
Wednesday 16 July 2014


Title: Carrier
Series: The Line
Author: Anne Tibbets
Publisher: Carina Press
Release Date: 16th June 2014

BLURB from Goodreads
Twenty-two -year-old Naya has spent nearly half her life as a sex slave in a government institution called The Line. When she’s kicked out after getting pregnant with twins, she’s got no way to earn a living and a horrifying choice to make: find someone to replace her, or have her babies taken in her stead.

A doctor with a history of aiding ex-Line girls, Ric Bennett, wants to help. He runs a team of rebels that can delete Naya’s records and free her forever. But when The Line sniffs out his plan, things get bloody, fast. Naya means more to them than just a chance at fresh faces—her twins are part of the government’s larger plan.

As they hide from government search parties, Ric comes to admire Naya’s quiet strength. And Naya realizes Ric might be a man she can trust. If they make it off the grid, they could build a new life. But first they’ll have to survive the long, vicious reach of The Line.

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I am looking forward to  discovering what type of dystopian society is in this book. Also learning what society would have an institution that takes young girls and forces them into prostitution. I really interested to discover what type of character Naya is, she's facing a difficult decision could she really condemn another girl to what has been her fate for as long as she can remember?

So I heard about this book initially from Xpresso Book Tours. I immediately looked it up on Amazon and pre-ordered a copy. Then I that it was on Netgalley and naturally didn't want to wait until it's release to read it so I requested the title. I was blessed by Netgalley approving me for an e-galley.
The cover is striking, I mean the close up of the face, it has to be Naya. Her eye kind of grabs your attention and reels you in. I like the computerised type of font that the title and author name is in.
So the society is one where The Line exists. The Line literally takes in girls as soon as they reach puberty, or buys the girls from their families that cannot afford to feed them anymore. Or families/guardians that want the cash and to be rid of the dependent child.
The Line, feeds, and gives the girls regular medicals to ensure they do not have sexually transmitted infection's that can be passed through the "clients" they serve. The girls are forced to "serve" many many men each day. Those on The Line are given clothes that I can only describe as hospital scrubs. The Girls/Women have their own little cubicle/pods that they sleep in. there's a communal canteen where they eat. If they are not in their pods they are on an "appointment" in one of the appointment rooms. The men get to literally do whatever they want to. Which often involves beating the girls up too. The girls cannot escape and even if they got out of The Line, they all have a tracking chip, so would be easily tracked down.
Nayah is called to one of the manager's office one day and told she is free to leave. Too good to be true? Sure is! Nayah is told she is pregnant with twins and that her ten year contract was almost up anyway, then the manager delivers the conditions for her release. Nayah has to find a young female to take her place on The Line. I really feel for Naya, released from the Line early, but pregnant with twins so needing to create a home and get a job as quickly as possible as well as having Auberge (the ones that seem to own everything and everyone i one way or another) watching everything able to track her every movement. Then there's the clause to her freedom, she has to find a girl to replace her on the line.
There is lots of action, drama, deceit and betrayals within the book. There really isn't a dull moment within this book, there's always something going on. Eventually (you'll discover when you read the book, the how?, and when?) Naya stumbles across Doctor Ric Bennett. Ric helps ex Line girls escape, but will Naya trust him and his friends? Can anyone escape the clutches of Auberge they own all the banks, businesses and housing too. 
Then there's the secret Genesis project . . . a list of Lie girls name is found. Nya's name being the last one on it, and by the side of each name is the word Carrier . . . so what is a carrier. Who is the father of Naya's babies?
Ric Bennet and his team of helpers try hard to get Naya to safety, but for every step they take forward Auberge seems to know what comes next. Then in one dramatic scene , Ric is betrayed by someone very close to him and yet again, Naya, Ric and his team are in danger.
This book comes to an end and leaves the reader wanting more, much more! There really is so much going on in this book, you really need to read it, I feel like I've only skimmed the surface with my review.
I love Anne's descriptions of the people, the surroundings etc. I feel that there's much more to come about the "carrier's". The dystopian society has been created and really well thought out. Anne makes Auberge really believable.  You certainly empathise with the awful conditions people are living, in part's you are made to wonder which girls are better off. The ones on the outside of "The Line" who face being raped, or a life in a job that's total drudgery. Or the girls on "the Line" who are sort of paid for the sex they have to take part in. they are fed, have medical attention and sort of clothes to wear.
So did I enjoy the book? Loved it from beginning to end!  My instinct upon seeing the book cover & blurb was totally spot on. Brilliant.  Would I recommend the book? Yes, I've already been raving about to my daughter and suggesting she read it soon. Would I read a book 2? Oh, yes please as soon as it's available! Would I read more books by Anne Tibbets? Yes, I'd certainly pick them up from a book store shelf to check out.



About Anne
Anne Tibbet's is an SCBWI award-winning and Best Selling author. After writing for Children’s television, Anne found her way to young/new adult fiction by following what she loves: books, strong female characters, twisted family dynamics, magic, sword fights, quick moving plots, and ferocious and cuddly animals.

Along with CARRIER, Anne is also the author of the young adult fantasy novella, THE BEAST CALL and the young adult contemporary, SHUT UP.

Anne divides her time between writing, her family, and three furry creatures that she secretly believes are plotting her assassination.

What is your name, where were you born and where do you live now? 
My name is Anne Tibbets, I was born in Dayton, Ohio, and I live in Los Angeles, CA. Go Kings! I'm totally kidding. I hate sports.

Who is your publisher? or do you self publish? 
CARRIER is published by Harlequin's digital first imprint, Carina Press.

How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it? 
Three months or so for the first draft. Three months more for the second and third re-write. Then another month or two for a polish and spit-shine. It usually takes me about nine months to complete a book from start to finish.

Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
I am currently working on the sequel to CARRIER. It's entitled WALLED and is scheduled to be published in December of this year. After that, I may try my hand at Sci-Fi Horror. Something fun and action-packed.
[if you need pre-release reviews give me a shout! I loved Carrier]

If you had to choose to be one of your characters in your book/books which would you be? and why? 
I would be Shirel. She's foul-mouthed, takes no prisoners, has an iron will, is tough as nails, owns her mistakes and has a heart of gold. She rocks. And I love that she's missing a front tooth and doesn't care.
[she is a brilliant character!]

Do you think books transfer to movies well? Which is you favourite/worst  book to movie transfer? 
I think it's possible for a book to transfer well to movies. I thought Hunger Games was good, but I thought Catching Fire was better. The Harry Potter movies were spectacular, particularly #6. On the other hand, I've seen adaptations of books I thought were better left un-made. I won't name names. But they're out there. They're usually the ones that deviate from the book so severely you wonder why they bothered to option the book at all.

Is there a book you know you will never read? Or one you tried to read but just couldn't finish? 
It seriously irks me that I have tried to read Moby Dick twice, and couldn't get through the old English prose. This is also true of Tess of the D'Ubervilles. Both books are supposed to be brilliant, and I got a few chapters in and then my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Pathetic.

If you could invite three favourite writers to dinner, who would you invite and enjoy chatting with? 
I want to have dinner with J.K. Rowling, George RR Martin and Stephen King. Holy crap - I get heart palpitations at the mere IDEA of it. I'd be lucky to make it out of that dinner alive.

Where can readers follow you?

Your Blog Details?
Your Website ?
Your Facebook Page?
Your Goodreads Author Page?
Your Twitter Details? 


Paperback or E-book? 

Read a book once/Re read books more than once? 
Usually, once.

Books or Movies? 

Action, Drama, Mystery, Romance? 
Um, all of the above?

Morning or Evening? 
Evening. Mornings suck.

Early Nights or Late Nights?
Late nights. Hence, why mornings suck.

Optimist or Pessimist? 

Coffee ot Tea? 
COFFEE 1000%

Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter? 

Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate or White Chocolate? 
Milk Chocolate

Mild Cheeses, Medium Cheeses or Strong Cheeses?
Mild. I'm a cheese sissy.

Flat Heeled Shoes, Medium Heeled Shoes or High Heeled Shoes? 
Flats. Comfort above fashion.

Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes or Green Eyes? 
In me? Or in dudes? Me: Blue. Dudes: Blue or green, or brown. Or amber. Whatever. 
I'm not picky.

Long Hair or Short Hair? 
Me: long. In dudes: short. Not sure why. I wish Thor would get a haircut.

Bitten Nails, Natural Nails, or Nail Enhancements (ie false nails) ? 

Wine, Beer, Soft Drink? 
Wine or soft drink, but not at the same time.

Tour wide giveaway
Open INTL - Ends July 22nd
--20 $ Amazon gift card
--3x eBook copies of Carrier
--20x Carrier t-shirts with Auberge pens.

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