What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
My name is
Katherine McIntyre and I’ve always lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
Did you always
want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
When I was younger, I
always wanted to be a writer and an artist. Eventually that waned down to just
writer, but I’ve always read voraciously and wrote just as much.
Do you work
another job as well as your writing work?
I work as a massage therapist.
What is the name
of your latest book, and if you had to summarise it in less than 20 words what
would you say?
The name of my latest book is “An Airship Named Desire.” If I
had to summarise it in less than twenty words? Bea and the crew of the Desire
obtain a box that plunges them into more danger than they’ve faced before.
Who is your
Hazardous Press
How long does it
usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing
I can usually sit down and write a book in a couple months. Editing
though…that’s a different beast.
What can we
expect from you in the future?
I’m currently working on a young
adult science fiction and an adult fantasy. Sticking to similar
What made you
decide to write that genre of book?
I’ve gone to several steampunk events and
am quite taken with the sub-genre. However, I also have and will always love
pirates, so the two meshed quite nicely.
If you had to
choose to be one of your characters in your book/books which would you be? and
I would be Bea. She’s got a ridiculously exciting life, but also a really
freeing on. Plus, her support system aboard the Desire is solid.
How long have
you been writing? And who or what inspired you to write?
I’ve probably been
writing as long as I could read. I have thousands of pages of old poems, short
stories and story concepts I wrote when I was a kid. I started writing my first
manuscript at eighteen and kept rolling from there, trying to improve my craft,
my plots, etc. As for who inspired me to write, I’d probably say my dad. He
used to tell us stories when we were kids and when you’re around that much
imagination, it’s infectious. Plus, my mom always read us books too, so my
brother and I had a lot of stories as a child. We both read a ton. My family’s
incredibly supportive and they have been behind me the entire way, even
suffering through my earlier writing.
Do you have a
certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain
I write anywhere. I tend to produce the most when I’m typing away while
listening to music, but sometimes I take a notebook outside and sit in the
grass and write, sometimes I jot down sections on scrap paper when I’m out or
at work.
Do you have
anybody read your books before you officially release them?
My husband is the
best reader imaginable. I usually give my manuscript to him when I’m still
editing and he’ll turn around and give some of the most insightful critiques
I’ve ever had, beta-readers included. And I’ve let a couple of friends and also
family take a look at it before I start sending it out, so I can get last
minute critiques.
Do you gift
books to readers to do reviews?
I offer a free review copy, yes. I think review
blogs provide an indispensable service to the reading community and to authors.
Would you ever
ask a reviewer to change their review if it was not all positive about your
Never. A review is someone else’s take on the work. Even if they
hated the book or it wasn’t their style, that’s their own view and the author
has no right to try and interfere with that.
Do you decide on
character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or
as you go along?
A lot of times I choose things as I go along. I write in the
moment and then add a lot of the characterization and finesse in the edits.
Letting the character naturally unfold has worked for me since based on the way
the character handles the stuff thrown at them, they set apart their characteristics
on their own.
Do you basic
plot/plan for your book, before you actually begin writing it out? Or do you
let the writing flow and see where it takes the story?
Usually I start with a
basic idea and then write the first couple chapters. Once I can see the tone, I
can better determine the direction, although I usually know how my story will
end from the beginning. Once the beginning’s established I write a loose plot
to follow.
What do you
think makes a book a really good/bestseller ? Simply?
Enjoyment. My take as an
avid reader is that you could have a phenomenally written book, but if I don’t
like the plot or characters, there goes my interest in reading it. I think a
good book is one you enjoy, one you don’t want to put down. Anything that lets
you escape for awhile and adventure into another world or someone else’s mind.
Have you ever
suffered from a "writer's block"? What did you do to get past the
I sometimes will sit down to write and have a hard time
putting words to the page. I write anyway. If I don’t write as much that day, I
don’t, but it’s a discipline and if I wait for some magical muse, I’d never get
as much done as I do.
What do you do
to unwind and relax? Do you have a hobby?
Hah, I write to relax. But when I
take my breaks I’ll play a video game, or read. And then I usually get inspired
and want to write again.
Have you ever
based characters on people you know or based events on things that have
happened to you?
Earlier manuscripts that I wrote were heavily based around people
I’ve known and things I’ve done. While I moved away from that, I think there
are always elements of what we know and who we are that come out in our
writing. Bea in “An Airship Named Desire” is way more adventurous than I am in
real life, but more importantly, I think she experiences the excitement I crave
and I can live it through her.
Is there a
certain Author that influenced you in writing?
Pretty much everything I’ve read
and loved has inspired me or influenced my writing. That being said, I have a lot
of respect for Jim Butcher’s writing, not only because of how he balances
elements of his books, but also because of the sheer volume of works he
Which format of
book do you prefer, ebook,hardback, or paperback?
Hardback is my least
favorite. They are so unwieldy (not good to carry in purses) and expensive.
There’s still something amazing about paperback and holding the book in your
hands, but to be honest, I love ebook as well. The overall convenience is just
Do you think
books transfer to movies well? Which is you favourite/worst book to movie
I think it takes good screenwriting and understanding of the medium
to transfer books to movies well. The best adaptation I’ve seen has been Game
of Thrones on television, but the best example of how different mediums require
different approaches is Coraline. Neil Gaiman was directly involved in the
screenwriting and it shows. He adds an entirely new character into the movie
because all of the internal monologue doesn’t hold up as well in a movie, which
is a highly visual format.
What are you
currently reading? Are you enjoying it? What format is it?(ebook, hardback or
I’m currently reading Captain’s Fury, the fourth in the Codex of
Alera series in ebook format. Although, only a couple days ago I finished A
Hidden Fire, by Elizabeth Hunter. Absolutely fantastic.
Do you think
children at schools these days are encouraged enough to read? and/or do
Imaginative writing?
I think in schools there’s a flaw in how reading is presented.
There are lots of books that have to be read, ones that are outdated and in an
archaic language that’s not readily digestible for kids. I think it creates
this atmosphere that reading isn’t fun, it’s a chore. While kids end up
enjoying some of the books, I feel like there should be more of a choice on the
kid’s part as to what they read. Even if it’s a rollicking adventure through
outer space, you can still learn valuable lessons through reading the book.
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