
Wednesday 17 April 2013


The Joys and Frustrations 
of Converting a 
Book into a Movie.

There are joys and frustrations when trying to convert your book into a movie. I’ve been lucky enough to have my novel Unlovable (book one in the Port Fare Series) to be optioned for a movie. I am helping to convert the book into a screenplay. I was also told I could help with the casting and I could visit the set!! Fun! I gave the director my list of who I’d like to see play the parts, now all I can do is hope. As the writer, I have very little say in casting, but I do like the director quite a bit so I feel she will do her best to honor my ideas for the movie. Demi Moore my not want to play the part of the drunken mother, but the director knows my vision and I believe she will do her best to cast Demi or someone like Demi for the role.

I have NO idea where the movie is going to be filmed, though I suspect it will be in Canada since the “scheduled” start time is early summer and the book is set in winter. Isn’t it always cold in Canada:} I hope it is there, I think it is beautiful in Canada! Or Hawaii. I’m good with either!

One frustrating part is the waiting. The waiting because Hollywood is on their own timetable and they move slow…until they are ready to move fast! Then hold on to your seat, because they move fast.

The biggest frustration is the script. So much is cut out that you feel like your story is gone. Lucky for me, the director asked me to help write the screenplay, which means I (hopefully) have some control over what is deleted and what is saved.

Thank you all for your support of Unlovable. I’m very grateful. I hope you will embrace and enjoy UNBELIEVABLE also. It would be awesome to have both books made into a movie!

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