Wednesday 31 July 2024



Title: Royale
Kennedy Plumb
YA, Dystopian
Release Date:
31st July 2024

Samuel Carmichael’s worst nightmare became reality when he came face to face with the notorious villain Vegas. Now he can’t shake the feeling that things in her glittery casino are not what they appear. Forced to form new alliances and launch himself straight into the middle of a dangerous power conflict, Sam will do anything to make sure Ella is freed from Vegas’s clutches.

C9 began to implode the day Sam escaped to find Ella, leaving Mateo and his brother Eddie with heavy responsibilities they never asked for but now can’t run away from. As the Zone begins to collapse from the inside out, Teo must ask himself if survival is worth fighting for. His brother’s life depends on it.

Two brothers on opposite sides of a crumbling Underground face insurmountable odds to fight for the siblings they have given up everything for.

Will their lives be next?

Will a brother’s love be enough?

Goodreads Link

The cover is really striking and certainly attracts your eye and would make me pick it up in a book store to learn more about it. I don’t quite know how to explain it, other than it really has that dystopian feel. I really like the repeat of the cut out effect that you kind of look through to the other side. Its like you are peeping into another world. Probably the way Sam and Q feel when they are trying to fit into the Elite zone, seeing how the other half live.

After reading and absolutely loving Buried I was eagerly . . . though perhaps not very patiently awaiting the release of Royale. I did read the novella in the series called Matches just prior to reading Royale, though personally I think the novella could be read after Royale too. The novella made me want to know more about Veronica and Arcadius’ life straight away and though they are in Royale there is quite a time jump to where they are and we don’t really know how they got there.

Sam may have escaped C9 and found Ella but is devastated when she refuses to come with him, actually wanting to stay with Vegas. He is also feeling really guilty that not everyone escaped and some of those that did escape were injured. He has now been forced to tell the whole truth, and knows the truth about those he has banded together with. Though Q seems to forgive him for his deception she gleefully “makes him pay” at every opportunity that comes by. Beardsley however is a different matter, he flatly refuses to have anything to do with Sam. Despite Ella’s refusal to run with him, he knows there is something not quite right with his sister and he is even more determined to free her from Vegas. Sam is prepared to agree to anything and align himself with whoever will help him. When Cade, the shady leader of those at the camp agrees to help him, in exchange for a favour, he blindly agrees to it, immediately shaking hands and sealing the deal. When the time comes, he may regret agreeing to a favour.

Back in C9 Mateo is still trying his best to protect his younger brother Eddie amongst the hardships and increasingly volatile atmosphere. A new security detail arrives and a new leader takes over Sergeant Nova. The way she rules is you follow orders or you die. There are no more trials, no second chances, not even expulsion from C9, just death! Mayor Ramos is taken into custody and put in the cells but manages to get messages to Mateo, organises secret meetings and it soon becomes apparent that Mayor Ramos has a plan for Mateo, he wants him to lead everyone to safety. At first Mateo and a small group of trusted friends begin to talk about what they can realistically do and who may help. They approach the Elders, who seem to be against any type of action, they are happy to sit and wait to see what happens.

We also meet Tyro-B29 and follow her typical day of taking her blue and red pills then sitting in class under the instruction of Aunty, then doing her daily syncing with Ella. When Sam visited it changed things and Tyro-B29 is starting to rebel a little, first not syncing, then not taking the pills but this lands her in trouble with Aunty. Tyro-B29 knows something isn’t right, syncing with Ella doesn’t seem right anymore, but the consequences of not doing so make her ill herself.

Once again there are so many fantastic characters in the book, too many to mention them all, some we met in Buried and there are also a few new ones. We still have Mateo, Eddie, Sam (or Pretty Boy as Q calls him), Q and the fantastic and heroic dog Luna. Newer or secondary characters are Jones, Parker, Talia, Amanda, Steve and Zara. There’s also a growing selection of bad or possibly bad characters such as the new Sergeant Nova, Vegas, Cade, and scary dog Axel. There are also a couple of characters that I am not completely sure about whose side they are on, good or bad, such as Mayor Ramos, and newer character Callix. You do become really attached to the characters and invested in their own stories as well as the main story/plot of the book.

I was a little worried that such a long time had passed since reading Buried and at times, I admit that I did struggle to remember exactly who everyone was and exactly what had happened but this uncertainty did clear the more I read of the book. The different chapters are from the point of view & whereabouts of Sam, Mateo & Eddie and Tyro-B29.

I really loved all the smaller acts of rebellion that the Elites were encouraged to do with the Live Free Or Die element in the book and compared it to the Commoners acts of rebellion and forming a group to make a final stand. So much happens in this book, it’s like two action packed main plot lines going on at the same time, there is Sam fighting to get his sister Ella back, then Mateo and Eddie in C9 fighting for survival, in fact three main plot lines if you include what is happening in the Elite Zone including Tyro-B29.

I thought the Chapter headers along with the character name of whose point of view/situation we were reading about were great. I adored the way that although Sam and Mateo are not together they are both fighting battles for freedom and when they aren’t sure what to do they both immediately wonder what the other would do in that situation. What Would Sam Do/WWSD and What Would Mateo Do/WWMD, there is also the chapter heading “Rose could have made room for Jack” which I found quite amusing.

My immediate thoughts upon finishing the book were that there was so much packed into it. There are lots of intrigue, betrayal, friendship, love, hate, hope & despair in this action packed, unputdownable sequel to Buried......... And there are soooo many cliff hangers and so many questions I need answering! There were sections of the book where I felt like shouting Noooo! And Don’t do it! And What? Who? There really is so much that could happen, so many directions things could go, so many little character plot storylines to learn more about. I’d love more Q, Sam, and Ella, as well as some of the characters (trying to be spoilery free here) to be reunited. Then with how the book ended there is another battle/war coming as well as answers to be given about the surprise reveal character at the end!!

Summing up this book really has such a lot going on, you really do not want to put the book down once you start reading, it is highly addictive! Can't wait to read more! Hope it’s not long to wait.



Saturday 27 July 2024




Title: Matches
Kennedy Plumb
YA, Dystopian
Release Date:
30th June 2024

No one talks about what happens at Hill Academy, the prestigious and secretive boarding school for the country's wealthiest elites. All Veronica Wadhwani knows is she has to make her time here count if she wants to build up her empire. Lined up against hundreds of teens just as gifted, privileged, and ruthless as her, she knows she's in for a challenge to stand out, but she is determined that nothing will stand in her way. Especially not the arrogant and frustratingly handsome Arcadius Cargill. But when the secret agenda of Hill Academy is revealed, Veronica realizes the next three years will be less focused on academics, and more focused on survival. The stakes of her education are higher than ever and failure is not an option.

Goodreads Link

I love the quite stark cover of the lit match. It’s really clever the way the title “Matches” has a dual meaning within the book, as it represents actual matches that when lit cause fires and when two people are put together as being compatible. I also love the addiction of the byline "You have a fire that matches mine" which is a quote from within the book

The central character of Matches is Veronica Wadhwani who is being dropped off at a new boarding school that her parents attended years ago. Sadly, Veronica’s mother died years before so it is just her father taking her to the new school. As she is being dropped off her father advises she should not be too hot headed here as the 'best she can do for the family is to attract a lucrative match'. This remark both annoys and saddens Veronica as it’s clear her father always wanted a son to pass the family legacy onto. Veronica feels more than capable on taking on the family business but it is very much still a mans world era that she lives in.

As Veronica approaches the entrance of Hill Academy she has an eery feeling that despite having as much money, style, poise & notability as the other students, she is not going to fit in. Then she sees the cryptic quote above the school door 'ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND PROMINENCE'

It's like stepping into another world, the students are expected to hand over phones & keys, anyone kicking up a fuss is removed, forcibly if necessary. Next is a rather humiliating assessment and examination then Veronica goes to her room to discover she is sharing with the cosmetic heiress and model, Darcy Mentzer. The two young women seem to bond and stick together during the talk from Dean Westbrook, he explains studies will be one of the priorities but preparing to advance into society as leaders & dignitaries is equally important.
It seems they are there to be matched with a life partner who matches their background & goals in life. He explains the process has already begun. The compatibility assessment they just had upon arrival was uploaded to the system and the powerful AI system has already found 3 possible partners. In the following weeks there will be trials & tasks to be undertaken with their different potential partners to determine whether they deserve to be here.
The Dean quite ominously reveals if they prove themself unworthy, their parents have agreed that drastic measures must be taken & they will be sent to rehabilitation at an alternative location. It’s not long until Veronica discovers her 3 possible matches, Arcadius Gill, Drew Montgomery and Owen Hensburg. Veronica decides to “go with the flow” and for appearances sake make it look like she is going along with everything.

I have to admit I had similar thoughts to the character Veronica as she entered Hill Academy and the expectations of her were revealed. What on earth is Hill Academy? Exactly what are the students there being matched and prepared for? Does Veronica's father really know what's going on there? Can Veronica make it look like she is accepting enough of the process and avoid being sent to some horrendous sounding rehabilitation centre.......Exactly what has Veronica's father signed her up for!?!

I instantly liked Veronica, obviously ahead of her time, wanting to be an independent woman and not just be married off to stay at home and care for the house and family. As soon as Arcadius or Cade as he is referred as you progress in the novella was introduced, I had that inkling he was definitely be someone Veronica was going to have to deal with. He is a strong willed, opinionated, yet at the same time caring and thoughtful. I can already feel the chemistry building between Veronica and Arcadius.....I have to admit as soon as he was introduced within the novella I was #TeamArcadius #TeamCade.

I really loved the novella, it’s characters and plot and to be honest I really didn’t want it to end. I’m intrigued with how these characters and their stories will unfold alongside of the characters I have already read about in Buried.

Summing up I love, love loved this short story, though not 100% sure where it all fits into the Underground Series yet, definitely looking forward to reading more.



Tuesday 23 July 2024



Title: Irena's Gift
Karen Kirsten
Kensington Publishing, Citadel
Non Fiction, History
Release Date:
23rd July 2024

In 1942, in German-occupied Poland, a Jewish baby girl was smuggled out of the Warsaw ghetto in a backpack. That baby, Joasia, knew nothing about this extraordinary event until she was thirty-two, when a letter arrived from a stranger. She also learned that the parents who raised her were actually her aunt and uncle. Joasia kept this knowledge hidden from her own daughter, Karen—until an innocent question unexpectedly revealed the truth.

Determined to understand the generational trauma that cloaked her family in silence, her own origins, and to help heal her mother’s pain, Karen set out to unearth decades of secrets and piece together a hidden history—from the glittering days of pre-war Poland to the little-known Radom Prison, where of 500 resistance members tortured, only 10 survived, her grandfather the only known Jewish one. There, Karen finds answers, yet not easy ones.

As she exposes her family’s saga of love and betrayal, countless brushes with death, precarious hiding places, and the astounding negotiation with an SS officer who saved her mother’s life, Karen must reconcile the complicated, multi-faceted truths behind human behavior.

Irena’s Gift weaves together a mystery, history, and memoir to tell a story of sacrifice, impossible choices, impossible odds, and the way trauma reverberates throughout generations. Yet it is also a story of resilience and bravery, revealing how love and hope, too, can not only prevail through the worst imaginable circumstances, but resonate through time. 

Goodreads Link

It was the title that first attracted me to the book, I wanted to know who Irena was and what was her gift. Then when I read the blurb, I knew I had to know more about this family and what happened to them during the Holocaust.

Karen knew nothing of her family history during the Holocaust, in fact at age four when she asked her Nana about the number on her arm, her nana’s reply was that a man had put it there, that it was her phone number! It’s only later that it is revealed that Karen’s grandmother is not Joanna’s (Karen’s mum) biological mother. In fact, a woman called Irena and was Nana Alicja’s sister. When this is revealed a lot of things start to make more sense to Karen about how her Nana Alicja treats her mother Joanna differently to her Uncle Tony. As a child Joanna had nightmares about men in uniforms, and when she asked Alicja to explain she refuses to talk about it. Joanna’s parents Alicja & Mietek wanted her to pursue a career of their choosing such as law or engineering, but Joanna’s heart led her to pursue a career in teaching children’s art & history. When Tony, Joanna’s brother graduated medical school, a career choice they approved of they bought him a flashy white MG Convertible. When Joanna graduated her own chosen career training Alicja & Mietek bought her a pen. Mietek & Alicja wanted Joanna to marry a “well to do” Jewish man, again Joanna followed her own mind and path and married an Australian, the son of Swiss immigrants.
Joanna didn’t really know her full history until she received a letter from a stranger in Canada called Zdzislaw Przygoda. This man addressed her as Joasia, a different form of her name Joanna and had sent her photographs of her as a child. There was one of Alicja, and Irena who died in the war. As Joasia/Joanna stares at the photograph she looks at the dark- haired Irena and something just clicks into place, it’s like something has come unlocked or released and memories start flooding back. The writer of the letter, Zdzislaw says how he carried the photo of Joanna & Irena all through the camps. He goes on to say that Irena had been killed by the Germans and that they had always loved Joanna and he still loves her.
When Alicja first learns of the letter she is surprised and perhaps annoyed by that letter as when she first learns of its existence her remark is “Zdzislaw promised he would never tell!” She also admonishes Joanna saying “We were so good to you.” Joanna assures Alicja that she loves Alicja & Mietek even more knowing that they adopted her. “Secrets are like a loose thread in a jumper; if you pull hard enough, the whole garment falls apart” really does fit what happens when the letter arrives from Canada for Joasia/Joanna.

Joanna kept this letter hidden from Karen and her sister for years as Alicja made her promise not to tell them, as she thought that if they found out she was not their biological Nana she would somehow no longer love her. Joanna kind of reluctantly agrees but says she will not lie to her children if they ask her a direct question. When Karen met Zdzislaw and his mother Helena, she is told to call Zdzislaw “Uncle Dick” and to call Helena “babcia.” Zdislaw reveals more about what happened during the war, the majority of it Alicja seems to remember in a different way, she confuses dates, timelines and doesn’t remember certain things. Alicja blames Dick for a lot when it was him that helped them evade the Gestapo on numerous occasions, obtaining false papers that declared them Polish not Jewish which enabled Alicja & Mietek to live on the Aryan side of town. Keeping suspicion of them being resistance members or collaborators. Dick also obtained forged papers for Eljasz, Irena & Alicja’s father to help him get out of the ghetto but Eljasz delayed leaving and ended up never getting out of the ghetto.

It's sad that Alicja & Zdzislaw/Dick lived through the same atrocities and have such different versions of events. They both endured awful things during this time and I think perhaps Alicja maybe blames Zdzislaw/Dick for not protecting her sister Irena. Naturally Alicja is angry her sister did not survive, maybe she even feels a little guilty that she survived and Irena didn’t. What this family endured hiding in plain sight, thrown in jails, concentration camps, tortured, starving, beaten, the bribery and betrayal around them, living from hour to hour waiting to be caught and more is horrendous. I have to admit that had I gone through anything like the family in this book, I would probably not want to think or talk about. It is strange how Alicja can and will talk to Karen, her granddaughter about Holocaust, even initially arranging to watch Schindlers List with her, though in the end Alicja goes to see it with friends, yet she refuses to talk about the Holocaust with Joanna, her (adopted) daughter.

I found the book really compelling, the way the past affects how you live your life today. The way how despite being so young Josia/Joanna still had memories of the war and men in uniform but Alicja didn’t want to deal with explanations so she just ignored them and kept the realities away from her. The title of the book can have more than one meaning, Irena’s Gift could be that she gave her daughter to Alicja to raise as her own. Irena’s Gift could also be her sacrifice of selflessly giving up her child, Joasia/Joanna allowing her to be apart from her, to give her a better chance of survival. I think the title really fits the book very well.

Summing up, I found Irena’s Gift, an extremely interesting, informative memoir about the Holocaust and how it affected the different members and generations of one family not just during the war and Holocaust, but years and years later.



Friday 12 July 2024



Title: Cascadia Rising
The Unraveling
Kevin Craver
Post Apocalyptic, Survival
Release Date:
15th July 2024

A new nation rises from the ashes ...

The survivors called it the Unraveling—a merciless one-two punch of economic collapse and pandemic flu that brought the United States, and the world, to its knees.

With rioting and plague ravaging Seattle and the state capital of Olympia, Senator Rebecca Stevenson flees with her only daughter to take shelter at a friend’s survival retreat in rural eastern Washington. But when a despotic governor seeking to reimpose order through tyranny deems Rebecca a threat and targets her for death, the senator finds herself thrust into leading a rebellion.

As states secede from a shattered Union, renegade Army captain Demetrius Mathers and a team of former Special Forces soldiers help Rebecca raise a ragtag army to break eastern Washington free of Olympia’s yoke and create the new nation of Cascadia. But with time and supplies running out, Rebecca and Demetrius must launch an audacious, all-or-nothing final battle to win Cascadia its independence—and save Rebecca’s daughter from the governor’s clutches.

Goodreads Link

As soon as I heard about Cascadia Rising I knew I wanted to read it. After reading Big Sky Fallen I couldn’t wait to read more set in the same world. I also wanted to see how the characters in Big Sky Fallen would incorporate into Cascadia Rising.

Cascadia Rising is set within the same world, time and setting as bk1 Big Sky Fallen. It covers the collapse of society in a different geographical area than Big Sky Fallen was set. There is some overlap with some of the characters from Big Sky Fallen being mentioned or appearing in this book too but there are lots of new characters introduced in Cascadia Rising, all with their own back stories, familial connections and issues to deal with.

I enjoy the way the book is split into parts and then those parts into the individual chapters that are presented with their location headings. Though to begin with you may panic thinking how can you retain the information because it's about so many different locations and so many additional people you do soon get into the rhythm of the book and how its flows and then you really hate having to put it down.

When the rioting and pandemic begins to get out of hand, on the advice of friend and colleague, single mum, Senator Rebecca Stevenson and her daughter Carleigh head to James Rands more isolated and self-sufficient summer home/survival retreat. They join James, his family and extended group of ex-special forces soldiers. They hope to find safety there and learn to live with how the world has changed.

Governor Alicia Embrey is becoming more and more out of hand imposing her whims and wants on everyone else and using what is left of the armed forces to do it. When Governor Embrey perceives Senator Rebecca Stevenson as a threat, she will stop at nothing to get rid of her, even targeting her daughter to get to the Senator. With her own life and her only daughters too, Rebecca makes a stand and ends up being the figurehead/leader of a rebellion. Rebecca’s “army” consists of ex-military, those wanting to leaving the military such as Captain Demetrius Mathers and civilians such as Jed with little left to lose. When all the little pockets of rebellion come together, they become a force to be reckoned with.

I think there’s a character within the book that everyone can identify with on some level. I can definitely relate to Senator Rebecca Stevenson when her daughter is targeted as a way to get at her. I loved her relationship with Captain Demetrius Mather and found it hilarious that he had ordered all his soldiers to be totally respectful around Carleigh, yet Carleigh was oblivious and wondered why none of the soldiers wanted to be chatty, flirty or friendly with her. I felt so sorry for Jed losing his family to the pandemic, but then reunites with some family prior to the big battle and ends up being a hero.

Characters I loved were Senator Rebecca Stevenson, Carleigh Stevenson, Alexandra Chase, Captain Demetrius Mather, Sergeant Tom Ngo, Specialist Allie Monaghan, and Lieutenant Callie Harmon. There are so many more great characters that I grew to love that I could mention. I also thoroughly enjoyed “hating” Governor Alicia Embrey and those around her.

Cascadia Rising is an action packed, eventful book that takes you on a journey with all the characters, their individual experiences and their emotions. There is military jargon & tactics, politics, underhand officials out for themselves and 'normal' civilians prepared to give their life for the greater good. Reading the book takes you through a whole range of emotions, laughing at military jokes and pop culture/movie references one minute then in tears the next minute at the potential loss, or dramatic loss of a much-loved character. I really love the equality of the sexes in the book, how there are both strong male and female characters within the book.

I feel like I could go on talking about this book forever, so I'm going to stop now before I reveal any major spoilers.

I'm already thinking about what/who could be in the next book, I really hope a certain “rather large character” has his story continue in the next book! I definitely recommend this book series, especially if you read Kyla Stone, Steven Konkoly, Jeff W. Horton and Grace Hamilton etc.