
Saturday 26 October 2013



Demon Dance
Sundancer #1
Brian Freyermuth
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Coming soon to:  Itunes   *   Kobo

BLURB supplied by Book Obsession Publicity

You can run all you want, but the game's in your blood. And blood never forgets…

Nick St. James was born different. His extraordinary gifts have saved him time and time again, but they couldn't save the one thing he loved most: his wife.

Now he just wants to forget his old life, but more importantly, he wants to forget the magical underworld that lives beneath the "real" world. A place where a man's faith can determine the very fabric of reality. Where ancient forgotten gods walk hidden among us, and angels and demons fight for our very souls.

But nothing stays hidden forever. Nick's peaceful world is ripped apart when a demon slaughters his ex-partner and marks him for death. Now he must use all his gifts to find the one who summoned the nightmarish creature, but more importantly, he needs to find the one thing he lost long ago.


Since 1994, Brian Freyermuth has designed and wrote for bestselling video games such as the award winning Fallout, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy and WGA Award Nominee Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two.  In July of 2011 he participated in a panel discussion at the San Diego Comicon where he explained how he helped bring a voice to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit for the first time in Disney’s history.
Brian now has added novelist to his bestselling career. In April 2013 he released a hot new urban fantasy, Demon Dance, on Kindle. After only a couple of weeks it reached number 13 on Amazon’s Bestseller Rank for Kindle Urban Fantasy eBooks.
Since the days of the Commodore 64, Brian spent his youth writing novels or playing games. Writing has always been a passion for him, whether it was entertaining his teachers with his short stories, creating elaborate characters for the role playing games he played with his friends, or creating screenplays for the home movies he made for his class projects. He earned a B.A. from the University of California Irvine in Comparative Literature which he uses in both writing for games as well as crafting his novels.
Today, Brian leads a content team at Xaviant as they create an exciting new game, Lichdom: Redeemer, scheduled for release in the summer of 2014. When he’s not at his computer working on the sequel to Demon Dance, you can find him exploring the wilderness of Georgia with his wife, Juliet, and their son.
For more information about the projects Brian has worked on and new projects, visit

Interviews and Articles:

What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
Hi, thanks for having me. My name is Brian Freyermuth. I was born in the picturesque state of Colorado, and grew up around the corner from Pikes Peak.
I’ve lived in many places in my adult life, including Seattle, the inspiration for Demon Dance. Now there was a city filled with hidden cultural gems, like a giant concrete troll holding a VW bug underneath the Fremont Bridge.
I’m currently leading the content team at an independent video game company called Xaviant in Georgia.  

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say?
Demon Dance:
A retired detective must confront his tragic past after a rampaging demon kills his sister-in-law and marks him for death.

Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
Nick has quite a few stories to tell, so he’ll be around for awhile.  I’m currently working on the sequel, which takes place about three months after Demon Dance, right at the New Year. How we tend to dwell on the past is a major theme, and one that will carry over to both Nick and Thelma as we learn more about them and their background.

What genre would you place your books into?
Demon Dance is an urban fantasy. I’ve always loved the mixture of fantasy elements in the real world.

What made you decide to write that genre of book?
I enjoy writing about ancient gods, vampires, angels and demons walking among us in secret. Not only that, but what happens to them when people stop believing or change their views about them?

Are there any New Authors you are interested in for us to watch out for? and Why should we watch out for them?
Scott Jenkins just published a novel where “worlds of espionage and illusion collide” called: Bullet Catch: Smoke & Dagger Book 1. It’s an exciting thriller set in Berlin that’s based on an actual Cold War mind-control program.

Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?
I read every single one of them. All reviews are helpful, regardless if they are positive or negative.  They not only let me know what the reader likes or dislikes, they sometimes inspire new elements in future books.
I’ve been designing video games for over 19 years, and I’ve learned that every review, even the most scathing, nasty review on the planet has something to consider. If there’s anything in a review I can learn from, it can only make my writing better.

Do you basic plot/plan for your book, before you actually begin writing it out? Or do you let the writing flow and see where it takes the story?
I am a plotter, through and through, although my outlines tend to be fluid. You never know when a character’s going to hijack your story and go careening off a cliff with it. There were quite a few times when Nick or Thelma would refuse to follow my directions in Demon Dance. At that point I usually take a day to redo the outline, thus giving me a new road map to where the story is heading.

What piece of advice would you give to a new writer?
Let your character dictate their actions. You could have the greatest scene all worked out in your head, but if your characters don’t want to participate, no amount of massaging will make it work. Let them breathe, and let them speak. I remember in Demon Dance I had a whole scene worked out for a massive argument between Nick and his sister in law. What ended up on paper had conflict, but was more subtle than I had originally planned. And you know what? It worked better, because I let the characters determine their own destinies.

If you could invite three favourite writers to dinner, who would you invite and enjoy chatting with?
I’d like pick the brains of Jim Butcher and Patricia Briggs about their wonderful characters. And then I’d have Dan Simmons over to ask him how he comes up with such bizarre but amazing science fiction novels.

Where can readers follow you?

Your Website
Your Facebook Page!/bfreyermuthofficial
Your Goodreads Author Page
Your Twitter Details

Thank-you for taking the time to take part in the Interview! ~ Jeanz


“I came here,” I told the cat, “to get away from my life. Why did it have to find me?”
The cat’s emerald eyes sparkled with silent laughter. He seemed to know how stupid that sounded, and a thin, brittle smile came to my lips.
“You think I’m an idiot, huh?” I asked. The cat responded with a sharp meow. “Well, so do I.”
I sat up and stretched my neck. “I’m an idiot for throwing the glass,” I told him. “That was some premium  Tennessee whiskey.”
The cat meowed again. “As for you,” I said, “you need a name.” The animal wore a dark blue collar I had missed when he came in. There wasn’t an ID, but the strip of cloth had a word printed on the front: Walker.
“OK,” I said, “Walker it is.” I scratched the cat behind his ears, and a rumbling purr vibrated my fingers.
Suddenly Walker’s ears perked up and he sprang from the bed. The hairs on my arms stood to attention, and I swung my legs over the side. My eyes searched the room, seeking a sign in the afternoon gloom of what was crawling across my senses.
That’s when the phone rang. “The Hall of the Mountain King,” made up of singular electronic notes, echoed through the apartment. I leaped out of bed and stood at the edge of the protective circle. The melody repeated itself three times and went silent.
I stood there at the edge of the circle, my heart racing. I strained to hear any movement, and my nose searched for a hint of sulfur. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.
The song blasted the silence again, the tones as simple as a child’s keyboard. With a deep breath, I stepped out of the circle and crept toward the bedroom door. Sensing nothing, I walked into the living room.
The cell phone became silent again, but only for a moment. I managed to snag it on the last ring with an annoyed, “Hello?” Away from the circle I was vulnerable, and I turned to go back to the bed, but the fearful breathing on the other end of the line stopped me.
“Nick?” Caitlin called, as if from a long tunnel. Static overpowered her voice, like energy on a high-voltage wire.
“Cate? I can barely hear you.”
“Nick! Thank God. I need your help!”
I sighed. I came away from my protection for this? “Look, Cate,” I said as I walked back into the bedroom and toward the circle, “we talked about this. You know my—”
“Just shut up and listen!” she yelled. I stopped again as a roaring filled the phone. Screams pierced the background. “I’m in a penthouse at One-Fifty-Five Second Street. Downtown. Get your ass down here!”
“Cate, I—”
“Please, Nick!” Gunshots cracked the phone. “Jesus, the thing has no eyes, how can it see—”
The line went dead. 


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