
Saturday 23 November 2013


ASIN: B00F135SB2
Publisher: Self/Indie
Pages/File Size: 182pages/378KB
Formats Available: E-Book

BLURB from Goodreads
When Marie finally wrote back to Andrew, he truly learned how words can seduce, corrupt and inflame. The stories Marie and Andrew now make up, trading e-mails, consume them. They begin a passionate affair, and their deepening obsession with each other penetrates their writing. Then the stories take over and change everything. Oh, and the bit with the shoe is freaking wild. Fun, well-told, intelligent and absorbing, Heart-Break-Proof is about words that bind tighter than any rope. (Actually, there are ropes in this book too. But mainly words). So, be careful what you read. For a free preview of Heart-Break-Proof (first 3 chapters), check out


What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
William Goode, Toronto (born in Vancouver).

Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
Depends on when you start counting.  From the age of five, I wanted to be an astronaut, a diver, a beach bum, a photographer, a world-traveler, a bank-robber … you get the idea.

When did you first consider yourself as a "writer"?
When my first book, “Heart Break Proof,” was published.

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?
That my book is lots of fun and has some rather hot writing in it. And ropes.  But mainly writing.

What can we expect from you in the future?  ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?
“Heart Break Proof” is a 4-part series, and, so far, only the first volume is out.  I am hard at work on volumes 2 and 3.

Do you have a favourite character from your books? And why are they your favourite?

There are not that many characters to choose from in my book, but I would have to say Andrew.  We do seem to have a great deal in common, you know.

How long have you been writing?, and who or what inspired you to write?

I’ve been writing and not liking anything I wrote for a long time, until Michelle (my co-author) came along and, well, inspired me.  This book would never exist without her.

Do you gift books to readers to do reviews?

Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?
Yes, of course.

Have you ever based characters on people you know or based events on things that have happened to you?
Oh, yes, big time.  Marie, for example, is someone I know quite, quite well.  Down to many personal details.

Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books?

I wouldn’t say my messages were hidden.  I do believe in the importance of finding things that absorb you fully and hold you captive – whether it is a vocation, a pursuit or a woman.  If I were not fully engaged, I wouldn’t bother.

Is there a certain Author that influenced you in writing?
I like Shakespeare.  As for being influenced by him – I wish.

Where can readers follow you?

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