
Thursday 30 April 2015



Title: The Eslites
Series: The Eslites Chronicles
Author: C.M. Doporto
Released Date: 1st January 2013

BLURB from Goodreads
Can Miranda save the Eslites?
When an advanced alien species invades Earth, it negotiates an agreement with the world’s leaders to provide cures for various human diseases in exchange for a generation of young women. Detained in an otherworldly facility named Nidus, sixteen-year-old Miranda Mays is designated a superior donor and must submit to risky egg extractions, which the Eslites fertilize in a last-ditch, desperate attempt to reproduce. While Miranda is more than willing to help the aliens survive, she soon wonders if there is more to their story.


Title: The Arrival
Series: The Eslites Chronicles
Author: C.M. Doporto
Released Date: 5th November 2013

BLURB from Goodreads
Can Miranda save the human race?

An elegant, sophisticated alien species on the verge of extinction has invaded Earth and confined an entire generation of young women, after negotiating a treaty with the world’s governments. Eager to help the aliens reproduce, but frightened by her imprisonment at Nidus, the Eslite medical compound, sixteen-year-old Miranda Mays endures callous scientific experiments in the Eslite’s quest for survival.

When Miranda discovers the ultimate consequences of her egg donations, she organizes a rebellion, enlisting fellow donors in her cause. But soon she realizes the mysterious headmaster, Dimas, knows of her plot. And there’s something about him that bothers Miranda, though she can’t describe it. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, so she can’t back down. But will Dimas expose her defiance?

Goodreads Link



CM Doporto lives in the great state of Texas with her husband and son enjoying life with their extensive family along with their Chihuahua, Mexican Redhead Parrot, and several fish.

She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from The University of Texas at Arlington. She briefly worked in the area of Public Relations and Advertising and then pursued a career in the field of Human Resources. CM considers herself a life-long learner and returned to school and earned her Master of Art’s Degree in Organizational Development from Dallas Baptist University.

She writes Young Adult and New Adult Sci-Fi/Urban Fantasy stories about ordinary women who do extraordinary things, become a heroine, and find love along the way. 



Title: The Eslites
Series: The Eslites Chronicles
Author: C.M. Doporto
Released Date: 1st January 2013

BLURB from Goodreads
Can Miranda save the Eslites?
When an advanced alien species invades Earth, it negotiates an agreement with the world’s leaders to provide cures for various human diseases in exchange for a generation of young women. Detained in an otherworldly facility named Nidus, sixteen-year-old Miranda Mays is designated a superior donor and must submit to risky egg extractions, which the Eslites fertilize in a last-ditch, desperate attempt to reproduce. While Miranda is more than willing to help the aliens survive, she soon wonders if there is more to their story.



My impression's from the blurb are that this novella will be an introduction to a possibly dystopian, sci-fi, series with perhaps some romance thrown in. I am looking forward to it a lot. I read quite a few genres but I always get a kind of pulling back to reading some dystopian/post-apocalyptic whenever I can. I am needing a little slice of dystopian and I'm hoping this novella fills that hunger, as I have a few "review by date x" books to finish before I can just look at the bookshelf or kindle list and pick whatever I feel like.

I downloaded a free copy of this ebook from Amazon UK. The cover depicts a scene from within the novella. I'd say the female pictured on the cover is one of the main characters, Miranda May. The novella begins will a nervous but resigned 16 year old female (Miranda) saying goodbye to her family and boyfriend Bryce. All females between the ages of 16 years old and 25 years old are taken away to be "tested". This arrangement has been agreed by the governors of earth and the resident alien race, the Nidus. Miranda is naturally worried about the tests she will have to undergo, but spurred on to being brave by her family sh hopes she will fail the tests and be returned to her home within the year. She leaves her family, reciting the family phrase/motto "May's are strong leaders, we never show weakness" 
The Alien race are all male, as the females of their species have died off. Which is why the Nidus need the human girls to help them keep their race alive by donating their eggs and having their babies. It's not all bad, sure the living quarters are pretty dismal looking all grey with the odd silver/chrome accent.
So this novella is a great start to a possibly brilliant series. I like the different cultures and what the "aliens" don't realise the young girls would want, such as make-up, fancy colourful clothes etc. There is also a promising little spark of a romance near the end of the book. 
The only downside I could say was that at one point there is a rather abrupt time jump of 7 months, which made me feel like I had missed out on how the girls were feeling and exactly what was happening to them.
So did I enjoy the novella? On the whole, other than the abrupt jump in time in the one section I mention above, I really did enjoy this short novella. Would I recommend the novella? I would, I think it's probably quite necessary for the back story given in the novella to read it prior to Bk#1 The Arrival. Would I want to read more in The Estiles Series? Yes, I'd really like to read The Arrival. If I hadn't had so many books "to read by a set date"  books I'd be wanting to read it now!  Would I want to read any other books by this author? Yes, I'm about to head to Goodreads to checkout more books by C.M. Doporto now.

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