
Saturday 20 April 2013



Megan Joel Peterson lives somewhere between the cornfields of Illinois and fantasy worlds filled with magic and wizards. She has a degree in English Literature from the University of Illinois, and has worked a little bit of everywhere over the years. Now she spends her days and nights creating new stories, and thinks writing is the best job she ever could have asked for. The Children and The Blood is her first published novel.

What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
My name is Megan Joel Peterson and I was born in central Illinois, where I still live.

Who is your publisher? or do you self publish?
I’m happily self-published.

What can we expect from you in the future?  ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?
After The Children and The Blood, there are two more books in this series. I also plan to write more fantasy books after this, as I love the genre. 

Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?
My routine usually involves a cup of tea or coffee (or both!) and then listening to music as I write. These usually help me focus on the story.

Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?
I plan and write the book, and usually pick the title as I go along.

How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?
Character and place names develop as I plan and write the story. For characters especially, sometimes the name just pops into my head, and sometimes I have to live on baby name websites for quite a while, pondering what sounds best.

Which format of book do you prefer, ebook, hardback, or paperback?
I love to be surrounded by stories, so I actually like all the formats available. I have numerous bookcases around my house, all filled with both hardcover and paperback books that I enjoy. I also like being able to take a large number of books with me on my tablet, so that I can read whenever I have a spare moment.

Do you think ebooks will ever totally replace printed books?
Personally, I don’t. MP3s haven’t completely replaced CDs, or even vinyl. Collectors and music enthusiasts still love those formats, and for readers, I think it will be much the same with printed books. Ebooks will continue to grow as a part of the market, but some readers will still want to have the physical book on their shelves.

Did you have a favourite author as a child?
Ever since I was pretty young, I’ve enjoyed Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. I stole it from my father’s nightstand as a child and finished it in a day. It’s remained one of my favorites ever since.     

Do you have a favourite genre of book?
I love fantasy and science fiction. They’ve been some of my favorite genres for as long as I can remember. I also enjoy classic mystery novels, such as Agatha Christie’s works or books by Wilkie Collins.

Where can readers follow you?


Goodreads Author Page:

Twitter: @meganjopeterson

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