Sunday 20 September 2015


Title: The Everyday Mom's Guide To Being Fit & Fabulous
Author: Shondreka Palmer
Release Date: 22nd May 2014

BLURB from Goodreads
Once you embark on the world of motherhood, life as you know it changes completely! Your world becomes extremely busy and it is no longer about just you! You have this (these) wonderful life (lives) that you are now responsible for. As moms, we become so consumed with taking care of everyone that it's easy to turn our back on ourselves and forget how important and necessary it is to set some time aside to take care of us. We also fail to remember that in order to keep our family healthy and strong, we must first be healthy and strong. Make a commitment to yourself to live a healthy lifestyle and join the 60 day healthy living challenge. Here are the ingredients: Start with healthy eating habits, add a dose of sweat, mix a little bit of determination, dedication and commitment - and there you have it! 



Title: Independantly Raising A Man
Author: Shondreka Palmer
Release Date: 21st February 2015

BLURB from Goodreads
Getting the news that you are expecting a child is one of the greatest gifts in the world. Most people do not intend to be a single parent when starting a family. But for whatever the reasons, you are now faced with this challenge.
Life happens. The unexpected happens.
Single parenting is financially, mentally, and physically exhausting. But guess what? It's not the end of the world. You can do this and do it well! You and your child(ren) will survive. Though it comes with many challenges, it can also be very rewarding. It begins with you and your attitude towards it. You CAN successfully overcome all of the challenges of single parenting. In this book you will find insight and tips based upon my personal perspective and real life experiences that have helped me become successful throughout my journey of single parenting.

Goodreads Link



What is the name of your latest book and if you could summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say 
My latest book is called The Everyday Mom's Guide to Being Fit & Fabulous. Hmmm.. Sum it up in 20 words or less?? To live this life of motherhood, we must be fit!!

Who is your publisher or do you self-publish? 
I self-published both of my books.

What genre do you place your books into? 
Non-fiction, inspirational genre.

What do you do to unwind and relax? 
Read of course! I also enjoy spending time with my son, exercising, and aromatherapy.

Do you or would you ever use a pen name? 
No, I currently do not use a pen name and I do not foresee myself using one in the future.

What piece of advice would you give a new writer? 
Write from your heart. Be genuine and compassionate about what you are writing about. Be focused, patient and disciplined. And most importantly, take your time and do not rush the process. Everything will work together in God's time.

Do you think children at school these days are encouraged enough to read and/or do imaginative writing? 
For the most part yes I do. But I also feel that as parents we must encourage and foster reading and writing at home. As a child, I was a reader. You could always find me with a book in my hand. Like mommy, my son loves reading. And he's also picking up writing. It warms my heart! I'm so proud of him.

What is your favorite book and why? Have you read it more than once? 
My favorite book is "The Coldest Winter Ever" by Sistah Soulja. The plot and story line in this book is captivating. The storyline is believable and you really felt le you knew Winter personally. I felt for her situation and rooted for  her throughout the book. Yes! I've read this book a dozen times. It's a classic that I will keep forever.

Did you read a lot at school and write stories or is being a writer something newer in your life? 
In school, I did read a lot. You could always find me with a book in my the breakfast table, dinner table, in the car, late at night in bed when I should have been sleep. As a child, I loved reading. Writing is a newer found love in my life.

How do you come up with the title for your books? 
I start writing the book and as I get into the story the title of the book comes to me in a moment of "I've got it!!".

What made you decide to write this genre of books?
I enjoy helping others. I wanted to write books that were helpful, inspirational and motivational to people. Writing books in the non fiction category provided me the opportunity to do so.

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