
Tuesday 12 May 2020


Title: Alpha Erased
Series: Alpha Girls
Author: Aileen Erin
Publisher: Ink Monster LLC
Genre: Paranormal, YA
Release Date: 12th May 2020

BLURB supplied by Xpresso Book Tours

Tessa—part witch, part werewolf, raised human and now the unofficial leader of a newly minted supernatural alliance—thinks nothing of her brother, Axel, texting her and Dastien to meet up. The location pin is in a weird spot, but maybe he found a magical anomaly? But when Tessa steps into the darkened warehouse, she doesn’t expect to see her brother laying in a pool of his own blood, smell the sulfuric scent of black magic, or feel the pain of her mate being shot full of silver.

Tessa has seconds to make a choice, but there’s only one thing she can do to save the two most important men in her life—sacrifice herself.

The last thing Dastien hears from Tessa is her plea—help Axel. Then their bond goes silent. He can’t hear her. He can’t feel her. And there’s no sign of the attackers who took her.

Dastien does everything he can to save Axel before calling his friends in a panic. It takes all of them to find Tessa, but when Dastien’s finally reunited with her, there’s no sign of recognition in her eyes.

No magic in her touch.

No wolf beneath the surface.

Everything that made Tessa who she was…has been erased.


Aileen Erin is half-Irish, half-Mexican, and 100% nerd–from Star Wars (prequels don’t count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles, and spends her days doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.

How many books will be in the Alpha Girl series?

Alpha Erased is the ninth and final book in the series. That’s not the end for the world, though. I’ll be spinning off Samantha (who appears in Being Alpha and Alpha Erased) into her own series next.

Do you, basic plot/plan for each individual book in the Alpha Girl series, before you actually begin writing it all out? Or do you let the writing flow and see where it takes the story? 
I actually do a mix of both. I do a very quick outline from Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat. He has thirteen key plot points to a story in his Beat Sheet, and from there, he expands into forty note-cards.
I used to do the note-cards, but I found that once I started writing, I always strayed from what I wrote on them. It ended up being a waste of time for me. So, I stick to the thirteen points as my framework, and then let the story flow from there.

As you add books to the Alpha Girl series does the process become easier or harder?           
It’s been both easier and harder. Easier in the sense that I’ve lived in that storyworld for a long time now. I can slip into it quickly, and it’s not work to get there.
It’s harder to keep the writing fresh and original. That’s why I’ve decided to end the current series and spin off another series. I still have plans for Tessa, Dastien, and the rest of the gang, but I think breaking the current series at nine books is for the best. Otherwise, I’d have to move into a monster-of-the-week format, and that doesn’t feel creatively fun for me. I found I enjoy bigger, multi-book arcs.

Did you have to any specific research for the Alpha Girl Series? If so what/how did you do it?
Not as much anymore. I used to research different magics and bad guys/demons/etc but the world is so fleshed out now, that I don’t find myself researching as much.

Who designed the Covers of the Alpha Girl Series? Do you have a lot of input into the process?
Ana Cruz Arts designed the cover art, and I used a separate graphic designer to do the layout of the fonts and titles, etc.
I have a ton of input. It starts with an email to Ana with my idea and a PowerPoint full of stock photos for inspiration. From there we go back and forth on what she thinks will work best. We go through a LOT of rounds where she sends me previews, and sometimes, we end up trashing a whole cover and starting over with a new concept. We did exactly that for Alpha Erased a few times, but it was worth it.
People love to say not to judge a book by its cover, but that’s because we judge a book by its cover. It’s the first thing that draws a potential reader in. Getting the right feel and look for a book is essential to finding those readers.

If you had to choose to be a character from the Alpha Girl Series, which would you be and why?
Tessa! She’s the most like “me” of all my characters—minus the whole werewolf and witch bit. ;)

What can we expect from you next and in the future?
I’m currently writing the last two books in the Aunare Chronicles. It’s a young adult space opera book. It’s fast-paced and has a solid romance sub-plot. Book Three—On Mission—comes out on 12/1, and the finale of the series—On Destiny—comes out next spring.

After that, I’ll be working on Samantha’s book—Invocation.

Where can your readers follow you?
Facebook page:
Goodreads author page:
Twitter: @aileen_erin
Instagram: @aileenerin ßThis one is my favorite of the bunch. I love Instastories, and it’s the one I check the most.

Other: Facebook Group:ßThis is another place I check frequently. I love the group and chatting about all kinds of things with readers.

I’m a very introverted—and very shy!—so I don’t post a ton, but I feel less shy about Instastories since they’re short-lived, and the Ink Monster Superfans Facebook group is a safe space with good people. So, come say hi! J

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