
Tuesday 10 January 2012


  1. What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now? My name is Elizabeth Reyes I was born and raised in southern California and I continue to reside here now with my husband and two children.
  2. When did you first consider yourself as a "writer"? I think deep inside I’ve always considered myself a writer because I’ve always written. It’s when I finally published that it felt a little different. I was now a “published author.” And that was roughly about a little over a year ago.
  3. What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it in less than 20 words what would you say? The last book I wrote and most recently published is Making You Mine. In summary it is the 5th book in my Moreno Brothers series which tells the romance story of the oldest brother Sal Moreno. It also includes a bonus 11k word short about Sarah and Angel. 
  4. Which of your books were easier/harder to write than the others? Hardest was probably Romero because he is a bit different from the other leading men in the series. He was grittier would appear to be the least romantic and maybe even least liked. Yet once my readers got to know him and see his vulnerable side they fell in love with him and to my surprise some have called him their favorite. My easiest? That would have to be Sofie’s story because it was already there. It was just a matter of showing the readers how her and Eric’s love relationship developed from the time they were kids. It was probably one I enjoyed writing the most. I loved going back and seeing all the characters as kids.
  5.  Do you have anybody read your books and give you reviews before you officially release them?ie. Your partner, children, friends, reviewers you know? My husband is the first to read everything I write. He gives it to me straight forward and I tweak accordingly. Then it’s off to my wonderful critique partner Tammara Webber author of the Between The Lines series, then my beta readers and then finally my editor.  
  6. Will you always write your books in the same genre? Or can we ever expect anything from you of a different genre? I’ll stick to romance for good. But one thing I’ve been itching to write is a paranormal romance. I have one in the works and hope to some day get it out there.
  7. Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series? Yes my current project is the first book in my upcoming series 5th street.
  8. Can you tell us a little about this series? Well I’ve yet to post too much about it but it will be adult contemporary romance series based on the love lives group of friends who are aspiring boxers out of East Los Angeles. I’m hoping readers of my Moreno Brothers will embrace these bunch of tough fighters. They haven’t been as privileged as the Moreno Brothers, but their hearts are just as big and they love just as hard.       

Where can readers follow you?

Your blog info?
Your web site info ? I post regular updates/teasers/excerpts of my upcoming work.  
Your facebook page?
Your Goodreads author page?
Your Twitter details? You can follow me @AuthorElizabeth
And any other information you wish to supply? Tuesdays are regularly Teaser Tuesdays on my Facebook fan page. If I don't have a teaser I usually have something new to share about upcoming projects. I love hearing  from my readers and try to respond to each and every one as soon as I can. You can drop me a line anytime at    

Thankyou Elizabeth for taking the time from your busy writing schedule to take part in my interview!

Thank you so much for having me !

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