
Thursday 1 May 2014


Title: My Soul Immortal
Series: Fated Eternals
Author: Jen Printy
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing

BLURB from Goodreads
An endless love, for an endless price.

Jack’s immortality is exposed when he prevents a liquor store heist, forcing him to flee to protect his secret—a secret not even he understands. But when he meets Leah Winters—a mirror image of his decades-lost love, Lydia—his very soul is laid bare. He begins to question his sanity. Is she real, and if so, what does that mean for Jack and his secret?

Jack’s not the only mystery man in town. A stranger named Artagan hints at knowledge Jack is desperate to possess. But can he trust Artagan, or does the dark newcomer harbor deadly secrets of his own?

As Jack’s bond with Leah grows, so does the danger to her life. Jack must discover just how much he is willing to risk in order to save the woman he already lost once.


Since childhood, Jen Printy has been writing. Whether stories about a fantasy world or everyday life in Maine, Jen loved losing herself in the worlds she created on paper. The arts in all forms have always been an important part of Jen’s life, a love instilled in her by her father. When Jen isn’t writing, she’s sculpting as a freelance doll artist.

Jen lives with her husband, two daughters, and diva dog Cookie in southern Maine, where she loves spending time friends and family, finding treasures along the seashore, or enjoying a Guinness at her favorite local pub.

What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
Hello, thank you for having me. My name is Jen Printy. I was born in the state of Maine, where I still live today.

When did you first consider yourself as a "writer"?
Honestly, that realization took a while. Maybe because Im definitely my own worst critic. Seems My Soul Immortal is the first novel Ive written, it wasnt until after several edits I started to see myself as a writer.

Do you work another job as well as your writing work?
I do. Im a freelance doll sculptor, which means I sculpt dolls for doll companies such as Ashton-Drake and Paradise Galleries. They reproduce them into vinyl and sell them to collectors.

Who is your publisher? or do you self publish?
Red Adept Publishing.

Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
I do, and Im very excited about it. Im working on the continuing story of Jack and Leah, book two of the Fated Eternals series.

What genre would you place your books into?
My Soul Immortal is a paranormal romance, with a dash of urban fantasy tossed in for good measure.

What made you decide to write that genre of book?
I’m not sure if I picked it or it picked me. Honestly, I just wrote down the story that was playing out in my head. Paranormal romance is my favorite genre, so I suppose it’s don’t surprising my imagination lead me in that direction. I love the blend of fantasy and the real world. For me, it makes the fantasy aspect seem possible.

Do you have a favourite character from your books? and why are they your favourite?
Artagan. He’s definitely the more complicated character to write which makes him fun. Or maybe I just have a weakness for the bad boys. He’s a mixture of good and evil, a fact he struggles with, even if he don’t show it all the time.

How long have you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write?
As a child, I use to write all the time, mostly story stories and poetry. My father inspired me to write. His love of literature was infectious.

Where do you get your book plot ideas from? What/Who is your inspiration?
The plot started with thoughts about déjà vu and reincarnation. I even remember the morning the idea hit me. It quickly flowed into a pair of characters, one being immortal. But why? I wanted to think outside the box and come up with a different kind of immortal. After bouncing ideas off my husband, we came up with the idea of children of Death. Once nailing down this idea, the plot and character fell into place quickly.

Do you have anybody read your books and give you reviews before you officially release them? ie. Your partner, children, friends, reviewers you know?
I did, and I cant thank them enough. My husband and children listened to my ideas and gave me invaluable feedback. A hand-full of friends read my rough draft and gave me more advice. I then joined a critique group. This might have been the hardest thing I didtalk about feeling naked in front of a crowdbut I knew I need people to read my book who did know me and might feel they needed to spare my feelings.

Do you decide on character traits (ie shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?
I  decide on the characters main traits before writing, then tweak them as I wrote the story. I find I need to be flexible with my ideas when I write. If I become stubborn, the story will suffer.

Do you basic plot/plan for your book, before you actually begin writing it out? Or do you let the writing flow and see where it takes the story?
A bit of both. I have a general path of where I expect the plot to go. However, sometimes during the writing process the story flows in a direction, I didnt see at the beginning and Im just along for the ride.

Which format of book do you prefer, ebook, hardback, or paperback?
Im torn. I love the fact I can carry a library of books on my e-reader anywhere I go. But there something that cant be bet about the feeling a book in my hands andyes, Im oddthe smell of book is something Id never want to give up.

What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it? What format is it?(ebook, hardback or paperback)
On Writing by Stephen King. It is by far the best book about writing I’ve ever read. I’m reading it on my kindle, but I’m 100% sure it comes in any format.

Do you have a treasured book from your childhood? If yes, what is it?
I have two. First, The Gingerbread Rabbit, written by Randall Jarrell. As a kid, my dad read this book to me all the time. The book even started a family transition. My mom baked me a gingerbread cookie for me every year on the first day of school and hide it behind the door. Ive carried this transition on with my children. Second, Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott ODell, it was the first book I remember reading that I could put down.

Where can readers follow you?

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I stare at the dull-black barrel of the 9mm pointed at my chest. My gaze shifts to my assailant’s face. His eyes narrow, and his mouth thins for an instant before curving into a smirk. My grip tightens on the cardboard handle, causing the beer bottles to clink together. There’s no way this idiot is going to cost me my Prize Old Ale. It’s the store’s last six-pack, and who knows when I’ll get more? To the ordinary Joe, this might seem like a foolish thing to be concerned about, especially at a time like this. But it’s the good stuff, a taste of England, and the only enjoyment I have left. I raise my free hand and keep my voice soft, as though coaxing a feral animal. 
“Let’s calm down. You don’t want to do something you’ll regret.” 
The man’s glare slides to the name embroidered above the left pocket of my navy-blue shirt, and he curses. “Jack, huh? Figures. Now you listen to me. I’m in charge here, kid. Remember that!” The weapon jerks to the rhythm of his words, and his eyes, although wild, are committed to finishing what he started. I recognize that look. This man cannot be reasoned with. Usually, I’m the only customer in here at this godforsaken hour of the night. But tonight, Mae, the elderly lady who lives in the apartment above Irene’s Liquor, must have decided she required self-medication to soothe her nightmares again—a plight I sympathize with. I’ve carried her groceries upstairs enough times to know her fondness for Jameson and her propensity for using the spirits as a sleeping aid. Unfortunately, she came into the store at the same time the man pulled his gun. 
Luckily for her, he didn’t shoot, but her thready, asthmatic gasp must’ve made him think she was about to scream for help. He smacked her across her temple as easily as flicking a light switch. And I, of course, unable to mind my own business, stepped in to defend her. 
A low moan rises from Mae, now sprawled on the dirty linoleum floor, and drags my attention from the man. Her faded pink and yellow housecoat is spattered with drying blood. Crimson trickles from the gash on her temple. Her eyes are closed, but her chest rises and falls at a steady pace. Still breathing. But for how long? 


            I’m turning forty-six this year. There, I said it. Gravity isn’t my best friend, not any longer, and immortality doesn’t seem like a bad prospect when your boobs are making a beeline toward your knees. I’ll admit I would love to stop the aging process. Maybe that makes me vain. It probably does. I assume I’m not alone, because consumers pump billions of dollars into the anti-aging industry every year.
            Legends are jammed full of ways of becoming an immortal. The immortals in my book were born the way they are. As far as I know, I’m not the descendant of the Grim Reaper, so that’s no help. Elizabeth Báthory had her own tactic of handling the stress of aging. Remember her? She’s the psycho who bathed in the blood of hundreds virgins to keep her youth. That’s taking beauty treatment to a whole new level. Maybe a more “transitional” route like vampire bite is the way to go. Then again, even if they did exist, I can’t say I’m particularly partial to the idea of a creature of the damned biting me. I know, I know, beggars can’t be choosers. The fountain of youth is much more appealing. A sip of magical water, I could handle that. Still, explorers have been searching for centuries with no luck. Not to mention, it’s said to be in the middle of the freakin’ jungle. Which means large insects. I’ve been to Honduras; I’ve seen how big those suckers can get. I don’t do super-sized bugs. At least, not without a lot of screaming.

            Wait. Don’t panic. There is hope. Scientists say in about 20 years they’ll have the technology to not only prolong life, but also, possibly let us live forever. (And people are worried about over population now, just wait.) I cannot help but wonder if we’ve become a bit obsessed. Some in their quest for everlasting life have gone as far as having their bodies frozen into popsicles—minus the stick—in hope of being revived in the future. However, I see a definite flaw in this plan. Those scientists who sold these people on this grand idea call Cryonics failed to mention one little, a minor detail, they can’t push back time. Freeze it, sure. Reverse, nope.
Imagine being the poor soul, frozen at age 80, only to wake up and find out that every day for the rest of your forever you have to take a bazillion pills the size of grapes and people offering to walk you everywhere you go. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m sure 80 can be a vibrant age, and I suppose being 80 forever comes with some advantages, like senior discounts. You, my friend, will never half to pay full price for anything again. And cookies can be the main portion of your diet! That and hard candies. No one will judge you. You’re 80 for goodness sake. Still, not a deal I’d be willing to make.

            Maybe growing old isn’t such a bad thing after all. I’ve often wondering if we didn’t have a definite end if we’d really live. Deep, I know. But really, if there was no chance you could die would you need something like a bucket list. Bucket list are the best thing since white bread, and if you don’t have one, you should. If not for a bucket list, I would have never have written my book.  So, I guess instead of worrying about the crow’s feet and the descent of my boobs, I’ll just make the most of the time I have.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking part in my book tour. I truly appreciate it.
    Jen :)
