
Wednesday 28 March 2012


The Wedding Snafu by Lisa Mondello

I want to thank Jeanz Book Read n Review for having me as a guest blogger today.  I’m excited to tell you about my book, THE MARRIAGE CONTRACT, book 2 in my Fate with a Helping Hand series.  As a thank you for visiting, I am giving away a free e-copy of THE KNIGHT AND MAGGIE’S BABY, book 3 in my Fate with a Helping Hand series, to one lucky commenter.  So don’t be shy.  Leave a comment for a chance to win!

Today I’m going to talk about wedding snafus.  We’ve all had one or been in a wedding with one!  (I really hope it’s not just me!)  But we deal with them and then laugh and move on to have a great time.  I’m going to tell just one of my wedding disasters.  I hope you join in with your own stories to make me feel better!

Before I was married, I was a bridesmaid for a lot of friends from college.  For my friend Lyn’s wedding, I was one of 8 bridesmaids that ranged in height from 5 feet (me) to nearly 6 feet (a high school friend of hers).  There was a huge range of weights and shapes in there too, but I’ll spare you that.  Suffice to say, we were all different. 

If you’ve ever gone shopping for bridesmaids dresses then you know it’s hard to find a dress that will look fabulous on one girl, never mind 8 in various sizes and shapes.  Lyn wanted a Southern Bell look.  Let me say up front that there is nothing Southern Bell about me!  But I didn’t argue.  It was her big day and I’d happily plunk down some money and spend a day in “costume” for a best friend.  So I did.  Picture baby blue, gathered skirt, poufy, big bows all around the skirt and such but without the parasol.   That was the dress.

Anyway, we went for the fitting and aside from the fact that the seamstress had to spend time making sure my boobs wouldn’t fall out of the bodice (which had lots of ruffles to add to what Mother Nature already gave me) she was shocked at having to hem about a foot off the bottom of the dress.  Remember, 5 feet, gathers, bows, poufy!

I was so ready to play dress up on the day of the wedding, even knowing I’d look ridiculous.  But since when has that ever stopped me.  I never imagined that after all the mimosas was gone and we were finally ready to get dressed for the wedding that the snafu would happen.  One by one all the bridesmaids grabbed their dresses.  I kept telling everyone to just hand me the shortest one.  You guessed it.  It was the LONGEST.  The seamstress never hemmed my dress.  Gathers.  Bows. Poufy.  And 5 foot nothing!

It was an hour before the wedding.  Everyone looked at me in shock.  The bride was in tears.  I told her I didn’t mind not walking down the aisle and everyone said it would be okay.  She cried more.  Luckily, her aunt from out of state, a seamstress, took one look at the miles of fabric I was tripping over and immediately had a plan.  She pinned the under skirt up about foot and proceeded to take each bow off and re-gathered up the top skirt, then reattach the bows.  I had people putting on my makeup and someone else doing my hair because I couldn’t move from where I was standing.  I ditched the pantyhose.  (It was August anyway and who was even going to see them under all that material!) The limo came and went with all the other bridesmaids and Lyn’s aunt was still gathering and sewing bows.  I got into the limo with the bride, her aunt and all the sewing supplies and her aunt continued to sew until we made it to the front of the church.

I walked down the aisle, a little more poufy than I’d planned because of all the fabric bunched up under me.  And spent the entire party sitting on pins until I finally ditched them so I could dance without prickling my thighs bloody!   

Okay, your turn.  Tell me your wedding snafus!  Let’s have a laugh.

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1 comment:

  1. Honestly I've only been to one wedding and this one went perfect. I've never really seen a snafu but can imagine it from stories I've heard..
