
Tuesday 10 June 2014


Title: The Traveller
Series: The Traveller Series
Author: Melissa Delport
Genre: Sci-fi romance/action
Number of pages: approx 253
Word Count: 89500

BLURB supplied by Bewitching Blog Tours

Seven years ago, Rachel gave her heart to a dark, intense stranger, who left her broken and alone.

Every day since then Rachel has thought about Dex, her memories refusing to be silenced.

Now, Dex is back, but this time he is not alone. He has brought a formidable army – their sole purpose to conquer. Fate will bring Rachel and Dex back together, but on opposing sides of a war that threatens to obliterate her world. 

Pitted against the power of the elements, Rachel and her friends must survive tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes and fire, all the while being hunted by a powerful enemy who will stop at nothing to pillage her planet.

Fleeing for her life amidst the chaos of a raging, burning city, Rachel realizes man’s only chance of survival lies in the hands of the very person who betrayed her all those years ago.

Earth is destined to fall, but Rachel is determined to save mankind, no matter the sacrifice.


Wife, mother of 3, businesswoman by day and author by night, Melissa Delport is the author of The Legacy Series and Rainfall. She graduated from the University of South Africa with a Bachelors Degree in English in 2000. She currently lives with her husband and three children in Hillcrest, South Africa.

Her first novel, The Legacy, published in 2013, is the first in The Legacy Series trilogy, and is followed by the sequel The Legion. The final book, The Legend is due out in 2014. She has also written an independent novel entitled Rainfall, a psychological romance, and a science-fiction, action-adventure called The Traveler.

An avid reader herself, Melissa finally decided to stop “watching from the sidelines” and to do what is her passion.

“I was driving home from work when inspiration struck, and a storyline started unravelling in my head. For a few days, it was all I could think about and eventually I realised that the only way to get it out of my head, was to put it all down on paper. I started writing, and that was that.”

Twitter: @melissadelport
Publisher’s website

What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now? 
My name is Melissa Delport and I was born in sunny Durban, in the province of KZN, South Africa.  I reside with my husband and 3 children in Gillitts.

Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be? 
I initially wanted to be a forensic psychologist, but I have always loved writing, so I did a degree in English and psychology and a year each of post grad study, and then I got into the transport industry. I recently sold out of my logistics business to write full-time.

When did you first consider yourself as a "writer"? 
The day I held my first printed book in my hand. It was surreal and suddenly tangible – I could touch it, hold it, and smell it!

Did it take a long time to get your first book published?
It took me just shy of two years to get offered a publishing deal. It seemed like a very long time, but I still count myself lucky.

Do you work another job as well as your writing work? 
I did, up until November last year. Now, I am a full-time writer, and full-time mom to three children.

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarise it in less than 20 words what would you say? 
The Legend. the final book in The Legacy Trilogy. It’s a fast-paced dystopian action-adventure with something for everyone.

Who is your publisher? or do you self publish? 
My publisher is Tracey McDonald Publishers, but I do still indie publish certain titles, so I guess you could call me a “hybrid.”

Do you have a "lucky charm" or "lucky routine" you follow when waiting for your book to be accepted by a publisher? 
No, although luck certainly has a lot to do with it. There are plenty of books rejected by publishers that deserve a place on the bestseller shelves. There is nothing that we can do to tip the odds in our favor. I got lucky, pure and simple, but no charms ;) I simply put my head down and kept writing. I had released my fourth book by the time my first was picked up by a publisher.

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it? 
Six months, give or take.

Which of your books were easier/harder to write than the others? 
The Legion, the second book in my Legacy Trilogy was the easiest. Most of the back story was there already in the first book, and I picked up where I had left off. Ironically, I think it is the best book I’ve ever written.

What can we expect from you in the future?  ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre? 
I am currently working on the final book in The Legacy Trilogy, which I have to complete by September. I am also planning to release the Traveler sequel by the end of 2014.

What genre would you place your books into? 
I write mostly dystopian, sci-fi romance and contemporary romance.

What made you decide to write that genre of book? 
I don’t specifically select a genre and then write in that frame. When a story grips me enough to write about it, I do, and let it fall where it may. I do prefer SFF and romance, though, so I will probably write in those genres for some time to come.

Do you have a favourite out of the books you have written? If so why is it your favourite? 
The Legion, which is book 2 in The Legacy Trilogy. It’s my personal favourite, for a number of reasons. I feel very connected with The Legacy characters because I have invested so much into them, and this trilogy landed me a publishing deal. My second favourite is The Traveler – it’s very much my type of book.

Do you have a favourite character from your books? and why are they your favourite? 
Reed from The Legacy Trilogy, and Dex from The Traveler. Reed is confident, cocky and sexy as hell, I love writing his character. Dex, because he is so dark and cruel, and yet capable of such compassion. Both of these men would go to the ends of the Earth to protect the women that they love *swoons*.

If you had to choose to be one of your characters in your book/books which would you be? and why? 
Rebecca Davis of The Legacy Trilogy. She is strong, sexy, and the leader of an army! Not to mention she has the adoration of two incredibly gorgeous men. I love a good love triangle.

How long have you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write? 
I have been writing professionally for over two years. My stories inspire me to write. A story will burn a hole in a writers head until they get it down on paper.

Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair? 
I usually write on my bed or the couch. My physiotherapist would be horrified – she insists I sit bolt upright at a desk, in the ergonomically correct position. That’s never going to happen. Although I do have grand ideas for a “writer’s cave”….one day. 

Do you have anybody read your books and give you reviews before you officially release them?ie. Your partner, children, friends, reviewers you know? 
One of my closest friends is a very outspoken person. She holds no punches, so I give her the raw manuscript first, before I send it off for editing. I’ve also become friendly with a blogger who reads voraciously, and I value her opinion, so she is one of the first people to read the finished product.

Do you gift books to readers to do reviews? 
No, but I do host competitions and I will gift books that way, and obviously if the book is touring, I will donate a few copies for giveaways. It’s the least I can do, for the honour of being hosted on so many sites.

Do you read all the reviews of your book/books? 
Yes (cringe). I know I shouldn’t, but your natural curiosity gets the better of you. A book is like your baby – you want to show it off! I have gotten a lot better though - when I first started out I would check three times a day. Now, I check about a few times a month and I don’t over-analyze like I used to. I read any new reviews for curiosity’s sake and move on. I am a lot busier now, so that helps! Authors are advised to never comment on reviews, so we seldom thank readers for glowing reviews, but we value each and every one.

What was the toughest/best review you have ever had? 
The best review I ever had was from a few bloggers who got hold of one of my books (Rainfall) and voted it their TOP read of 2013. It was humbling and the biggest compliment I have ever been paid. Fortunately, I haven’t had too many bad reviews, but one reviewer did claim that the same book (Rainfall) left her feeling empty and hollow inside and that she wished she had never read it. The story is sad, so I didn’t take it to heart.

Would you ever ask a reviewer to change their review if it was not all positive about your book/books? 
No. That is an absolute law. Readers are entitled to their opinion, that’s all there is to it. Even the bestsellers get bad reviews – it’s an occupational hazard.

How do you come up with the Title and Cover Designs for your book/books?Who designed the Cover of your books? 
The Title comes to me at the same time or soon after the story does. My covers are designed by a company called Apple Pie Graphics. I usually have a very good idea of what I want, but sometimes it can’t be done. We work well together and I am always delighted by the end result.

Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along? 
My main characters are well-plotted in advance, although they may develop other personality traits as I go along. Secondary characters crop up along the way.

Do you basic plot/plan for your book, before you actually begin writing it out? Or do you let the writing flow and see where it takes the story?
I have a very basic plot and the main scenes before I start writing. Then I sit down and see where the book takes me. I think too much planning can hinder your natural creativity. Too little planning results in a weak plot that is not well thought out. I try to find a balance.

How do you market/promote your books? 
Book tours, social media, the press, making use of Amazon’s promotional tools. I am fortunate enough that my publisher does a lot of the marketing for me, but I still have to promote my indie titles. The first lesson you learn in book marketing is that there is no greater promotion than word of mouth. Write a good book – if people like it, they’ll talk about it. If they don’t – throw it in the bin and start again.

What do you think makes a book a really good/bestseller? 
A whole lot of talent and a little bit of luck.

Have you ever suffered from a "writer's block"? What did you do to get past the "block"? 
I don’t believe in writers block.  No matter my mood, if you told me to sit down and write a thousand words, I could. It’s the quality of the writing that differs, depending on your state of mind. If a writer spends an hour writing and feels that what he/she has written is not up to his/her own standard, this is what I would call “writers block.” Writers are their own worst critics. In any book, you have strokes of genius, and moments of weakness. My advice to get through the “weaker” moments (writers block) is simple. If you don’t feel like writing for a day, or a week: don’t. It won’t last long – writing is a calling.

What do you do to unwind and relax?Do you have a hobby? 
Before I sold my business I was writing part-time and had little time for anything else. Now that I have my evenings back, I have discovered that I love television series! The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Arrow, Blacklist, Beauty and the Beast….its become a bit of an obsession!

Have you ever based characters on people you know or based events on things that have happened to you?
I use quite a few of my family and friends names, and certain aspects of their characters. Very seldom will this be obvious to anyone but me. The character of Darren in the Traveler, for example, is based on my very clever, very talented cousin, although I have used artistic license and given him a fictional “make-over”.

Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..") 
All of my books feature a very strong female lead. I guess there is a message in there somewhere 

Is there a certain Author that influenced you in writing? 
Just the opposite. Originality is very important to me, so I will go out of my way to avoid “mimicking” other authors.

Which format of book do you prefer, ebook,hardback, or paperback?
I will read paperback or kindle, but I don’t have a preference. My kindle is easier on the pocket and a huge space-saver for an avid reader like myself.

What is your favourite book and Why?  Have you read it more than once? 
That is such a hard question! I don’t have a favourite, but I have read a few books more than once: The Twilight saga, The Harry Potter Series, Me Before You by JoJo Moyes & a few of Sophie Kinsella’s books.

Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is you favourite/worst  book to movie transfer? 
I didn’t think the Harry Potter movies did the books enough justice, although they were good movies. The books are just better. I did enjoy ‘The Hunger Games’ movie adaptations.

What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it? What format is it?(ebook, hardback or paperback) 
Sadly I can’t read fiction while I am writing. I cannot wait to finish this book so that I can spend a week or two devouring a few good books before I continue with my next project.

Do you think ebooks will ever totally replace printed books? 
Not for a very long time. We are moving into a paperless society, but for the time being there is still a huge market for printed books. I hope it stays that way. I can’t imagine my children one day reading their children bedtime stories only on an electronic device.

Do you think children at schools these days are encouraged enough to read? and/or do Imaginative writing? 
Speaking as a mom of a seven-year-old in Grade 1, I would say yes. It takes us an hour to get through her homework, which is primarily reading. I think, sadly, the problem lies at home. Too many Playstations, X-Boxes, Wii’s. I read a quote the other day that said: “There is no such thing as children who don’t like to read, there are only children who are reading the wrong books.” I wholeheartedly agree.

Did you read a lot at school and write lots of stories or is being a writer something newer in your life? 
I read like a child possessed. I still have the Bookworm awards to prove it! I also wrote stories which my teacher would print on the old school typewriter for me. I always knew one day I would write books, but I had a lot to do before I was ready to dedicate myself solely to writing.

Did you have a favourite author as a child? 
Enid Blyton. I must have read The Magic Faraway Tree a hundred times.

Do you have a treasured book from your childhood? If yes, what is it? 
The Magic Faraway Tree. I read it to my daughter now and it brings up such happy memories. I also have a faded, beautiful edition of Little Women that my mother bought me when I was eleven. I look forward to reading it to my own daughters.

Do you have a favourite genre of book? 
I love fantasy, dystopias, light sci-fi and paranormal romance, but I am also a sucker for pure romantic escapism.

Is there a book you know you will never read? Or one you tried to read but just couldn't finish? 
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. Despite all the brilliant reviews, I can’t get past the Swedish names and haven’t progressed past chapter 3. If I can’t connect with the characters, I can’t get into the book. It’s not like me – I have very few DNF’s in my reading list!

Is there anything in your book/books you would change now if you could and what would it be? 
You will always look back and think “If I wrote that book now, I would change this, or do that…” It’s part of growing older. Your own preferences change. That is why you should keep writing – you cannot go back, all you can do is move forward. Fiction has a shelf-life. A book that is popular now will not be in a year or two, so there is no point changing anything later.

What do you think about book trailers? 
I think they are a valuable marketing tool, and having a visual is fantastic. That being said, I don’t like seeing an actual face in a trailer before I have read the book, because it gives me a preconceived notion and I like to picture characters in my head. I will always read the book before I watch the movie, for this reason.

What piece of advice would you give to a new writer? 
Don’t quit your day job just yet!! Write because you love it, and keep going. To use a quote I love: Writing is a marathon, not a sprint.” It takes time. The only guarantee of failure is giving up.

Do you or would you ever use a pen name? 
No, and no. Not unless I was specifically asked to by my publisher. I know that it is sometimes beneficial if you write in different genres. Nora Roberts, for example, writes her “In Death” series under the pseudonym J.D Robb, as she is known for romance. A lot of men, funnily enough, prefer not to buy books written by women.

If you could invite three favourite writers to dinner, who would you invite and enjoy chatting with? 
Sophie Kinsella because she must be hilarious, Stephenie Meyer because she knows Edward Cullen better than I do, and E.L James, because who wouldn’t want to meet the woman who wrote “those” books!

Where can readers follow you?

Your Blog Details?
Your Website? 
Your Facebook Page? 
Your Twitter Details? 

And any other information you wish to supply? 
The Legacy Trilogy Website:


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