….though I would be grabbing people and telling them to go look at these great books lol!

Our main characters are separated in this book. So, I will reveal just a little about the different situations my favourite characters find themselves in.

Sam has lied to the love of her life, Hawk in order to spare him having to choose between her and his want and need to be a Seeker. Sam has returned to Askala to be with her seriously ill younger brother Seb. I know we haven’t had lots of information on him but I think he is a character you cannot help but fall in love with. It’s clear that Sam is very close to her brother. Sam is using all her book knowledge on herbal remedies to try to make her brother well again. When its clear he doesn’t seem to be improving she tries to make different things to cajole him to eat and drink more. Though Sam discovers that Charity, (Grace’s daughter from the Newlands) has become close to her brother and also seems to be trying to tempt Seb with Newlands recipe broths too. Sam also discovers that Charity seems “off”, and somewhat secretive but puts it down to being still fairly new to Askala and her maybe struggling to fit in. Then when other Askalan’s begin to fall ill, and Sam stumbles upon Charity in the woods she has to wonder if this mystery illness is part of the Outlander/Newlander plan to take over Askala.

Luca has also left the Newlands but he is heading to the Outlands to catch up with Vitron and Gunnar as they are forming an army to take over Askala. Luca has a surprise when he finds two stowaways on his boat, Mercy and youngster Tarquin. Both the females refuse Luca’s strong request for him to return them to the Newlands so he has little choice but to take them along with them. Luca is very much an alpha male and thinks it is his job to protect Mercy & Tarquin. It is important that Luca kill Vitron & Gunnar as they know he is the mysterious saviour and protector “the falcon”. However, both Mercy & Tarquin are determined to help and in fact at one point, Mercy & Tarquin end up rescuing Luca. We meet more characters that live in Fairbanks and learn a little about their stories and lives.

Those left behind that remain to try to continue with the Seekers jobs are Hawk and Gust. We really do get to see a softer, more caring side to Gust in this book. The way Gust tries his best to take care of Hawk as he recovers from his beating. Then when the time to stand their ground against the Newlanders approaches, he makes it clear he will stand by the side of Hawk no matter what it may cost him. Of course, Hawk is missing Sam, at first believing what she told him about not having romantic feelings for him and then after talking to Gust realising why she said what she did to him. Sadly, things for the two remaining Seekers go from bad to worse, and they soon decide they need to leave and head back home to Askala.

There is so much going on in this series, there are so many facets of this world being slowly unfolded, and so many others being hinted at. This series has already given us the fantastic story of Askala and how it has grown. Then the Outlanders posing a threat to the original Askala, which then evolves. Next is the discovery of Newlands that Wren and Hawk visit, and the idea and choosing of the Seekers whose job it is to spread the word of peace, harmony and living with the world regenerating rather than continuing to kill off the land and future possibilities. The Authors have seriously thought out this world they created and worked outwards from it extending both its history and its different societies within it’s current worlds. I really enjoyed more of the spotlight being turned onto the women in the books too.

My immediate thoughts upon finishing this book were that there were so many twists, turns, shocks, and even more in this one! Wow! I didn't see that coming! Lots of situations where the female characters show they are just as strong if not stronger that the men in Askala, the Outlands, Fairbanks and the Newlands.

To sum up, another great book in the fantastic Thaw Chronicles. I am seriously looking forward to the next book in this part of the series and anything else set in this world by Tamar & Heidi too!!

Tuesday, 29 December 2020


A breathtaking debut with Southern charm, whimsical worlds, and meet-cuteness, for fans of Marie Lu and Lois Lowry.
Title: Becoming Human
Author: Amy Michelle Carpenter
Genre: YA, Sci-Fi
Release Date: 8th December 2020

BLURB supplied by Silver Dagger Book Tours
A redneck boy. An Earth-obsessed alien. And a robotic girl... Three wildly different teenagers must work together, and accept one another, to conserve humanity.

Carter doesn't believe in aliens. And he certainly doesn't defend his dad's claims that they exist, even if they aired on national television. But then, the girl he's falling for starts doing strange things, magical things, things that seem a bit out of this world.

Kokab hungers to be a Perfect in a world where her emotions are her greatest flaw. But when her planet faces extinction, her sympathy makes her the best ambassador to persuade humans to accept her people. Failure means invasion, but success means she will never become a Perfect. Ags dreams of graduating from the Academy and becoming a guardian of Earth.

Obsessed with all things human, she's eager to spend time on the unique planet. But when she uncovers an impending invasion, she's willing to lose everything, including herself, to stop it.




My copper hair is gone, replaced with uneven strands that drop from my scalp in 203 shades of brown...I press my finger to my cheek, and my skin indents against the pressure. So weak and malleable. My stomach drops.  I am changed, no longer an Almost. Not even a Different. 

I am human.


Amy Michelle Carpenter is a developmental editor with Eschler Editing and a professional blogger. She's written hundreds of blogs and news articles for local and national companies. She also has a children's story in an anthology.

As the daughter of an Army officer, she grew up traveling the country and has lived by sandy beaches, southern woods, towering cities, and the rocky mountains. Now, she resides in the countryside of Tooele, UT with her husband and baby girls. She enjoys seeing what wildlife and farm animals dare venture into her yard only to be chased by her toddlers. Wherever family is is home.



Saturday, 26 December 2020



Christmas Naturally

A Collection of Small-Town, Heartwarming, HEA Christmas Romances

with stories by

Joanne Jaytanie, Jacquolyn McMurray, Grace Augustine, Lexa Fisher

Seven unforgettable hometown holiday stories brimming with heartwarming heroines, swoon-worthy heroes, new and old traditions that sparkle like tinsel in this peppermint-kissed Christmas boxset.

Christmas Reflections by Joanne Jaytanie

She’s come home to open her own business. He’s on the quest to advance his career. Neither will achieve their goals if they refuse to work together.

Juliet is a hometown girl, and Colton is a big city guy. Will he squash her dream of turning the 100-year old Christmas tree farm into a year-round destination? Or risk his career by revealing a family secret that could save Forever Christmas tree farm.

Christmas Ivy by Joanne Jaytanie

She’s a survivor. He’s a bone-weary surgeon. Can this damaged artistic soul and frazzled do-gooder find serenity together in a small town?

Ivy’s struggled to succeed her entire life. Mason is a surgeon who can’t say no. Their fast-paced lives are eroding their spirits. And both are searching for a place to call home. Worlds apart, will they discover the love they seek in Glenville?

Christmas Chemistry by Joanne Jaytanie

Chemistry and Christmas draw them together, but family loyalty could keep them on opposing sides.

It’s nothing but an old tavern. But to the Jamersons and Brocks, it’s a treasured history, a precious legacy. Can Gina Jamerson and Owen Brock meet in the middle or will their families ruin any chance of compromise?

Aloha Café by Jacquolyn McMurray

A heroine fixated on Christmas lawn decorations and a hero oblivious to his wife’s shenanigans.

When Noelani’s obsession to defeat her nemesis for the “Best Christmas Lawn Display” trophy steals her holiday joy, the most unlikely person offers to assist her—her rival’s husband. Will that partnership help or hinder Noelani’s efforts to recover her joy?

Always on Christmas by Jacquolyn McMurray

If you like uplifting holiday stories, fiercely independent single moms, and kind-hearted cowboys, then you’ll love this inspirational romance.

When Emma Sanchez inherits a cabin in Hawai’i, it’s a fresh start for her young daughter and herself. Determined to raise Ally without a man, Emma’s resolve is tested when disaster strikes, and a generous cowboy offers support.

Second Chances by Grace Augustine

If you like the strength of family, the bond of friendship, and second chances, you'll love Grace Augustine's romance.

Single fatherhood was not his life's plan. A generation later, his daughter vows to not repeat her mother's mistakes. Can father and daughter let go of the past and open their hearts to love?

Counting on Christmas by Lexa Fisher

She’s resolved to conquer the ghost of Christmas past. He’s dreading another lonely Christmas. Can they trust enough to make the holidays shine brightly?

Mary Ellis faces a cold holiday without a furnace repairman. Chris Storey has what it takes to warm her hearth and heart. Will surprise visits by her corrupt nemesis and his drunk ex-wife leave them both out in the cold this holiday season?

USA TODAY and Amazon Bestselling Author. Joanne writes romantic suspense, suspense/thriller, paranormal, and supernatural suspense. When she's not writing, she loves to travel, in both real-life and within the pages of the current book she's reading. She is active in multiple writing organizations and loves to get together with her fellow author friends for retreats.


Jacquolyn McMurray writes both contemporary and historical romance. She and her husband live on a macadamia nut farm on Hawaiʻi Island where they feed a clowder of cats and a flock of hodgepodge chickens. Jacquolyn is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Greater Seattle Romance Writers, and the American Christian Fiction Writers. When she's not writing, Jacquolyn enjoys time with her family, reading, sewing and solving crossword puzzles. In her past life, she was an elementary school teacher.


Editor and award winning novelist, Grace Augustine, grew up in Montana. Her work career has taken her from title and abstracting to administrative assistant church work to co-owning a small town weekly newspaper to her current profession as a floral designer/jewelry designer/writer.

Grace thinks of herself as a "Jill" of most trades and is not afraid to learn new things. "If you can't learn something new each day, there's something wrong," she says.


I started writing as something to do when I retired in the distant future. That distance rapidly grown shorter, and while I'm ahead of schedule, there is always more to learn about the craft.

When not writing I enjoy making greeting cards. And because I have a rescue kitty, proceeds from my books go to support veterinary services for pets of homeless or low-income families.




Thursday, 24 December 2020



Title: Red Eye Armageddon Season 3 Episode 4
Authors: Claire C Riley & Eli Constant
Genre: Sci-Fi, Post Apocalyptic, Zombies
Release Date: 26th November 2020

BLURB from Goodreads
The group is divided, and sides have been chosen. For one person, it’s too little too late. On their way to Las Vegas to Barrett’s secret hideout, the group takes refuge in RV World, but the place isn’t as deserted as it first seems.
A new location brings more terror as Rose and Sam find themselves at the mercy of Barrett’s crew, the Sins.
Now separated from both Sam and Nolan, Rose is a caged animal, terrified but determined to find the people she cares about the most. But how much can one person take?
More than ever, Rose would give anything to be sat in a boring office back in England right now.
Sam’s secret is never safe; that’s a reality she’s learning to live with. Barrett has protected her up until now, yet surrounded by his so-called family, she wonders how long it will be before he turns on her…
Sam longs for the days when her biggest problems were a failed relationship, too many carbs, and a sprained ankle.
Life has never been easy, not before the zombies and certainly not after. But even with the dead rising, it is the living that are causing the most problems. It’s the humans that elicit the most fear, that make the apocalypse bloodier, and that kill anyone necessary to survive.
Between humans, zombies and the desire for brains,
the world’s getting darker by the hour.
And the two unlikely friends,
need one another more than ever.
That doomed red-eye flight seems a lifetime ago…


There is a prologue at the beginning of this episode about a male called Liam and another person who I think is female and they are out hunting for food…..and I presume they are the ones that will be providing that food to those in the RV Park that are cannibals!!

Then this episode like the other episodes in the series, picks right up where the last one ended meaning we are thrown right back into the action and drama. Nolan and Sam are left deciding and yes disagreeing about what t do with the human eating residents in the RV park that they have just found. Nolan wants to go for back up, but the sight of the blood and gore and set the monster off inside Sam. The more Sam deals with her inner monster, the more she seems to think she is invincible. The two disagree, finally coming to an agreement that Nolan go for the others to provide backup if Sam needs it. Sam doesn’t think she will need it, she presumes the monster within her will awaken and take care of any danger the cannibals may be. In the end Sam does need help, but I will not go into details as I don’t want to spoil your reading enjoyment.

It’s clear to see in this book that there is still a rift between Rose and Sam. Rose believes that Sam had known she was in the Sins settlement and was choosing Barrett and herself over their sisterhood. They do get chance to talk to each other and clear a few things up in this episode but there are still lingering doubts.
Rose and Sam get some unexpected “girly time” when they find some clothes and food in one of the RV’s. The group decide to stay together. Sadly, Sam, Rose, Nolan & Elias still need Barrett to guide them to his secret hideout away from Sins territory. It soon becomes apparent that Nolan & Rose’s original plan will have to be shelved for now and perhaps have some slight changes in the near future too.

I love Rose in this episode, she gets more and more kick-butt as time goes on. She hates Barrett and all he stands for and she doesn’t care anymore if he knows it. In fact, she lets him clearly know her low opinion of him. I adore the growing relationship between Rose and Nolan. He has clearly fell in love with her and even in his beaten injured state if prepared to fight to protect her.

Having said all that about the characters I love, I am seriously enjoying disliking Barrett! I guess in his own weird warped way he cares about Sam, but he has really upset her withholding information about Rose and Nolan. It doesn’t matter to her that Barrett is now helping them, in Sam’s book he lied to her and she won’t forget it in a hurry.

My immediate thoughts upon finishing this season’s finale episode were, Oh wow!! What a place to end it!!! What a season finale! Seriously can't wait to start reading Season 4 next year!

To sum up, another great episode. I would honestly binge read the rest of the series if it was available right now!! Looking forward to more. So many questions, Can the gang seriously expect to outrun the Sins who seem to be the type that will hold a grudge for eternity? How are things going to go for Sam as it seems that her inner monster is growing stronger and stronger? Would or could she hurt those closest to her?

Tuesday, 22 December 2020


Howl For The Damned Box Set

The Howl For The Damned Series Box set contains 3 individual books!

Title: The Trouble With Beasts
Series: Howl For The Damned
Author: D. Fischer
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Shifter
Release Date: 25th January 2020

BLURB from Goodreads
Bitten by secrets. Broken by truths. That's the trouble with beasts.From bestselling and award-winning author D. Fischer, arrives the highly anticipated Howl for the Damned, a series for fans of Mercy Thompson, Bitten, and Alpha and Omega.All Jinx Whitethorn wants is to discover a life outside of a coven she could never fit in with. She's a witch born without magic, and a woman with a handful of problems to keep her company at night.Determined to find some answers, Jinx digs through old family secrets layered with choices of desire and loyalty. What she learns about herself makes her wish she never went looking for answers in the first place.Jacob Trent, the alpha of the local Riva Pack, stumbles into the middle of Jinx's secret while trying to solve several shifter murders in the nearby town his pack protects. She's a threat. Dangerous. An impossibility. While bringing the troubling woman to heel, Jacob discovers Jinx's family history has made her the prey of a hunt she isn't prepared for.

Title: The Liar Among Creatures
Series: Howl For The Damned
Author: D. Fischer
Genre: Paranormal, Shifters
Release Date: 16th May 2020

BLURB from Goodreads
Uncertainty is measured in lies.

Balancing loyalties and desires isn’t easy, but Jinx Whitethorn is determined to try. She finally understands what she is and the secrets that bind her fate, but she still has questions. Jinx turns to the only living relative she has left on her father’s side. It goes against every tribe fable Kaya Whitethorn had been told as a child, but she agrees to help her skinwalker niece.

Possessing both a combination of shaman and witch magic, Jinx needs to learn how to control her power to defend the people she loves, and her father’s pendant. A pendant that harnesses the wolf souls of the cursed Bane Pack shifters.

Meanwhile, Jacob looks into a mole inside the pack. Someone’s feeding the Bane information, and he’s determined to find the traitor among them. He’ll protect the woman he loves, no matter the cost.

Title: The Rival Of The Species
Series: Howl For The Damned
Author: D. Fischer
Genre: Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy
Release Date: 16th July 2020

BLURB from Goodreads
The past is loyal. The present is desirable. The future may be neither.
Jinx Whitethorn’s world has crashed into nothing but crumbles. A person she thought she could trust has betrayed her, and now Jacob Trent is left to pick up the pieces of the woman he loves.

With the traitor discovered, Jinx takes Jacob back home to the Lotus Coven in hopes of learning more about the curse her father put on the Bane Pack. Bringing home her shifter boyfriend to a manor full of witches is asking for trouble, but Jinx is beyond caring what the witches think of her. She’s learned to be loyal to her desires, and right now, all she wants is to find a way to deal with the Bane’s threats so she can live an uncomplicated life with Jacob and his pack.

But the Bane Pack is getting restless and desperate, a dangerous combination for ruthless killers. Jinx won’t be able to hide from them for long.

I must admit that I am always on the lookout for the next great shifter series to try so when this one caught my attention by an author, I hadn’t previously read I couldn’t resist. 

There is a bit of a backstory which is mentioned throughout the whole series that is referred to quite often, “The Realms War” where all the races of supernatural fought and sustained heavy losses in their packs, covens etc. I don’t think you absolutely have to have read the books about the Realms War first, prior to this book as the incidents referred to in connection with the Realms War are well explained. I will say I do feel I would like to read the both the series set around the Realms War and the Cloven Pack Series too.

My favourite character throughout the whole series is Jinx Whitethorn who has an independent, kick ass, stubborn attitude. Jinx belonged to the Lotus Coven of witches and grew up within it until she realised, she was a witch with no magic, making her an anomaly, the odd one out. Jinx left the Coven’s home which means leaving their protection but at the same time she is leaving behind the judgmental, inquisitive stares of the other witches. Jinx has moved in to the flat that is above the Be Deviled bar that is owned and run by Cinderson Robin, a shifter who is part of the local Riva Pack. Things have taken a weird turn for Jinx lately as it seems some strange group, or pack is hunting her. At first, Jinx thought it maybe just coincidence but then she noticed all these men/beasts had the same tattoo like mark on them. Even stranger is whilst fighting these assailants Jinx seems to blackout, and cannot remember how the fight progressed or ended. 

All this comes to the attention of Riva Pack Alpha Jacob who needs to try and find out what is going on. He needs to speak to Jinx. Unfortunately for Jacob he decides that kidnapping Jinx is a good way to get to talk to her, and to say this irritates Jinx is an understatement. Jinx is used to being independent and makes her opinions and views well known which causes friction within the Riva Pack and Jinx. Jinx does prove how tough she is and the fact she can take care of herself and soon integrates with the majority of the pack members. Jinx and Sara end up living with and being under the protection of the Riva Pack. I enjoyed the at first awkwardness between Jinx and Jacob and then their cute, but passionate relationship. I love the way Jacob wants to give Jinx the option to walk away after they sort out the “Bane Pack problem” as it is referred to. Jacob has felt the mate bond pull strongly, but as Jinx is fairly new to wolf pack customs, he forces himself to hold back, which in turn worries Jinx that Jacob doesn’t want her as she is not a usual wolf shifter, more of a spirit wolf shifter.

Jinx best friend from within the coven is Sara, who is the daughter of Jamie, Jinx’ mother’s best friend also. Sara is a great, supportive friend to Jinx and doesn’t care whether Jinx has magic or not. There is a point in the book where Jamie kind of asks/warns Jinx not to involve her daughter in whatever she is mixed up in. I think perhaps there could be further trouble for Jinx in the future with some of the members of the coven. The witches seem to see things in a very black and white way and the fact Jinx has no magic, to them means Jinx is not one of them. Thankfully for Jinx her friend Sara doesn’t think like that at all and is willing to face anything side by side with her best friend. Sara encourages Jinx to speak to her own mother to ask questions about her heritage from her father’s line. Jinx ends up asking her mother about her father as that is clearly where she gets her Native American looks. Eventually her mother, Tabatha reveals that she really loved Adriel, Jinx father but witches are not supposed to fall in love, they are supposed to be lone women bringing up their daughters. Sadly, the day Tabatha revealed to Adriel that she was pregnant he was killed in a mystery car accident. Jinx also learns that her father was also a supernatural, he was a Shaman.

A relative is found and it turns out she is Jinx’ father Adriel’s sister, Kaya. As it is still considered dangerous because the Bane wolves are still wanting to capture Jinx to force her to remove their curse, Jacob’s second in command Rex collects Kaya and brings her into the home of the Riva Pack. Kaya reveals more details about Adriel to Jinx and also has regular training sessions with Jinx to help her control her changing more whilst remaining conscious. Sadly, when secrets about the whereabouts and movements on pack land appear to be leaked it seems like Jacob has a traitor in the camp. Whilst Kaya demands all of her niece’s attention, pitting her against Damien, one of the toughest wolves in the pack, and really pushing Jinx to her limits. Later whilst on guard duty patrolling the Riva Pack home Damien is attacked, meaning there definitely is someone leaking pack information to outsiders, but how did these outsiders get on pack land evading detection long enough to attack Damien one of the strongest pack members both in and out of his wolf form? It is revealed that the sensation and sounds that Jinx feels/hears from the wolf pendant she has that belonged to her father are the voices of the Bane Pack wolves, but what did the Bane pack do that made Adriel remove their wolves and trap them in the pendant? And could anyone other than Adriel or his daughter remove the curse, and free the wolves?

Honestly there were times in this box set that I felt like reaching into the book and shaking both Jacob and Jinx who clearly want “more”, “now” from each other but neither thinks the other wants to commit. It’s a classic misunderstanding of unsaid words and unrevealed feelings, though it is obvious for everyone around them that they are quite literally made for each other, like two halves of a coin.
The other relationship running through the boxset is Cinder & Sara, both normally “love ‘em or leave ‘em types who suddenly seem to have found their other half! There’s an embarrassing scene for Jinx when she walks into Cinderson’s bedroom and see’s both him and her friend Sara naked in bed! Which is quite funny really as you would think that the whole nudity thing could be “old hat” to Jinx now she has been living with the Riva Wolf pack for such a long time.
After their previous misunderstanding and a few awkward moments Jinx and Jacob both want to take their relationship to the next level and carry out the mate bond. Jacob is reluctant as he doesn’t want Jinx to become his mate and then regret it. Jacob seems to think once the danger with the Bane Pack is over Jinx may feel differently about staying with him forever. Jacob knows Jinx is the one for him and that he wants to be with her forever, he is just wary because Jinx is not a wolf shifter and once a wolf mates it is forever and there is no turning back.

I loved the description of the Lotus Coven garden that is only accessible in its true and wonderful form for witches. Witches can gain access to this garden because they have given a drop or as it is described in the book a bead of their blood to it. There is a small clearing separating the vegetation and a pentagram that is outlined in brick with a circle surrounding it. Each triangle of the pentagram has a different shade of flowers, white for the earth realm, red for the demon realm, purple for the dream realm, yellow for the guardian realm and blue for the death realm. The description is so good you can almost visualise how this would look.

There’s a surprise when a visit to the Lotus Coven is planned, though there is a highly amusing scene within the book where Jacob tells Cinder he is going to be visiting the Lotus Coven with him, Jinx and Sara. Jinx needs some answers from her mother about her father and the Whitethorn family. There are some fantastic scenes where the big bad wolves are reduced to scared little boys whilst at the coven. At first there is a suspicion of each other but when Marian sees how much Jacob and Cinder love and care for Jinx and Sara, Marian sort of takes them under her wing. As Jinx had to put up with some initial distrust from the Riva Pack, both Jacob and Cinderson are ignored, and treat quite poorly at the coven and some of its members. 
The visit to the Lotus Coven introduces some more witches to the book. I immediately loved Marian the High Priestess, yet at the same time felt drawn to the more cantankerous character of Greta. Greta reminded me a little of Glenda the Riva Pack cook. I enjoyed the introduction of Ravyn, the pack yet to receive a name, and of course revisiting with the Cloven Pack. I loved how the different supernatural beings all came together in the end to fight a common threat.

My immediate thoughts upon finishing this boxset/series were disappointment that it had come to an end. I seriously fell in love with the characters in this series. The world building was great and really interesting, I felt really immersed in this series and didn’t want to return to the “normal world.” There are also some great descriptive sparring scenes between Jinx and the Riva pack. Towards the latter part of the book when Jinx is once again in danger because of the Bane Pack there are some great fight scenes too.

To sum up, I definitely want to read more by this author! I am so giddy from just finishing this series I don’t know which of D. Fischer’s other series’ I want to read into first. I love an amazing shifter series and this one well deserves a place in my favourite ones and I would compare this to the Mackenzie Grey series by Karina Espinosa, Jessica McClain series by Amanda Carlson also the Women Of The Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong and finally the Shifter Series by Rachel Vincent.