
Wednesday 22 October 2014


Title: Dark Genesis
Series: The Darkling Trilogy
Author: A. D. Koboah
Genre: Historical Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Twenty Four Publishing
Cover Artist:

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Life for a female slave is one of hardship and unspeakable sorrow, something Luna knows only too well. But not even she could have foreseen the terror that would befall her one sultry Mississippi evening in the summer of 1807.

On her way back from a visit to see the African woman, a witch who has the herbs Luna needs to rid her of her abusive master’s child, she attracts the attention of a deadly being that lusts for blood. Forcibly removed from everything she knows by this tormented otherworldly creature, she is sure she will be dead by sunrise.

Dark Genesis is a love story set against the savage world of slavery in which a young woman who has been dehumanized by its horrors finds the courage to love, and in doing so, reclaims her humanity.

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There were rare moments when the full horror of a female slave’s life fell on me and I felt that now when I glanced up at the woods and the path I would take back to the house. An all-encompassing despair rocked me from head to toe. I didn’t want to go back to a life of bondage. I didn’t want to go back to my quarters and drink the evil concoction which would hunt down and kill the innocent in my womb. I didn’t want to go back to a life where I saw evil practiced with ease and nonchalance, a life in which evens my body was not mine to own.
Master John had been away for the past week but when I got back to my cabin tonight and fell asleep, would I find myself jolted awake by him, his form looming over me in the pale light of the moon streaming through the open window, his male tool already awake and straining against the cotton of his trousers?
The mere thought caused me to double over with my arms wrapped around my waist, my face close to the water and the rocks beneath its surface.
The cause of most of my problems lay in the face that was almost lost in the watery surface now that the light was gone. I reached my hand into the stream and pulled out a large black rock. It looked as if it had split in two and the split end was as sharp as the blade of a knife. I held that rock up above my face and thought about Mama Akosua being brought to a strange land against her will at the age of fifteen. I thought about how lost and frightened she must have felt being so far from everything she knew and loved, and the strength and fearlessness she displayed when she took a blade to her own face and cut those marks into her skin. In doing so, she had honored and held onto the customs of her people, people she would never see again. Those scars that I had previously been repulsed by and seen as part of the savage ways of her past, had given her strength. They had been a way to take ownership of at least one part of her body and keep it forever hers.
I would do the same thing. I would take control of at least one aspect of my life and destroy the face that drew men like Master John to me like predators to the scent of fresh blood. I would use this rock to take away the pleasure he found in looking at this face and keep him out of my bed forever.
I brought the sharpest point of the rock down to rest in the middle of my forehead and closed my eyes. I began to apply pressure until I felt it break the skin, a point no bigger than the tip of my fingernail, and felt a warm release of blood. Strangely, I felt no pain, only exhilaration that I could finally do something to stop the terror inflicted on me by my Master.
I was about to bring the rock down my forehead, across my nose and down my cheek, when something, some force, stayed my hand. All at once I grew cold and it felt as if the air around my wrist was alive and humming softly in tune to some sinister beat, making goose bumps spring up along my forearm.
I pushed down with all my might but miraculously this force increased and when I felt my hand begin to move away from my face, I opened my eyes.
I was still facing the woods and for a moment I thought I saw something amongst the trees, a sliver of something that was an almost translucent white. At the same moment I experienced a wave of dizziness that made me feel as if my mind and body had turned to water. I quickly shut my eyes but the dizziness increased and I felt myself swaying, my thoughts and emotions a confusing melee, and I heard a voice in my head. Or was it my own voice?
That will not stop him, it said.
My eyes snapped open when I heard a sharp crack to my right. I whirled around to trace the sound, a sharp streak of fear leaping and twisting within me. It was only when I noticed that my hand was now empty and clenched into a fist that I realized that what I had heard was the sound of the rock I had just been holding hitting one of the trees on my right. The distance to that tree was a good seven or eight meters away. Had I really thrown it that far?
I got to my feet uneasily, knowing that I needed to get away from the chapel immediately. Something was very wrong here. The light was nearly gone now and there was something here with me. I could feel it now, an immense power unfolding and drawing strength as the last of the light seeped out of the sky.
Terror beat furiously within me, radiating to my very core. Mama Akosua had been right. I shouldn’t have come here. I was in danger, I...
Intoxicating dizziness washed over me again and although I tried to fight against its pull it drew me in, causing me to close my eyes and sway in time to its suffocating rhythm...
And then I was standing at the kitchen door of the main house, having walked through the woods from the chapel and back to the house with no memory of the journey.


I am the author of The Darkling Trilogy, an unconventional and epic love story between a vampire and a slave girl. The trilogy was inspired by my thoughts on dehumanization.

I was fascinated by the ways in which people are able to dehumanize others, the impact it has on the psyche and whether it is possible for people to find their way back from being dehumanized.

This led me to a slave called Luna and the ruins of a haunted chapel deep in the heart of Mississippi.


What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
My name is A. D. Koboah. I was born in London, but spent the first few years of my life in Ghana, West Africa, before I moved back to London. This is where I have lived ever since.

Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
I wanted to be an Air Hostess at one point as I love air travel. I love the atmosphere in airports and being on planes. In one of my English lessons at Secondary school we had to write about what we wanted to be and I put that I wanted to be an Air Hostess. My English teacher was so mortified she actually took the time out to sit me down and try and talk me out of becoming an Air Hostess. It is so nice to know that even then she knew I had talent as a writer and believed in my talent enough to do what she did.

When did you first consider yourself as a "writer"?
Romancing the Stone is one of my favourite films. I especially love it because the main character is a writer and I used to watch it and imagine myself living her life as an author. I watched that film again shortly after I published my second novel and that’s when it hit me that I was actually living my dream. That was when I began to call myself a writer.

Which of your books were easier/harder to write than the others?
Dark Genesis was so easy to write. The setting and the characters came to me so vividly and easily and the plot just flowed from pen and onto paper as if the book was writing itself. The last book in The Darkling Trilogy, on the other hand, has been sheer hell to write and I’ve had to change the focus of the novel a few times. It is the last book in the series so I have to ensure it is a fitting end to the trilogy.

Do you have a favourite out of the books you have written? If so why is it your favourite?
Dark Genesis as it seemed to write itself.

Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?
Yes, I do. I really appreciate every single review I get—even the negative ones. Reviews make writing so enjoyable and there is nothing better than reading a review and it’s obvious the reader gets exactly what you were trying to achieve.

What was the toughest/best review you have ever had?
The best reviews are the ones in which people say they’ve stayed up until the early hours reading because they could not put my book down. I get so excited when I read reviews like that because it’s the kind of thing I’ve done—and still do—when I get so engrossed in a novel that I just have to read one more chapter, and then another, and then another... And you get my point:-)
The worst reviews are the ones which don’t give an explanation as to why they didn’t like the novel as bad reviews help you learn what your weaknesses are and how to improve as a writer.

Would you ever ask a reviewer to change their review if it was not all positive about your book/books?
Never. I appreciate all my reviews and they help me to know what I’m doing right, but also what I’m getting wrong so I can hopefully improve as a writer. Some reviews have also helped me iron out a few things whilst working on the other books in The Darkling trilogy. For example when I started the trilogy, I intended for it to go in a completely different direction and when I introduced Julia, the horse, I intended for her to feature a great deal in the sequel to Dark Genesis. When I made the decision that the series would be three books instead of two, the plot I had for the horse kind of fizzled out. One of my reviewers, who gave the novel 3 stars, picked up on the fact that it appeared as if the horse was going to be a bigger part of the novel when it was introduced, but then nothing came of it. This made me think about a way to resurrect the original plot I had in mind for the horse and I have found a way to do so—I just hope my readers like it.

How do you come up with the Title and Cover Designs for your book/books?Who designed the Cover of your books?
I find titles quite difficult and I usually come up with the title of a novel whilst working on it. I had another title in mind for Dark Genesis but had to change it as there was another vampire novel out there with that title. The male lead of that other novel also had the same name I had originally given Avery. So I had to change the title and find a new name for Avery. But I am actually quite happy about that as Avery is a much better name than the one I originally gave him.
Simon from designs the cover of my books. I knew I had to work with Simon when I found out his surname is Avery. I saw it as a sign that he was the right cover artist for me, and I’m sure you’ll agree he has done a fantastic job.

Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..")
No morals or hidden messages, although dehumanisation is a subject I explored whilst writing this novel—the ways in which people dehumanise others and whether or not it is possible for people to come back from being dehumanised. I believe some people are able to come back from dehumanising experiences, unfortunately others are not. This subject matter is explored in the novel in different ways.

Did you have a favourite author as a child?
Yes, Margaret Mahy. I first read The Changeover in school and I still re-read it from time to time.

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And any other information you wish to supply?
Only that Dark Genesis is absolutely FREE to download

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