
Monday 28 July 2014


Title: Havoc's Cry
Series: Victoria Novak: Paranormal Division
Author: Loren Weaver

BLURB supplied by the author
The only living Sorceress, Victoria Novak, finally earned a peaceful, normal life. But with one howl on a full moon, her whole life crashes back into paranormal chaos. The FBI show up to recruit her to the Federal Paranormal Division, the very first all paranormal police force and she can’t decline.
Tori must train a new team of special agents in paranormal etiquette in the middle of solving a crime that’s leaving ravaged bodies twisted into grotesque shapes. Caught in the middle of a werewolf fight for dominance, Tori can’t let personal emotion interfere with solving a crime. Until the crime becomes personal.
With her life spinning into chaos, the real question is how far is she willing to go to answer Havoc's Cry.

Goodreads Book Link
Goodreads Author Link



What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now?
My name is Loren Weaver. I was born in Dallas, TX, but moved around a lot as a kid. I’m currently living in Quito, Ecuador for a few years for my job. It’s a big change from Atlanta, GA (which is where I lived for 12 years and call home).

Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
I’m actually an engineer for an oil company as my day job! I have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, so that’s more my “occupation” whereas writing is what I love to do.

When did you first consider yourself as a "writer"?
I wrote my first ‘novel’ at age 11. Looking back now, it’s terrible! But, I still go back sometimes and reread it to see how far I’ve come as a writer. It’s about a girl and her dragons.

Did it take a long time to get your first book published?
I finished my first book, Havoc’s Cry, in 2010 and it didn’t publish in eBook form until 2012 and not in paperback form until 2014! So, yes, it’s pretty spread out!

What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarise it in less than 20 words what would you say?
Havoc’s Cry follows Victoria Novak, a take-life-by-the-horns kind of sorceress dedicated to bringing justice to the paranormal underworld.

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?
Totally depends on the book! I can usually write the first draft in two months, if I’m focused on it and my ‘real job’ doesn’t interfere too much. But then there are draft iterations and editing and proofreading and all that process. So, in total, about six months. Probably. Maybe. Hard to tell?

Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
Havoc’s Cry is the first book in the Victoria Novak: Paranormal Division series. 
Book two is called Archangel’s Salvation and releases about August 2014. 
Book three is called Shadow’s Lament and has a tentative release date of November 2014. Book four is called Tiger’s Peace, and that one’s not finished yet!
I’ve also finished Seeing The Invisible, which is about Trinity Reeve. She can turn invisible. That one’s in editing stages. Plus, I’m in the middle of a second draft of Unspoken, which follows Dakota Riley, a mute girl with touch magic and her super-strong brother.

Do you have a favourite character from your books? and why are they your favourite?
Of course, I love Tori. She’s such a firecracker and very fast on her feet, both in a fight and with her witty humor. But I have a special soft spot for Trey, her werewolf best friend. He’s absolutely gorgeous, fiercely protective, yet his favorite past time is drinking sweet tea on the couch while watching a good movie. He loves to roll the windows down in his old pickup and sing country music at the top of his lungs, slightly off key.

Where do you get your book plot ideas from? What/Who is your inspiration?
I actually get them from reading. I find a (usually minor) subplot in my current book and extrapolate, change, extrapolate, change… and wah-lah! New book. I like to think just before bed when my mind is kind of asleep and I’m half dreaming. Some of my best ideas come to me then. And sometimes, they’re just weird.

Do you have anybody read your books and give you reviews before you officially release them?
My mother reads and edits all my books, over and over again. She also gets those weird phone calls at strange times like “I’m totally stuck! Let me explain this to you so I get it straight in my head. Oh idea! Bye!”
My best friend also reads/edits them for me. I’m looking to expand my beta reading circle, but so far, no luck!
 (Both myself & my daughter (Rai29BookReadNReview) have Beta Read before and enjoyed the experience, so you can always get in touch providing we have the time to squeeze it in we will)

Do you gift books to readers to do reviews?
Sometimes (or, often). Reviews are the crutches of a new book, so they’re super important!

Do you read all the reviews of your books?
So far, yes. Maybe someday when I’m rich and famous *cough, cough* I won’t have the time; but for now, it’s all “Oh look! A review!” *commence happy dance*.

Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?
I actually write until the title comes to me. My titles (for this series at least) are all based on characters in the books, so it depends on who seems to play a starring role in Tori’s investigation. That’s who gets the title. And I usually have a quote to match. Yeah, I’m a geek like that.
For example, Havoc’s Cry is from the Shakespeare “Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war.” And Trey’s nickname is Havoc. See what I did there?

How do you come up with characters’ names in your books?
I am a name junkie. I collect names. I have lists of them everywhere. I’m the last dork in the movie theater because I’m reading the credits to scour for new names. Then, when I create a character, I pick a name that reflects that character’s personality and background. I mean, you can’t name a thousand year old vampire “Mikey,” it so doesn’t work!

Do you decide on character traits (i.e. shy, quiet, tomboy girl) before writing the whole book or as you go along?
I get to know my characters really early. For a lot of them, I write short background stories for relevant events, or I write summaries that tell me about the character. I list traits, family life, habits, occupation, likes and dislikes, physical descriptions, hobbies, life shaping memories, and everything I can think of. Then, when a character has to make a decision, they’re more real to me and I can predict what they’ll do. For example, it’s important that Trey is a werewolf (duh). So, I have about a 10 page story from his point of view that describes how he became one. I know that he likes to camp, can’t shoot long range, that he can’t stand jalapenos, and how he feels about monkeys. You kind of get the drift?

Do you have a basic plot/plan for your book, before you actually begin writing it out? Or do you let the writing flow and see where it takes the story?
Totally think it out! Since I write crime novels, I have to know who the bad guy is, why they did it, and how they did it. I have to know who the team will investigate (wrongly) and how they’ll find the bad guy. I treat my villains with respect, and they have their own character summaries just like anyone else. They’re integral to the plot, so I have to know them too. Besides, it’s no fun if the mystery is too easy!
That’s not to say that it always goes according to plan. And sometimes, the best conversations and emotional moments happen in-the-moment. Sometimes, that changes the path of the book. My characters are real people (in my head) and sometimes, like darn well want to make their own decisions, sheesh.

Have you ever based characters on people you know?
I don’t like basing characters on real people. What happens when bad things have to happen to a character that I named after my best friend or my sister? How do you explain “Oh, sorry sis, but the character that I named after you? She died a bloody death at the hands of vampires. Too bad!” Yeah, so not going there.
Although, funny story. In book two, we meet Gage. I wrote this character a while ago, and he’s actually one of my more favorite characters. He’s a fire witch, and he’s stubborn and rash. Except, my sister started dating a guy named Gage (after I wrote the character). He’s totally nothing like my character Gage. It’s become really confusing!

Which format of book do you prefer, ebook, hardback, or paperback?
I love a good hardback novel. They feel good in your hands and look good on the shelf. There’s weight and importance to a book like that, something to inspire real love. But I travel a lot for my job and am away from home more often than at home. Because of that, my eReader has become my new best friend. Otherwise, I’d have to carry a suitcase just for books. Which I might actually do.

Do you think ebooks will ever totally replace printed books?
Nope. There’s nothing like a good book in your hand. And when I got copies of Havoc’s Cry in paperback for the first time, I literally went running through the house, screaming at the top of my lungs, and dancing with joy. There’s no feeling like it.

Do you have a favourite genre of book?
Urban fantasy! I love those crazy supernatural things that don’t really happen but are set in today’s world. What life could be like if …. Vampires existed? Magic was real? Dragons walked among us? So many choices!

Where can readers follow you?
Website & Blog:

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