
Tuesday 1 November 2011


1. What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
My name is SUSANNA JENNICRAI (Children's Author). I was born in WEST YORKSHIRE, THE LARGEST COUNTY IN  ENGLAND. (Great Britain). I still live there now.
2.Did you always want to be an author? If not, what did you want to be?
I always wanted to be a  Primary school teacher. I never dreamed that I would one day become an author of books for children!
3.When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I considered my self a writer for the first time the day that my first book was published!
4.Did it take a long time to get your first book published?
 No, it didn't take long to have my first book took about  six weeks.
5.Do you work another job as well as your writing work?
 Yes, I am a Primary school teacher.
6. What is the name of your latest book and if you had to summarise it in less than 20 words, what would you say?
My latest book is called  "POOR LITTLE ZERO".   I would say
its a fantastic book for children with a brilliant ending, which makes you smile!

7.Who is yout publisher? 
My publisher is TRAFFORD PUBLISHING. (U.S.A.)
8.How long does it usually take for you to write a book from original idea to finishing it?
 It usually takes about a week.
9.Do you have a plan for a new book? Is the book part of the series?
Yes, I do have a plan for my new book and yes it is part of the series.
10. What genre would you place your books?
 I would place my books in the Children's Fiction Story Books category.
11. Do you have a favourite out of the books you have written, if so, why?
 That's a very hard question. I like each one for their own merits. The FIRST one is always very special beacuse it IS the first book you have ever had published though! I personally like them all EXACLY the same but for different reasons!
12.How long have you been writing and what inspired you to write?
 I have been writing now for  six years. My first inspiration was to write a Christmas story for my class of Primary school children for our Christmas week of activities in school. I wanted to read them it before they went home for the Christmas holidays.
13.Where do you get your book ideas from?
I get my book ideas from everyday life and things that happen. My Button and Bow story idea was inspired by a postcard I received from the R.S.P.C.A.  A charity I support to help animals becuase I am a great lover of animals...especially dogs!
14.Do you have anyone read your books and review them before you publish them?
Sometimes I do have people read and review my books before publishing them, yes.
15.How do you come up with the title and cover design for your books?
  I read the story and think of the title which best suits the story. My illustrator does the design for my book with ideas I give to her of what I would like on the cover. My illustrator designs the cover for me.
16.How do I market and promote my books?
I have my own website and my books are on other websites too.
17.What do you think makes a good book a real bestseller?
 I think it has to be unique and different from the has to have something that the others do NOT have!
18.What do you do to unwind and relax?
  I like to walk my two little dogs or listen to music.
19.Are there any hidden messages or morals in your books?
 Yes, you will see what they are when you have read the stories!
20.Do you think e books will ever replace the printed books?
 No I don't think that e books will replace the printed versions.
21. Do you think children at schools are encouraged to read enough and / or do imaginative writing?
No I don't and this is the reason I tour around schools, talking to children about the importance of the written word, showing them my stories and books and taking creative writing lessons with them in their classes encouraging them to write their OWN stories and becoming authors themselves by writing stories and making their own books!
22.Is there any advice you would give to a new writer?
  I would say never give up your dream of writing, be different from the rest and I would wish them every success.
23.Do you ever use a pen name?
 Yes. My pen name is Susanna Jennicrai   It is made up from the names of people in my family put together to make that name. I have dedicated my books to all of my family, the name says just that!
24. Where can readers follow you?
 Readers can follow or contact me through my own website..

1 comment:

  1. is the official website Other websites also sell Susanna Jennicrai books too - Amazon International sites Blackwells Book Depository Foyles Wordery Waterstones and any popular bookstores.
