
Monday 6 February 2012


Romantic Suspense: Worth Emigrating For
By Toni Anderson

Like most writers I’ve always been an avid reader. I grew up in the UK, reading my gran’s Mills & Boon novels. As a teen I migrated toward fantasy and mystery books. They were always really good but not quite...something.

It’s hard to describe what’s missing until you find it.

Fast forward to 1995 when I moved to Canada for the first time and walked into a public library. My first romantic suspense novel was Karen Robards and I devoured every page and then every shelf, looking for more. It was like discovering chocolate, or sex, or Brad Pitt. Actually it was like discovering all three simultaneously. I couldn’t believe I’d never found these types of books before. Why weren’t they in the UK?

When we moved to Canada for the second time, one of the ticks in the ‘Reasons to Move’ column was easier access to romantic suspense novels. Yes, romantic suspense factored in my emigration—it is that good.

So, what is it that makes romantic suspense so compelling? For me I adore knowing there is danger lurking nearby as two people start the perilous journey of falling in love. As if they don’t have enough to deal with, with their issues and hang ups and dire circumstances, now they have some entity trying to destroy the hero, the heroine or something they believe in.

Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Toni is one of the many talented authors who belong to the Romance Writers of America’s Kiss of Death chapter. At Kiss of Death we believe that every great romance should include suspense. Whether a spy thriller in Regency times, a paranormal romance with a revenge-seeking zombie, or a traditional serial killer after the heroine, romance relies on suspense, leading the reader through the trials of the heroine and hero to see if they will get their happily ever after ending. If you can call your writing suspenseful, then the Kiss of Death has something for you! Find out more and join at and follow us on Twitter at @RWAKissofDeath.

Toni is a former Marine Biologist turned romantic suspense writer who now lives in the Canadian prairies with her husband and two children.  Her stories are set in the stunning locations where she’s been lucky enough to live and work—the blustery east coast of Scotland, the remote isolated mining communities of Northern Labrador, the rugged landscapes of the U.S. and Australia. 

Check out her website for a list of current titles, her blog and Facebook Author Page for writing news and her personal Facebook page and Twitter for constant nonsensical chatter. She is also part of two wonderful group blogs—Not Your Usual Suspects and Just Romantic Suspense. Come introduce yourself.


  1. Is that Lake Louise in the pic? Or...? Sure makes me homesick for the Rockies.

  2. Barbara, it is :) Beautiful place. I should duck out of the shot :)

  3. How cool that your first romantic suspense was Karen Robards! I just read her for the first time--"Sleepwalker." It was fabulous! My first romantic suspense was Nora Robert's "Sanctuary"--like you, I haven't looked back. Toni, I think you are more than honoring the road that Karen Robards started you on!

  4. No, you shouldn't! You look so happy there. Sigh. :)

  5. Thanks, Kathy :)I haven't read Sleepwalker yet. Nora is always good :)

    Barbara--I love the mountains. Don't have any in the prairies...
