About Jamie Lee Scott
Jamie was born
on the Central Coast of California, where she spent her entire childhood
entertaining. She wrote plays and
charged admission to her backyard stage so her friends and family could enjoy
the performances. She wrote her first
novel at the age of 10, for her 5th grade class project. The novel was called
Busy with horses
and school, Jamie rarely wrote through her teens and twenties, she was living a
life most dreamed of (well, she dreamed of anyway), competing at barrel races,
hanging out with cowboys, and traveling in rodeo circles with her friends.
Money was tight, but life was good. Then
Jamie met the man of her dreams. And low and behold he was not a cowboy, but a
farm boy. They married and he swept her away to her little piece of heaven in
Well, then Iowa
didn't turn out to be such heaven, Jamie again turned to fiction. This time she
wrote to relieve the stress of living so far from her family, and from running
a business with her husband. Funny how she now found it cathartic to kill
people, only on paper of course.
Before she
finished her first full length novel, Jamie was contracted to write the book,
Hiking Iowa for Falcon publishing. In a year, she hiked 75 trails in the state
of Iowa and mapped the trails, landmarks and distances. And this was before GPS. It was
tough work for the measly advance, but it was a writing credit. So now, Jamie writes the mystery series
featuring the Gotcha Detective Agency.
Jamie has
written three novels, Let Us Prey, the soon to be released Death of a Sales
Rep, and Give a Dog a Bone. She is currently writing screenplays. She is co-founder of Scriptchat on Twitter
www.scriptchat.com & TWWriterChat www.tvwriterchat.com, and is the former
president of RWA’s screenwriting chapter, Script Scene.
Jamie still
lives in Iowa (though she visits California as often as possible) with her
husband, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 horses. She writes with a few from her 6 acre
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