
Monday 1 April 2013


ISBN: 9781605426365
Publisher: Medallion Press
Pages: 384
Formats Available: Paperback, E-book

BLURB from Goodreads
Following Barracuda Bay’s homecoming cum zombie Armageddon, fellow zombies Maddy, Dane, and Stamp have fled to Orlando where they work at a theme park, hiding in plain sight at their jobs in the Great Movie Monster Makeover show. The three spend most of their time together in their apartment trying to avoid curious Normals and Sentinels—humans and zombie cops. While Dane and Maddy draw closer, Stamp drifts away, falling for a mysterious blonde. But when the mysterious girl puts their existence in danger, all Maddy cares about is hunting the blonde down to separate her from her head.

I was sent an e-copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Well the cover on this one is to match the series, where the reader is drawn to look at section across the eyes. Mmm I suppose that the attention being drawn to the eyes is connected to the fact that's how you tell what type of zombie is about to munch on your brains!
Do I like the cover? It's okay yes, I don't like it as much as the alternative style of the cover of Zombies Don't Cry pictured here with my review. Would I pick it up from a book store shelf? Yes but if I am totally honest it would be more on the strength of having read Bk 1 than the cover.
So what did I think to the book. Well it picks up on the zombie trio working at a theme park. the ironic thing is they are characters in the "Great Monster Movie Show" so they fit in and bend in at work quite easily. The big romance triangle has changed somewhat. Stamp has split up with Maddy. . . . which leaves Maddy free to "get it on" with Dane right? Simple right? Not really, I mean who would have known zombies feelings and a sense of appropriateness. Well the situation is awkward as the three zombies are "roomies" though Stamp is out a lot sometimes all night living it up with his latest girlfriend. In fact Stamp is enjoying life so much that Dane worries he will attract the attention of the sentinels. And another thing why does Stamps new girlfriend not want to meet them. Is this mysterious girlfriend a sentinel? working for the sentinels or maybe even worse could she be a zerker?
Well I won't tell you more about the book as it would give away far too much. If you loved book one you will love book two. We learn more about Maddy and Dane, and of course Stamp. We also eventually learn more about sentinels and zerkers. I mean can zerkers be rehabilitated ever? The book holds your interest throughout, and has the odd twist and turn as well as guts and gore! The book ended in such a way that
So did I enjoy the book? Yes, I did. Would I recommend the book? Yes, it's a must for those who read and loved BK#1! Would you read more books in this series? Yes, bring them on! Would you read other books by Rusty Fischer? I intend to, so yes.

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