So if SPLINTERED were ever to be made into a movie, my dream cast would be . . . .
My dream cast Alyssa would be Hayley Williams, the lead singer in Paramore
My dream cast Morpheus would be Johhny Depp
or maybe Russell Brand
My dream cast Jeb would be Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance.
My dream cast Allison would be Renee Zelleweger
Red Queen
My dream cast Red Queen would be Geena Davis with red hair of course!
White/Ivory Queen
My dream cast Ivory Queen would be Nicole Kidman
So that's my dream cast of some of the characters in Splintered, do you agree or can you think of better suited people that fit the characters? Or maybe you can think of people to play some of the cast I haven't listed?
YES! That's perfect! I definitely agree with johnny depp as Morpheus