Did it take a long time to get your first book published?
My first novel took about 30 years from
inception to publication, and even then I had to self-publish. All my previous
attempts at publication failed but I remained determined to eventually see the
work in print.
What is the name of your latest book,
and if you had to summarise it in less than 20 words what would you say?
Traitor Angel is my latest novel. To summarize: Jonah "Angelkiller"
Mason and his Army resistance cell carry on their campaign against the demonic
forces of Dorian Azrael.
Who is your publisher?
Traitor Angel is published by Seventh Star Press. I have several stories and a
novella with other publishers as well.
How long does it usually take you to
write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?
Nowadays I take from six months to two
years to finish a novel. After all these years of practice, I would hope I have
the process down to a reasonable amount of time, but what really is reasonable
when it comes to creating something from whole cloth and strange ideas?
What can we expect from you in the
future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?
I have several projects in the works,
including novels and short stories in several genres. I still have one more
book in the Angelkiller Triad from Seventh Star Press, entitled Doom Angel,
to come out next year and short stories in anthologies yet to appear from Pro
Se Press, Kerlak Publishing, and several others.
What genre would you place your books into?
My work runs the gamut from fantasy to
science fiction and horror, so it's hard to narrow it down to just one. My
novels Ascendant and Emperor from Sam's Dot Publishing are high
dark fantasy. My novella High Kings is science fiction. Angelkiller
and Traitor Angel can be called urban fantasy or horror. I don't try to
write to or for a particular genre. I write to tell the story and let others
define the genre if they really feel the need.
Do you have a favourite character from
your books? and why are they your favourite?
Probably my favorite character of all I
have written is Baliak Kel Mari, a character in both Ascendant and Emperor,
and to be included in the upcoming novel Deity. Although he is
non-human, he is a good representative of the noblest portions of humanity and
how a person can face the possibility of his own end and that of all his loved
ones with courage.
Do you have anybody read your books and
give you reviews before you officially release them?
I have several friends look at the work before
I send it to the publisher. They are familiar with my work and know that any
criticism they level will be taken seriously and in the spirit given. I have
developed quite a thick skin toward criticism over the years and that helps me
make meaningful edits using their input. This lets me provide the publisher's
editors with the cleanest copy I can.
Do you gift books to readers to do
Not any more. When I self-published, it was
more or less necessary, but now that my work is generally published
commercially by others, I gift books to friends, but just for their enjoyment.
I trust the publisher to find reviewers who will provide an honest and
impartial critique of the work.
Do you read all the reviews of your
I read them all, good and bad. They give me
the input I need to determine whether the work has accomplished what I
Would you ever ask a reviewer to change
their review if it was not all positive about your book/books?
Absolutely not. The purpose of a review is
to honestly present the opinion of the reviewer. Everyone has different taste,
and not everyone will enjoy my work. I accept the fact that there will be those
who hate my work. They are entitled to their opinion. It will not prevent me from
writing or trying to publish my work. I find that the more your work is
criticized, the more curious people become anyway.
Do you basic plot/plan for your book,
before you actually begin writing it out or do you let the writing flow and see
where it takes the story?
I try not to start a project without
knowing how it will go from beginning to end. It has been my experience that
just starting a work and then following it toward an undefined end inevitably
leads me to writer's block.
What did you do to get past the
Any writer who tells you they haven't had
writer's block is either fooling you or themselves. Writer's block is
inevitable for a serious writer. It is, more than anything else, evidence of
the intensity of the writer's involvement in the story itself. When you, as the
writer, cannot see where it should go then you have become too involved and
need to step back for a while, get some perspective. If you can do that, you
can probably finish the piece. If not, best just to walk away from it and start
something else.
What do you do to unwind and relax?
I play video games. Ever since I was a boy
I have enjoyed strategy games, from chess to puzzles. Video games, both on and
offline, let me separate myself from what I'm doing at the moment and immerse
myself in something simple and clearcut, structured and yet complex enough to
provide an intellectual challenge.
Do you think ebooks will ever totally
replace printed books?
I certainly hope not. Books have been our
way of protecting and preserving the knowledge and beliefs of humanity for
thousands of years. eBooks may be able to make that material more readily
accessible to more people, but not every person has the resources to access an
eBook. The developed nations of the world control the majority of the
technology that eBooks need to exist. If eBooks supplant printed books
completely, that will deny so much to the rest of the world it would horribly
cripple humanity as a whole.
What do you think about book trailers?
I believe they are a good tool in the
promotion of the work. We are visual animals, more accepting of visual cue than
anything else. A book trailer can tease interest with a few images in a way
that a printed synopsis or even a cover blurb can't. I make it a point now to
try to build one for each of my novels.
What piece of advice would you give to a
new writer?
Write. Read. Write some more. Finish the
work first before you edit. Editing does you no good if it interferes with
completing the work. Learn to accept criticism, but not to the point where you
accept every suggestion as gospel. Finally, be willing to share your work.
Research the market, find an appropriate publisher, and submit the work for
consideration. See it through. Whether you are accepted or rejected, you will
have accomplished something few people have ever done, and that is something
you can take pride in.
Thank you for the great interview! David has a truly wonderful series with the Angelkiller Triad, and I hope some new readers discover him through this interview.
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving me the chance to connect with your audience. I welcome comments and critique on my work. You can find out more at http://thrankeep.com and send correspondence to specficwriter(at)hughes(dot)net. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteNice interview, and your books are almost at the top of my read-it-next list.