Thursday 13 June 2013


ISBN: 9781483959818
Publisher: Self/Indie
Pages: 105 pages
Formats Available: Paperback, E-Book
Release Date: 1st June 2013

BLURB from Goodreads
‘I walk toward the sea. The endless surface of the water extends to the horizon, whichever way I look.

Our world is small. We are on our own, and we only have ourselves to depend on. We rely on the Force deep within us, as taught to us by our forefathers. 

If I were to walk westward from here, I would come across a barrier – the Wall.
Behind it, there are Fools. At least, that’s what everyone says.
I have never seen one.’

Leia lives on the Island, a world in which children leave their parents to take care of themselves when they are ten years old. Across this Island runs a wall that no one has ever crossed. The Fools living behind it are not amenable to reason – they believe in illusions. That’s what The Book says, the only thing left to the Eastern Islanders by their ancestors. 
But when a strange man washes ashore and Leia meets a Fool face to face, her life will never be the same. Is what she and her friends believe about the Island really true?

Or is everyone in their world, in fact, a Fool?

My initial response to the cover is, yes I like it! The girl standing waist deep in the sea with the dark, thunderous looking sky above her. Is she in the middle of a troubled world or is she herself troubled? I like the placement of the title and authors name as they do nothing to detract from the drama of the cover. I also like the "scrolly" type of underlining of the title too. It draws your attention immediately to the title. "A dystopian novella" is also written on the cover which is like a flag to me saying read me read me as I love the dystopian genre.
So would this cover make me pick it up from a book shelf? Yes jsut o the strength of the cover I would want to pick it up to learn more about it.

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