
Monday 20 July 2015


Team Tomás – Saints Team Series # 2
by Ally Adams
Audience: New Adult (college age +) - Genre: Contemporary Romance - Format: E-book - Publisher: Atlas Productions - Cover by: Atlas Productions - Editor: Sally Odgers - Words: 74,000 words ebook - ISBN: 978-0-9943762-0-6 - ASIN: B010IGD67O - Date Published: 1 July 2015


“I’ll remember, until my dying breath.”
Tomás Carrera didn’t expect Alice Peterson to rock his world.
Growing up with a single mom and as the eldest of five siblings, Tomás has had to be responsible all his life. Now his super star soccer status has provided for his family and allowed him to let his hair down… and that’s just what he’s doing.
Signed to the Santa Ana Saints, Tomás is catching up for lost time with fast women, a fast Ducati motorcycle and a bevy of adoring fans. That is, until he loses his heart to Alice and is torn with wanting her and his independence.
Next in the series: Team Nik

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Open your eyes... no, no wait. Okay, deep breath, ready... almost. I might have had a bit too much to drink last night, fine then I was pissed, but so was Tomás, I think. Actually I can’t be sure about that either because Tomás ‘Pez’ Carrera—the gorgeous goalkeeper for the Santa Ana Saints soccer team—has a lot more experience than me at having a drink or ten. And now I was lying in a room that definitely wasn’t mine; in a bed with someone next to me; and, it was time to turn and face the music. On the upside, at least I was still wearing my underwear.
God please let it be Tomás next to me—I’ll go to church every Sunday for a month, honest. Good grief, now I was attempting to bribe God... I had sunk to a whole new low. It was the hangover or at least I think I had a hangover... can you get a hangover from four or five margaritas? I wasn’t a big drinker and I had never really been absolutely shit-faced drunk so a hangover would be a first.
I consoled myself that it had been a night of firsts, but I kept one of the firsts for another time. Damn it. I took a shallow breath so I didn’t wake the person next to me. Just get it over with.
I rolled over slowly and... what the fuck?

about the author


Ally Adams is a journalist who lives in coastal Victoria, Australia with her husband and furry friends. She is a literature major, romance reader and writer.

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Character Name:  Tomás Carrera

Character Bio
He’s the hottest goalie on the planet— Tomás Carrera has arrived at the Santa Ana Saints and the Latin lover is not only talented, he’s as hot as they come. Growing up with a single mom and as the eldest of five siblings, Tomás has had to be responsible all his life. Now his super star soccer status has provided for his family and allowed him to let his hair down… and that’s just what he’s doing with a playing contract in place, a Ducati to ride, and a new girlfriend on his arm.

Describe yourself what is your worst and best quality?
I am very good at soccer and hopefully Alice would say very good in bed J. Worst quality… I might be a little possessive.

What is the one thing you wish other people knew about you?
I didn’t call off my relationship because I became a ‘soccer star’. It just ran its course and I said goodbye to my childhood sweetheart and moved on.

What is your biggest secret something no one knows about?
My father cleared out when I was twelve, just let. I saw him again recently—he was at one of my games. He locked eyes with me and I turned away. I haven’t told anyone in my family.

What are you most afraid of?
Getting injured and having my marriage breakdown, when I get married. I want to be married forever. Like the song goes, “When I fall in love, it will be forever.”

What do you want more than anything?
To love what I do and to be loved.

What is your relationship status?
I’m going out with Alice. Exclusively.

How would you describe your sense of fashion?
I get a lot of good clothes from my sponsors, so I don’t have to work to hard at getting the latest clothes to suit me.

How much of a rebel are you?
When I moved to Santa Ana from Buenos Aires, I might have been a bit out of control. It was the first time I had real freedom… no family, no responsibility. I had money, fame, plenty of sex on tap and a Ducati. I don’t know if I’m a rebel, but I just wanted to do my own thing for a while and have some good times.

What do you considered to be your greatest achievement?
Getting an international soccer contract and getting Alice. I’m working hard on keeping both pumping

What is your idea of happiness?
A great game on the field and a great night in the bedroom.

What is your most treasured possession?
My black Ducati motorbike. I love feeling it between my legs and the power of the ride.

What is the quality you most like in a man?
Standing up and doing what’s right.

What are the qualities you most like in a woman?
Strength and femininity.

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?
Bond, James Bond. So smooth and in control. He always comes out on top.

Which living person do you most admire?
David Beckham. He just has it all together… success, a great career, a family—he’s made a great career from his talents and looks.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I wish I could be better at public appearances. I don’t like crowds and I don’t like being singled out. Bit hard at the moment when I’m recognized a lot.

What is your motto?
Don’t forget your past, but embrace the future. 

Presented by Sparkle Book Tours

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